sabbat sale

Samhain Offers for a Magickal new year


it's that time of year again!

Samhain is here once again. This is the time of year when witches gather to celebrate the end of one magickal and spiritual year and the beginning of the next. It’s also a time for honoring our Beloved Dead and ancestors, both of blood and heart. 

This year I’m offering readings, sharing my Celebrating Samhain ebook and meditation kit, and also offering a bundle that includes a reading and some of my past and present Samhain digital tools. 


Pick Your Samhain Experience

Get A Reading

The Veil between the Worlds is thin and now is the time to seek insight either into a specific issue or as a general guide for the spiritual year ahead. Email and Zoom call readings are available.

Celebrating Samhain

My Celebrating Samhain ekit contains an ebook filled with info and history around Samahin and Halloween, spells, recipes, and tips, as well as a guided meditation MP3 for the Sabbat.

Samhain Bundle

Get six different Samhain tools for one discounted price.

The Witch is in!

About Jess

I’m a witch, intuitive tarot and oracle reader, author, and magickal teacher. If you’ve ever wondered what happened to that weird goth girl in your high school class that was always reading spooky looking books, that would be me! I love to share my unique, fun, and often pop culture infused take on modern witchcraft and spirituality. I teach and coach with humor and a light heart because magick doesn’t have to be somber to work; there is magick and healing in your laughter! 

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©Jess Carlson | 2024