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Allowing Good for Your Radiant Soul

Today’s card says: “When I’m feeling good, I’m allowing in good.”  On the back it says: “The way you feel is your indication of your vibrational connection to that which is your Source.  The better you feel, the better your connection; the worse you feel the more disallowance to that connection.  Nothing is more important than that you feel good – because nothing is more important than your connection to that which is your Source.”  This is such a tricky topic because for a lot of people, especially those that are carrying around hurt and abuse in their past that hasn’t healed it can be almost impossible to make the Source connection and feel that it’s OK to accept this good and positive energy flow. But without it we’re not in the right place for doing any good for others, no matter how hard we try.

When we feel good, we are good; we’re happy, healthy, vibrant, and on task.  When we don’t feel like ourselves or feel well, we’re just off in every possible way.  We’ve all had “bad days” but the trick is to prevent those bad days from turning into bad weeks and bad months, and Gods forbid, bad years.  As we’ve talked about at length (and will likely keep talking about) when we focus on negative things and feelings we create pathways for more negativity to come our way. But if we think positive, positive is what we attract.  I know it’s something that sounds like such silly new age stuff, but it’s the simple law of how energy works to attract other energy.  It’s the simple trick to living the life you want.  And noticing when you’re feeling good and when you’re not is a way to know when to shift those thought patterns into another gear.

Feeling good and feeling centered puts us in touch with the divine Source and the Source within.  When that connection is strong all parts of our spiritual self are stronger.  Our focus is better, our ability to be in tune with others around us is strong, and our inner guidance is being heard lout and clear.

Check yourself daily.  Ask yourself if you’re feeling good.  Do you feel connected and grounded?  Do you feel you’re present in yourself?  If you don’t take a few months to do some simple breath work and recenter yourself.  Scan your body for the places and energies that might have you off kilter.  Find them and push them away, neutralizing them so that you can make room for the good to come in.   Keep your focus on feeling good and sharing that good feeling with those around you.  Good will only attract more good.
Current Mood:  peaceful 

Client Love

Incredible, intuitive, thoughtful, and professional reader! Will definitely book with Jess again.


Jess Carlson


Incredible, intuitive, thoughtful, and professional reader! Will definitely book with Jess again.
OMG I'm blown away by the accuracy of the reading. Jess has a special gift. What she revealed to me, opened me up to a place I knew I should be at but was holding myself back from.


Jess Carlson


OMG I'm blown away by the accuracy of the reading. Jess has a special gift. What she revealed to me, opened me up to a place I knew I should be at but was holding myself back from.
I was so overwhelmed trying to get back into my witchcraft practice, but Jess helped me create an actual plan and a schedule for doing the work. The results in just two months has been far beyond my expectations. I'm in touch with my power like never before!


Jess Carlson


I was so overwhelmed trying to get back into my witchcraft practice, but Jess helped me create an actual plan and a schedule for doing the work. The results in just two months has been far beyond my expectations. I'm in touch with my power like never before!
Jess is a great teacher, as well as an insightful reading and a wonderful healer. Her lessons are informative and easy to understand. Her cards speak to her in a way that I hope mine will to me one day. I have also had a Chakra session and a Reiki session with her and afterward I felt at peace, balanced, and whole again (I was quite sick at the time). I trust very few people, and I follow my path alone, but I trust Jess. She’s a beautiful spirit.


Jess Carlson


Jess is a great teacher, as well as an insightful reading and a wonderful healer. Her lessons are informative and easy to understand. Her cards speak to her in a way that I hope mine will to me one day. I have also had a Chakra session and a Reiki session with her and afterward I felt at peace, balanced, and whole again (I was quite sick at the time). I trust very few people, and I follow my path alone, but I trust Jess. She’s a beautiful spirit.
When I started coaching with Jess I thought I was coming to her for help with a breakup and an unexpected and sudden international move. It turned out that wasn't the real issue at all! Jess asked questions I never would have thought to ask myself and gave me a whole new perspective on what was going on in my life. She made me feel like what I want matters. By the time we were done I felt like I could take on the world!


Jess Carlson


When I started coaching with Jess I thought I was coming to her for help with a breakup and an unexpected and sudden international move. It turned out that wasn't the real issue at all! Jess asked questions I never would have thought to ask myself and gave me a whole new perspective on what was going on in my life. She made me feel like what I want matters. By the time we were done I felt like I could take on the world!
Jess Carlson