Intuitive Readings

My readings are a combination of intuitive card reading, spiritual life coaching, and magick. It’s the whole witchy package you need to move forward!

I strive to give all my clients actionable guidance and advice, keys to change. Info is nice but if you can’t take action on it, what’s the point?

You’ll always get what you need, even if it’s not what you want. The messages are always what Spirit needs to tell us and it’s our job to listen.


Spend between 30 and 90 minutes on a Zoom call with me, asking whatever questions you have, getting things off your chest, and getting spiritual and magickal insights and guidance?

What if that guidance empowered you, removing the doubt and fears that have been holding you back, so you have the confidence to take action and stop letting life happen to you and instead shape your life how you want it?

Then it's time!

Book an intuitive tarot or oracle reading!

I don’t consider myself to just be a tarot reader, I’m a tarot counselor (certified in fact!).  I don’t just throw down your cards and tell you what I see and send you on your way.  My readings are more like an intervention for your soul. 

I use the cards as a tool to connect to your Higher Self, your guides, and angels so I can help you find ways to actually create change in your life, not just tell you something you might want to hear that you can’t do anything with.  I want you to walk away from a reading with me feeling inspired to take action with full clarity on where you are, where you want to go, and how to get there.

before we go any further, please know...

I am not a psychic!

I do not do “psychic readings”. I don’t predict your future and I do not believe that anything is predestined or preordained. What we do here in these sessions is gain clarity on your present so you can make actionable plans for your future.  The cards are a trigger for our inner knowing and higher consciousnesses. A psychic reading is entertaining but the soul based spiritual intuitive sessions can be life changing.

Currently, all my readings are being performed by email. You will receive a detailed PDF with photos of the cards pulled in your reading along with magickal guidance and suggestions to help you move forward in your journey. If you are interested in booking a Zoom reading, please contact for details.

5 Card Check In

This is a short email reading delivered as a PDF, complete with vibrant images of the cards. Don’t be fooled by the idea of a short reading by email—this one packs a punch! It’s designed to uncover how your past has shaped your present and where your current path may lead you. Perfect for checking in on ongoing situations or gaining quick insights on a specific question, this reading is like a cosmic text message you can revisit anytime!


The Witch’s Cross

This reading is a modified version of the Celtic Cross just for us witches! This one keeps the cross aspect to show you what is crossing you and the past, present, and future energies. The change is that the run of cards on the side answers questions about using magick for your situation. This PDF reading comes with images of the cards used for your reading as well as magickal suggestions to apply the guidance provided.

Manifesting the Future

If you’re really looking to dive deep, this is the reading you want. This email session is jam-packed and uses 15 cards to help you get clear on your desires, what you want to manifest, and how to make it happen. We look at the future you are currently on track to create as well as an alternate one that is possible for you. It’s like a spiritual choose-your-own-adventure! You’ll get images of the cards pulled and tons of helpful witchy guidance.

Limited Time Only!

Limited Time Only!

For a limited time - until March 23rd - get an intuitive oracle reading designed to help guide you through manifesting your dreams during this season of bloom and boom! This reading is designed to act as a blueprint to bring you through spring with a positive mindset and growth for your most important manifestations.

"Your cards are waiting to spill the cosmic tea. The only question is: are you ready to handle the divine gossip?"