Want to work together on something?

I love it!  Let’s go!!

I have a few different ways you can work with me if you'd like to collaborate. As of December 2023, the ways that we can work together on collaborative projects include:

  • Republish + Share My Stuff

  • Have Me On Your Podcast

  • Reviews of Your Book, Decks, Witchy Stuff

Republish + Share My Stuff

Would you like me to share a guest post on your blog, newsletter, or webmag? It’s possible I might already have something among my 800+ blog posts that could work for you. You’re welcome to grab one of my posts and republish it!  There’s only one requirement - you must give full credit to me and link back to JessCarlson.com. I’d also love for you to email me and let me know that you’re reposting one of my pieces so I can share your site with my followers.

If you republish my material, please include the following links for credit:
website: https://jesscarlson.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jessjcarlson
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/witchyjesscarlson

Have Me On Your Podcast

One of my absolute favorite things is to get together with other awesome magickal witchy peeps to chat on their podcast or be a guest in a webinar series. I've been a guest on dozens of podcasts, radio shows, and webinars. While many are unavailable or hard to find, I've linked a few more recent ones below that you can check out. If you'd like to have me as a guest on your podcast, please send me a request and some info about your podcast and what you'd like me to talk about. I'll be sure to get back to you shortly. Some of my past appearances: 

Have Me Review Your Book, Deck, or Witchy Stuff

Many people reach out to me through my blog and social media, asking for recommendations for books, tarot and oracle decks, and other witchcraft supplies. I love to share the stuff I use and am always looking for new things to try and share. If you have a tarot or oracle deck, a book, or you sell things like candles, incense, herbs, and other witchcraft supplies and you'd like me to do a review of your products or shop, please feel free to send a with a request and let me know about what you'd like reviewed. I do two to three reviews a month so that I'm not overwhelming my audience but also so I have time to use and get to know what I'm reviewing. Sometimes, I can be backed up a month or two with reviews, so if you need your items reviewed by a particular date, please let me know in your request.

Please Note: I do not do reviews for items or products that I cannot try out myself. I do not do reviews for things that I wouldn't personally use if it wasn't being provided for a review. I also do not do reviews for products, shops, or companies that would not interest my audience (i.e., occult, witchcraft, or metaphysical company/business/writer/artist). I do not do reviews of psychic or magickal services (i.e., phone psychics, tarot readers, mediums, healers, spellcasters, etc).

Places I've Been Before

Biddy Tarot Facebook Live Chat

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You may also use this form to reach out and present your proposal for working together.