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To Banish or Not to Banish…

Since I’ve already posted something today and I’m here, let’s look at a question the came in from a reader.  And it’s a good one too because it’s one of those magical issues that isn’t nearly as simple as it looks or maybe should be.  Banishing.  What’s up?  Banishing should be something pretty simple; you don’t want someone or something in your life so you find a way to send it away.  Well, sometimes it’s not that simple.  It’s especially not that simple if you want to work to banish a person from someone else’s life for them.  Here’s what Cearúilín Mac Gearailt wrote in and asked…

Hello, i have a simple question and can’t seem to find an answer in the books and research i have done. I am going to be casting a banishing spell. But it a spell to banish some one from another person not myself to much. Should i banish them from this person, or from my life or both. They are adversely affecting my life in a very negative way even though i do not have direct contact with them. Just need to know how the spell needs to be worded.

Thank You
Cearúilín Mac Gearailt

There are a few things to consider with this.  For the sake of making this discussion a little easier I’m going to call the person you want to banish Sally and the other person involved Jill.  Do you have Jill completely on board with your plans to banish Sally from her life?  Is she going to be part of the magical work?  If not she should be, even if it means she’s just sitting in the circle doing nothing; she should be there since this involves her more than you.  What is your problem with Sally?  Does your problem with Sally in any way involve or reflect on Jill?

Ideally Jill wants you to do this to help her and she wants you to banish Sally for good.  But also, if Jill is serious about wanting you to do this, she’ll be involved in the work too, even if it just means that she’s going to be there observing.  Her issues aren’t your issues, no matter how much you care for her and want her to be happy.  If you have an issue with Sally then you are in the right position to banish Sally from YOUR life for YOUR purpose, but really you don’t have the right or place to banish Sally from Jill’s life, especially without her permission.  Even with her permission it can be a bit of a tricky situation.

With banishing spells remember that you’re sending someone away, most likely for good.  And if they do end up coming back to you the chances are that things are going to be ugly.  So be completely sure you want to send this person away.  Banishings are not spells to do half-ass or half-hearted.  Be positive you want this person gone.

Also, for the best effect, start your spell as close to the waning moon as you can.  By the time the moon is new Sally should be gone for good.  If she’s not, prepare to do your spell again at the start of the next waning moon.  Sometimes banishings need to be worked a few times to take full effect, so be patient.

But to really answer your question…
No, you shouldn’t banish this person from your friend’s life.  If you have reasons to send them out of your life, that’s one thing, but your friend needs to be responsible for their own situation.  If your friend doesn’t do magic and specifically asks for your help, then that’s different.  In that case I would do it but I would do it with them.  It’s not at all difficult to involve someone in a spell or ritual who isn’t a practitioner, especially if they are the person it concerns.  If your friend wont participate I would be a little hesitant to do the work; they may not be 100% sure that this is what they want.

The wording of the spell itself is not as important as the intent.  I can’t word the spell for you, you need to do this yourself.  The thing to keep in mind is that your words have extreme power, especially in an emotionally and intention charged ritual.  So be sure that you’re aware of what you’re saying.  I don’t know the specifics of your situation so I can’t give you any real pointers there but just know that your words are going to have a lot of power.  Also the way your planning to deliver the spell will have some weight to the words you’ll use.


  1. Cearúilín Mac Gearailt says

    Thank You Rowan for you answer. The one thing that i forgot to mention, is that if this person is out of my life, they will be out of the other persons life as well. I just realized that. They are in my life indirectly through this person. if i banish this person from my life they will no longer be in my friends life. Just as if they we no longer in this persons life they would no longer be in mine. Does that makes sense?

    Cearúilín Mac Gearailt

    • Rowan Pendragon says

      Yes, that makes sense…but you can’t be 100% sure that that’s how things will play out. Either way, if you want to be sure you’re erring on the side of success, your friend needs to be on board, giving their permission, and being as involved in the process as possible. If you do it without permission you’re essentially interfering in their life (no matter how much might think you’re doing a good thing) and you may find that this spell backfires and makes things worse. Involve your friend and attack the banishing spell as a united front and you’re far more likely to get the results you’re after.

  2. Rowan Pendragon says

    Yes, that makes sense…but you can’t be 100% sure that that’s how things will play out. Either way, if you want to be sure you’re erring on the side of success, your friend needs to be on board, giving their permission, and being as involved in the process as possible. If you do it without permission you’re essentially interfering in their life (no matter how much might think you’re doing a good thing) and you may find that this spell backfires and makes things worse. Involve your friend and attack the banishing spell as a united front and you’re far more likely to get the results you’re after.

  3. Rowan Pendragon says

    Yes, that makes sense…but you can’t be 100% sure that that’s how things will play out. Either way, if you want to be sure you’re erring on the side of success, your friend needs to be on board, giving their permission, and being as involved in the process as possible. If you do it without permission you’re essentially interfering in their life (no matter how much might think you’re doing a good thing) and you may find that this spell backfires and makes things worse. Involve your friend and attack the banishing spell as a united front and you’re far more likely to get the results you’re after.

  4. Joanne says

    thank you for sharing this question. I often work with protecting myself but never considered banishing before. Sometimes protection just doesn’t feel enough. Food for thought.

    • Rowan Pendragon says

      Just remember that if you banish, it’s usually for good. Banishings should never be done when you’re feeling really emotional or angry. Always give yourself a bit of a cooling off period before doing any magick, but especially banishings. 🙂

  5. Joanne says

    thank you for sharing this question. I often work with protecting myself but never considered banishing before. Sometimes protection just doesn’t feel enough. Food for thought.

  6. Joanne says

    thank you for sharing this question. I often work with protecting myself but never considered banishing before. Sometimes protection just doesn’t feel enough. Food for thought.

    • Rowan Pendragon says

      Just remember that if you banish, it’s usually for good. Banishings should never be done when you’re feeling really emotional or angry. Always give yourself a bit of a cooling off period before doing any magick, but especially banishings. 🙂

  7. John R says

    and PLEASE always remember the golden rule “do what you will but harm none”. This has to be thought through very carefully before banashing someone. Especialy if you also believe in the thre fold law!
    When I was asked to do a banashing spell recently i managed after careful thought and discussion to do a strengh giving spell to the person who was feeling they need someone out of their life, there by giving them the confidence and strength to do something about the situation rather than inflict something on someone unknowingly.

    does that make any sense?

  8. John R says

    and PLEASE always remember the golden rule “do what you will but harm none”. This has to be thought through very carefully before banashing someone. Especialy if you also believe in the thre fold law!
    When I was asked to do a banashing spell recently i managed after careful thought and discussion to do a strengh giving spell to the person who was feeling they need someone out of their life, there by giving them the confidence and strength to do something about the situation rather than inflict something on someone unknowingly.

    does that make any sense?

  9. John R says

    and PLEASE always remember the golden rule “do what you will but harm none”. This has to be thought through very carefully before banashing someone. Especialy if you also believe in the thre fold law!
    When I was asked to do a banashing spell recently i managed after careful thought and discussion to do a strengh giving spell to the person who was feeling they need someone out of their life, there by giving them the confidence and strength to do something about the situation rather than inflict something on someone unknowingly.

    does that make any sense?

  10. Winter says

    My sister is currently in a relationship with someone; I wouldn’t care, but I know him personally and know that his intentions are not good. She doesn’t want to listen, how ever. I am aware that I should not interfere with what she does in her life, so is there a spell I could do that just keeps him from causing her mental/physical harm?

  11. Winter says

    My sister is currently in a relationship with someone; I wouldn’t care, but I know him personally and know that his intentions are not good. She doesn’t want to listen, how ever. I am aware that I should not interfere with what she does in her life, so is there a spell I could do that just keeps him from causing her mental/physical harm?

  12. Winter says

    My sister is currently in a relationship with someone; I wouldn’t care, but I know him personally and know that his intentions are not good. She doesn’t want to listen, how ever. I am aware that I should not interfere with what she does in her life, so is there a spell I could do that just keeps him from causing her mental/physical harm?

  13. invisible says

    to Do magic for someone else is to TAKE ON THEIR KARMA, PROBLEMS AND BURDENS. which is NOT appropriate, as every soul is responsible for their own life and their own actions. Interfering in someone else’s life, which is what this is, if you do a spell for someone else, will only drag you into their problematic karma. and sometimes it is VERY difficult, to remove yourself from their problems. a TRUE Witch would never even contemplate doing a spell for someone else. Every soul has to learn form themselves and NOT expect others to “save them”. This may sound harsh, but every soul CHOOSES their own life and what happens to them, for a REASON. And if this is interfered with, they will NOT benefit from the lesson they are trying to learn. Soul sovereignty is the MOST important state of consciousness to embody, which sees others as Divine Beings NOT in need of saving.

    • Jess Carlson says

      I just want to start by saying this post is 5 years old. I kind of skimmed it over because I don’t remember what the hell I said 5 years ago…but I will say that what you’re talking about here when it comes to not getting involved with someone else’s karma by doing spells for other people I agree with 100%. However I don’t really agree with you when it comes to the idea that “a true witch would never contemplate doing a spell for someone else.” Historically that’s what witches did/do…people go to them for their magick. I think when it comes to that it boils down to every witch having to decide for themselves if they want to be energetically entangled in the lives of others. I, personally, don’t and I stopped doing magick for other people years ago. Instead I prefer to teach people how to work magick for themselves so they can be in full control of their lives, even with the use of magick if that’s what they want. I don’t think people truly ever benefit from someone doing magick on their behalf…at least they don’t get the full effect of what they want, especially if they don’t do ANYTHING in the process. But again, this is really a personal choice, both for the magickal practitioner/witch and the person looking for the magickal work.

  14. Jules says

    Suppose you know for a fact that “Sally” is physically and emotionally abusing “Jill” but “Jill” seems to be suffering from “Stockholm Syndrome” and, although she has left several times, she keeps going back? As long as she keeps going back, the authorities say they can’t help her. Also, “Jill’s” toddler is there and is also subject to the emotinal abuse and I fear the day when “Sally” starts to physically abuse her too. Would a banishing spell be appropriate then? Or a spell for protection? Or both? Really need advice as the physical abuse is escalating in severity.

    • Jess Carlson says

      Hi Jules,
      This gets a little tricky because in your case Jill is dealing with, for lack of a better word, some kind of brainwashing. That’s kind of how Stockholm Syndrome and other similar things work; Sally has convinced Jill in some way that she needs her, without Sally Jill is nothing or can’t survive and so on. So Jill feels that Sally is doing everything, including abuse of any kind, for her own good. I’ve also wondered really why it isn’t officially considered a mental illness because it should be.

      As for the kind of spells or magick to use in that situation, you have to keep in mind that if you yourself aren’t Jill in this situation, your first step would need to be working on Jill to break her free, mentally, from how she sees Sally. I would use a skull candle spell for that working on Jill. That would be step one, and it’s an essential one. Once that happens and Jill starts to see Sally for who she is, then I would do magick for Sally for protection and for strength for her to start the process of leaving. As far as banishing goes, I would probably see this as appropriate but not until AFTER Jill is away from Sally. If Sally is banished before anything else is done that could actually do more damage to Jill and would quite likely cause her to want Sally back in a BAD WAY and could possibly cause her to go above and beyond to go back to her.

      • invisible says

        there is NO need to make anyone see others in a different light. You CANNOT control other people and how they see anything. if someone is being abusive , simply WALK away and do NOT waste precious time in trying to make people see things differently. this will NEVER happen unless the person concerned is WILLING to see things differently. Magic is NOT about CONTROLLING other people … it is about the SELF and taking charge of one’s OWN life and NOT interfering in other people’s…. very BIG difference. If we are true to the path of Magic, we will NOT have people in our lives that abuse us to begin with !!!!!!!!!!!! BE the Sovereign of your OWN life and do NOT attempt to control others in any way. it will ALWAYS backfire….. do NOT waste time on the abuser, they are NOT worth ANYTHING.. simply REMOVE yourself and get on with your life… and do NOT give this person any MORE power than you already have. Very easy when you know what is BEST for YOU and NOT anyone. else, no one is responsible for anyone else and their abusive behaviour. the universe will bring justice into their lives , without fail. Leave that to the Universe and do NOT try to play God… it will NEVER work.

        • Jess Carlson says

          That’s absolutely one view, sure. But you’re missing part of the point which is that she is asking for help to do this kind of work. Magick for controlling is absolutely one of the most difficult things to do and actually have work. And when it does work it’s usually very short term. And sure, it can backfire but can so called “white/positive” magick. You can certainly just “leave that to the Universe” and do nothing, but some people prefer to use magick to remediate their situations and that’s fine, that’s their path. If that’s not your path, that’s cool too. “Simply remove yourself and get on with your life” is far more easier said than spoken when you’re not in the situation, and you may just be stronger emotionally than someone else.

Client Love

Jess is a great teacher, as well as an insightful reading and a wonderful healer. Her lessons are informative and easy to understand. Her cards speak to her in a way that I hope mine will to me one day. I have also had a Chakra session and a Reiki session with her and afterward I felt at peace, balanced, and whole again (I was quite sick at the time). I trust very few people, and I follow my path alone, but I trust Jess. She’s a beautiful spirit.


Jess Carlson


Jess is a great teacher, as well as an insightful reading and a wonderful healer. Her lessons are informative and easy to understand. Her cards speak to her in a way that I hope mine will to me one day. I have also had a Chakra session and a Reiki session with her and afterward I felt at peace, balanced, and whole again (I was quite sick at the time). I trust very few people, and I follow my path alone, but I trust Jess. She’s a beautiful spirit.
When I started coaching with Jess I thought I was coming to her for help with a breakup and an unexpected and sudden international move. It turned out that wasn't the real issue at all! Jess asked questions I never would have thought to ask myself and gave me a whole new perspective on what was going on in my life. She made me feel like what I want matters. By the time we were done I felt like I could take on the world!


Jess Carlson


When I started coaching with Jess I thought I was coming to her for help with a breakup and an unexpected and sudden international move. It turned out that wasn't the real issue at all! Jess asked questions I never would have thought to ask myself and gave me a whole new perspective on what was going on in my life. She made me feel like what I want matters. By the time we were done I felt like I could take on the world!
Incredible, intuitive, thoughtful, and professional reader! Will definitely book with Jess again.


Jess Carlson


Incredible, intuitive, thoughtful, and professional reader! Will definitely book with Jess again.
OMG I'm blown away by the accuracy of the reading. Jess has a special gift. What she revealed to me, opened me up to a place I knew I should be at but was holding myself back from.


Jess Carlson


OMG I'm blown away by the accuracy of the reading. Jess has a special gift. What she revealed to me, opened me up to a place I knew I should be at but was holding myself back from.
I was so overwhelmed trying to get back into my witchcraft practice, but Jess helped me create an actual plan and a schedule for doing the work. The results in just two months has been far beyond my expectations. I'm in touch with my power like never before!


Jess Carlson


I was so overwhelmed trying to get back into my witchcraft practice, but Jess helped me create an actual plan and a schedule for doing the work. The results in just two months has been far beyond my expectations. I'm in touch with my power like never before!
Jess Carlson