If you’re running a magical, soulful, spiritual biz and you think your product or service would be a good fit with my tribe, I would be happy to chat with you!   I would love to promote your products or services through a blog review and social media sharing. I do have a few rules and guidelines for my promotions and reviews:

  • I only promote things that I've had a chance to actually use and test out because I do not believe in encouraging people to buy something or sign up for something that I personally can't attest to the quality of.

  • I always disclose if something was given to me free of charge for a review because, well, it's the legal thing to do. So people will always know it's a promotion, not just me raving about your stuff.

  • I limit myself to two promotions a month at most. If your item is time-sensitive, like something for a Kickstarter or a course starting at a specific time, be sure to let me know your timeframe for promotions first so I can be sure I can do it when you need it.

  • All reviews are honest! If I don't like your offering, I will still do my review but objectively {as best I can} explain why it wasn't a fit for me but how, if possible, it might work for someone else.

Sponsored or Guest Posts

Companies and individuals contact me often, asking if I would host a guest post/article from them, often to promote their brand or product for free. I do not host these types of posts, especially for brands or products that compete or conflict with my own or that have nothing to do with what I do. If you would like to have your brand or product promoted on my blog and social media, I would be more than happy to review what you offer and do a write-up or interview with you or someone from your company, but I do not offer space to sponsor advertising articles

All my promotional work involves the following:

  • 1 in-depth blog review

  • Optional Q+A with the artist, creator, or company. If you would like to do this, please let me know. We can do this as part of the review or as a separate post.

  • I will run a 5-day paid promotion on Instagram. As of December 2023, my Instagram following was around 31K. With your promotion/review, I will run a 5-day paid ad on Instagram that will reach my followers and beyond, linking people back to your Instagram account and my review.

  • Your links and Instagram posts will also be cross-posted on Facebook.

  • You will also have your item and links featured in my bi-weekly newsletter {my newsletter list as of December 2023 is only around 1550 members because I haven’t been very active with my list since the pandemic}.


Some of the items that are best suited for my audience:

For my spiritually and magickally minded peeps

  • Tarot and Oracle cards

  • Essential Oils and Oil Blends

  • Candles and Incense

  • Ritual Tools and Kits

  • Meditation Tools

  • Spiritually Focused Books

For my lifestyle and beauty-minded peeps

  • Organic and Cruelty-Free Skincare

  • Fashion Accessories

  • Natural, Organic, and Indie Cosmetics

  • Whole Food/Healthy Snacks

  • Time-Saving and Convenience Tools

  • Tools for the Office

I love working with independent artists and small businesses, such as those that run off Etsy. While I'm happy to work with larger and more established companies, I really like to focus on helping people just starting out get more exposure.

A Note About Course Review Requests:

I often get asked if I'll do reviews of online courses, and while I would love to check out your course, I again feel very strongly about only reviewing things I can use myself. To do a proper course review, I need full access to the course the way someone purchasing it would, and I need the time to actually work through it, not just access material and glance it over. It also needs to be something that is suitable to my audience, so again, mainly courses focused on things like spiritual, personal, and magickal growth {i.e., meditation courses}. However, I am not interested in reviewing business courses {since this isn't my audience} or tarot courses {since this is part of my core teaching content}.

Get In Touch!

If you have questions or would like to discuss the possibilities of working together, please feel free to use this form to reach out or you can email me directly at support@jesscarlson.com