2018 By The Cards
When 2017 was coming to a close I was thinking about what I could do for my closest readers {my email peeps} as 2018 was rolling in. I was actually in the middle of doing something else and it struck me that I should just sit down and pull some cards. What went from initially “I’ll pull four cards, one for each season” turned into pulling a card for each month. Top that off with the fact that I used a pretty funky tarot deck that relies heavily on Greek mythology to frame the card meanings, it really turned into quite the thing.So after I did it I sent it off to my email list and then I held on to it. I haven’t shared it anywhere else but I’m feeling like sharing it here. So down below you can grab a copy of my 12 month reading for 2018, 2018 By The Cards.[wc_spacing size="40px" class=""][/wc_spacing]
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[wc_button type="secondary" url="https://jesscarlson.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/2018-By-The-Cards.pdf" title="2018 By The Cards" target="blank" url_rel="" icon_left="cloud-download" icon_right="cloud-download" position="" class=""]Download 2018 By The Cards[/wc_button]
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