3 Lists You HAVE To Make Before 2014

By now you've probably figured out just how much I like journaling and making lists.  Honestly these two things have made the biggest difference in both my life and biz in 2013.  Journaling allows you to reflect so you can see what you've done, how you've done it, and work out where you may need to make changes, shift your mindset, and work a bit more to make your dreams manifest into reality.  That's where the list making comes in!  You work out your steps, list them one by one, and BAM!  You have a powerful tool to actually get shit done and make that thing in your head, no matter how big, actually happen!It's not rocket science.  Putting things on paper {or on digital paper, as it were} just makes it more real and actionable.  It also creates something super powerful.


Without clarity nothing happens.So I want to share with you the 3 big lists that I'm making for 2014 that you have to do before 2014 starts.I didn't make these lists for 2013 until the middle of the year and when I did...HOLY WOW...shifts galore!  Again because it was now in my face and I was able to get out all the things that were swimming around in my head on paper.

Start It ~ Keep It ~ Ditch It!

It's pretty simple.  For each category list 3 to 5 things.  That means 3-5 things you're going to start doing, keep doing, or stop doing in 2014.  The big bonus is to really know WHY!  Why do you want to start what you say you're going to start?  Why keep doing something you say you're going to keep in your life?  And most importantly why do you really want to stop something and ditch it from your life?It's also important to really be ready to commit to these things!  So if you write down on your Start It list "Run 3 miles a day", do you really want to start running 3 miles a day or would it better for you to start off running 1 mile a day right now and add to it as you go. [Tweet "Lofty goals aren't always actionable. Start where you are now and grow from there."] For me the Ditch It list was the most important in 2013 and I anticipate it will be again for 2014.  When you realize what your time wasters and soul suckers are in your life when you start writing it all out, it becomes much easier to list them with confidence and say HELL NO, never again!And you can make two sets of lists!  Make one for life and one for your biz if you have one!  It's better to have these things separated out to gain even more purpose and clarity.So I've put together a little worksheet you can use to do this.  Print one or two out and use them to get your focus for 2014 crystal clear before you start doing things like making resolutions or goals next week.   Start It, Keep It, Ditch It will help you get more focused on what's truly important right now for you so you can set the best goals possible and not waste time and energy where it doesn't need to be spent. [animated_button align="center" animation="bounce" color="purple" size="medium" text="Download The Worksheet!" url="http://jesscarlson.com/downloads/2014StartKeepDitch.pdf"] 

Want to dive even deeper in planning and creating your awesome 2014?

Grab my yearly journal + planner {in it's 4th year!} for just $10!



14 Things To Do To Make 2014 Amazing!


Who Else Wants To Uplevel Their Life In 2014?