5 Crystals To Help You Connect To The Angels
We all have angels around us, no matter what your belief might be. Even if you don't believe in the angels they are there. The angels are non-denominational beings of energy, the pure energy of love, created by the Divine and caring a spark of the Divine within. That Divine spark is the same thing that you carry within you, the same bit of God/Goddess essence that you were give when your soul was created. This is why you and the angels have a connection - at an deeper energetic level you have some strong ties and similarities. It's our Ego and the thoughts and beliefs it helps us create that tells us there are now angels or that we can never be in communication with them.Your angels are here to help protect you and to help serve as messengers of the Divine. You might say "But I can talk to the Divine/God/Source myself, why would I need angels to get in the way?" The simple answer is that God/Source created them to help us make the connection a little easier and to make hearing and understanding Divine messages. It all comes down to energy and vibration.The angels, the archangels, our guardian angels, and the worker angels, all vibrate at a lower rate from God/Source. Because of this our own vibration is able to connect with theirs easier and we can hear and connect easier, quicker, and more clearly than we can with Source some times. When you also consider that you have two guardian angels that are there specifically for you, that's a team of spiritual help and support that you'd be silly not to take advantage of!So how can you connect with these angelic beings easier? Using crystals can be a wonderful way to enhance and strengthen this relationship. It does take work and effort to open up to and work with your angels. Knowing your strongest clairsense and using it to your advantage is a big help. Another big help, crystals.If you're new to working with crystals, fear not! They don't require a lot of knowledge or skill to use and I have two really helpful posts to get you started - a post on how to cleanse and prepare your stones and another on crystal programming. Here we're going to look at crystals to help with connecting to the angels.
5 Crystals for the Angels
- Angelite
If you're only going to use one crystal or stone for connecting to the angels, this is the one to use. It is actually Blue Anhydrite but known almost exclusively by it's metaphysical name, angelite. The name comes from the fact that it carries something of the strongest angelic vibrations of all crystals and stones. Angelite helps to calm the nerves and create a sense of peace that may come up when working with the angels. It helps open up the two main chakras used in angel communication - the third eye and crown chakras. One of the key elements to angel communication is letting go of all blocks that get in the way of your intuitive senses. Angelite does this perfectly. Keeping angelite with you at all times can help really heal your psychic and spiritual blocks so you can open up to the angels and their guidance in your life.
- Blue Celestite
The blue color carries a strong angelic vibration. Celestite helps to heighten consciousness and raise your ability to communicate at a higher level. When you want to talk to your angels or meditate with them to gain guidance, hold the stone in your receptive hand, place it in your lap, or keep it next to you on your meditation altar. Ask your questions of the angels and remain open to the answers without expectations.
- Larimar
A stone that not only connects you to the angels but also the divine feminine/Goddess aspect of Source. It is a strong meditation stone which allows you to have more clear communication with these higher vibrational realms. By working with larimar and the angels you'll find that you heard and understand their messages more easily. Your ability to communicate your own needs and questions to the angels will come more clearly too. It is an ascension stone and help the letting go process so you can shed your earthly ego-based fears and blocks to reach higher levels of spirituality. Larimar can be used to increase your clairvoyance so you can hear your angels more.
- Lepidolite
This is a wonderful meditation stone that is said to help reach the first two stages of meditation brainwave states, alpha and theta, more easily. This makes meditation and connecting with your angels less of a struggle. Lepidolite also helps the mind become more receptive while also giving you the support and space to reach higher levels of consciousness. Using lepidolite with the angels can help to make seeing their messages through clairvoyance easier since it connects the thrid eye and crown chakras.
- Danburite
This is a stone that some people may find a bit intense - is a shaman's stone and carries some strong energy. It's a very high vibrational stone that can unblock some really heavy blocks and help you find more joy and open the way to spiritual growth. When working with the angels danburite can help relieves stress, fear and worry that otherwise get in the way of hearing your angels and allowing them to work in your life.
In general most angel focused crystals will be colored blue, green, pink/lavender, or white/clear. Most angel stones are will work to accomplish three things: calm and ease fears, elevate consciousness, and open the upper chakras. Carry them, wear them, keep them in your meditation space. Keep in mind that the smaller the stone the closer you need to keep it to your body because it will have a smaller energy field.Have questions about angels or crystals? Ask away in the comments! And feel free to share your thoughts about working with the angels and crystals.