5 Super Simple Spirit Based Ways to Bust Stress During Stress Awareness Month!
Did you know it's Stress Awareness Month? Every April since 1992 the Health Resource Network, a non-profit health education organization, has sponsored this event to help spread the word about the dangers of unchecked stress and how to deal with it. We all have stress in our lives and sometimes we let it get out of control without knowing it. By the time we know it's out of control it's too much for us to handle and we end up sick, depressed, enraged...well you get the picture. Stress Awareness Month is all about taking the time to pay attention to your stress levels, find your triggers, and learn how to release stress and deal with life in a more centered and peaceful way. Who can't use that?! While all this sounds really wonderful, it's important to remember that stress isn't all bad. There are good kinds of stress that we actually do need and use in our lives. Certain kinds of stress help us to survive in times of danger. Other kinds of stress help to push us and drive us toward our goals and dreams. The real problem are the kinds of stress that keep us hyped up, cause us to get mentally foggy, and end up making us less happy and productive. This month take the time to check in with yourself a few times a day or any time that you're feeling a little off to see how your stress level is. Here are 5 awesome and simple tips and thoughts to help you deal with your stress this month and every month! {This is my big one...ready?}
[fontpress type="webfonts" name="Cabin" size="16px" lh="18px" color="#000000"] Meditation! [/fontpress] Yes, I know..."Oh, surprise, meditation." But here's the thing, we're not talking a big meditation that you have to set time aside for or that you need a special space where you're going to be undisturbed for a long period of time. I'm talking 30 seconds or less. Less time than it takes Sarah McLachlan to make you cry over an ASPCA commercial! I give some credit to the wonderful meditation master davidji for the simplicity of this. I've been doing this kind of work for a number of years but the way davidji presents it makes it seem even easier than it already was!
Wherever you are, no matter what has you feeling stressed out, stop. As soon as you realize your face is getting flushed, your fists are starting to clinch, your jaw is tightening, whatever your physical sign of stress it. Stop right there. Close your eyes and inhale for the count of four, hold for the count of four, exhale for the count of four, hold for the count of four. You can stop there and open your eyes or you can go longer if you feel intuitively that you need to. Stop right now and do this. I'll wait... How do you feel? Something? Nothing? Fucking amazing? For that little bit of time, whether it was 16 seconds or over a minute, you thought about nothing. All you did was follow your breath. You shifted your mindset and your focus from whatever had you stressed out and tightening up with frustration or rage to being focused on the simple in and out flow of your breath and nothing else Well, maybe except counting to four a few times. Really, it's that simple. You can do it anytime, anywhere. All you need to do is be able to safely close your eyes for a few seconds and you're good to go! Now, here are a few other quickie ideas for you to play with... [fontpress type="webfonts" name="Cabin" size="16px" lh="18px" color="#000000"]Prayer[/fontpress] Simple enough and something that you can add on to your meditation practice, prayer is a huge spiritual stress buster because it is another way of shifting your mindset. A lot of times we get stressed because we feel stuck, trapped, or alone in a situation We feel like we have no help and nobody to unload on. A simple informal, from the heart prayer asking God/Goddess/Spirit/Universe to take your frustrations and stress and help you release it and shift it can do wonders. Once you feel mentally and spiritually like you have some kind of help and support you'll feel more able to face the problems head on.
[fontpress type="webfonts" name="Cabin" size="16px" lh="18px" color="#000000"]Tune Out[/fontpress] Turn off your myriad of digital devices that are constantly beeping and notifying you of every little thing happening in the world. Even 5 minutes of unplugging when you're staring to feel the pressure of stress getting to you can give you some reprieve. Make sure to shut everything down...computer, phone, tablets, TV...at least an hour before bed. Read a book, do something creative or meditate. If you read on a digital device make sure there are no notifications going off or other things to distract you {if you have an iOS devise use your Do Not Disturb feature}.
[fontpress type="webfonts" name="Cabin" size="16px" lh="18px" color="#000000"]ACT = Accept Challenging Times[/fontpress] Everyone has to deal with some level for crap in their lives from time to time. And there are times when we deal with more than our fair share for longer than we should have to. Sometimes the best thing you can do is ACT...Accept Challenging Times. When you simply accept that you have challenges going on and that you need to face them one at a time you end up de-stressing. Sometimes we create more stress for ourselves by pretty much being in a state of denial about what we need to deal with. It creates worry and pressure where if we just followed through with one simple action we'd feel better. So next time, ACT and then take action!
[fontpress type="webfonts" name="Cabin" size="16px" lh="18px" color="#000000"]EFT[/fontpress] EFT, aka Emotional Freedom Technique or Tapping, is all the rage right now. Nick Ortner, a tapping teacher and expert, recently has a book published called The Tapping Solution which is a wonderful guide to the simple but powerful process of tapping on the meridian acupressure points of the body in order to release pain and emotions that cause us stress and discomfort. Tapping requires no real training and anyone can learn out to do it either ease. Have a look at Nick's website to get a look at the basics and watch a video where his wife Jessica will take you through the simple process of tapping. Much like the simple meditation technique, tapping can be done anywhere at any time and can work wonders!
[fontpress type="webfonts" name="Cabin" size="16px" lh="18px" color="#000000"]What are your favorite ways to beat stress? How are you honoring Stress Awareness Month?[/fontpress]