4 Things To Change Your View Of Angels + Magic
Back in 2007 I had an angel experience that completely changed my view of the angels. I had a very limited view of angels at the time. I was a long time Pagan who was hard core transitioning away from Wicca into a more eclectic practice. I was over the "do this but don't do that" mentality that fills a lot of modern Wicca as well as the "I'm a hippie but I'm not a hippie" sort of vibe carried by a lot of people I encountered over. I was still very much a Witch, a magical practitioner and a spiritual adventurer but I was seeking out my own path. I just never expected to have angels be a part of it.But I was curious. Curious about angels and other things that I deemed "new age". I had a deck of Doreen Virtue angel cards {Healing With The Angels} that a friend had given me as a gift but I never used them because I felt like "eek! Angels! That's not a Witch thing!"Then it occurred to me that this was a ridiculous thing to think. There's a whole magical tradition that revolves around angels; though to be fair it's more ceremonial and much more esoteric and I knew that wasn't for me. I was still curious...what is with angels? Who are they, what are they and how can I, a Pagan mystic, work with them?I had a book on angels that I'd read years ago called Ask Your Angels. The library in the town I grew up in used to do book sales a few times a year to see off books that I guess weren't popular in order to make room for new ones and during my spiritually curious and hungry youth I'd grabbed this and read it. I picked it up again around 2007 and give it a perusal and realized it was a little too Catholic for me at the time. So it went back on the shelf, but my angel curiousity was still there.
I stayed open to signs and messages and anything that might point me in the direction to show me that angels were "OK". Eventually I found myself smacked with the proverbial spiritual 2x4 to the head when I learned about something called "angel Reiki" from watching a TV show about women who worked as psychics and healers. I thought "Hey, I'm a Reiki practitioner...what's this about?" And it changed me life.That was how the angels had to get my attention and show me that it was OK to work with them - by showing me how they could work with something that wasn't religious and that I personally deemed as a magical healing practice. The angels always give us what we need and they always connect to us in the way that we're going to be open to hearing and receiving the message, so this made perfect sense for me.In the years since I've worked very closely and openly with angels of all kinds - my guardian angels, the archangels and the helper angels. They are with me when I do all my readings, when I do my intuitive coaching and when I write, create and teach. I've met a handful of well respected Pagan and witchcraft authors and teachers who have said they too work privately with the angels, especially the archangels. If nothing else that helped confirm what I'd come to believe - that angels and magic are a match made in heaven.In my years since I started this angelic journey, blending angel guidance with magical practice, I've learned a thing or two that I wish I'd known years ago. These four things may help change your view of how the angels can be part of your magical life.
The angels are non-denominational.
One of the big problems magical practitioners and people of various faiths have with connecting to the angels is the idea that angels must be a Christian concept and therefore if they aren't Christian they can't work with the angels. The fact is angels can be found in the myths and histories of religions and cultures the world over, not just in Christianity. If you want to work with the angels the angles will work with you.What this means for magic: Regardless of the spiritual path you walk and the type of magic you might use, there are angels that can help you and who will help you because denomination doesn't matter.
The angels love you and respect your free will.
I get asked from people who have doubt about angels "How can I believe in the angels? They haven't ever done anything for me." My response is always "Well, did you ask them for help?" We have this odd idea that any kind of divinity or spiritual being is going to just intervene at random when the truth is you have to ask for their help. The angels will help when you specifically call them into your life and tell them what you need help with. Your free will is the biggest rule they can't violate because it is a right give to you by God/Goddess/Divine. So while you think they haven't been there in times of trouble before, they actually have been...waiting to see if you'll ask for their help. The only time the angels intervene is when you are in mortal danger and it isn't "your time" and or when you can't ask for help {i.e. you're knocked unconscious}.What this means for magic: Ask and you'll receive help for your magical work from the angels. The archangels are great magical helpers and many people work with them for calling the directions and creating sacred space. Call on Archangel Raphael in the East, Archangel Michael in the South, Archangel Gabriel in the West and Archangel Uriel in the North.
The angels can't stop death.
I've talked to people who have done magic and petitioned the angels to prevent the death of a sick or aging loved one and after not seeing their prayer or magic answered they lose faith in angels, and sometimes the Divine in general. We're all going to die, that's just a fact of life...and science. The truth is that it's part of our spiritual journey so there's no reason for spiritual entities, of any kind, to prevent it. Archangel Azrael, the angel of death, would also be a bit out of a job. But what Azrael and the other angels will do if we ask for help in these situations is help keep the dying comfortable and out of fear as well as help those left behind heal through their grief. They don't stop death but they make it easier to face.What this means for magic: While you can't stop death you can work wonderful healing magic for the dying to ask for their comfort, release fear or karma and to make the transition for them and their loves ones easier. They have a healing way that can bolster any magic done in a case like this. It's a way for us to feel comforted as well to feel like we're able to do something when we otherwise can't change anything.
The angels are wonderful intuitive helpers.
Your guardian angels, and all the angel beings, communicate with you through the often subtle intuitive senses - especially the four common ones: clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience and claircognizance. Just like how you need to ask for the angels to get involved with what's happening in your life, you have to ask for them to connect through your intuition when you're just starting out your relationship so you can hear them more clearly. When you ask they communicate through your psychic sense and to make their messages clear, you begin to gain amazing guidance in your life when you need it.What this means for magic: The more we work with the angels to hear and understand their messages the more we develop our intuitive and psychic abilities. We use these psychic senses in magic all the time - to know what work to do and to know how well it's working. Having the angels to help with this process adds another level to your magic that can bring deeper meaning and clarity to your work. Angels are helpers in healing, magic and manifesting. They have been from the beginning {the very word angel means messenger}. God/Goddess/Divine {however you want to see it} created the angels to be divine messengers and helpers for those of us here on earth. They are here to work with us - and since they have no ego because they have never been incarnated - they are wonderful, pure guides of light that we can connect with to always receive pure loving guidance. Not working with them almost seems ridiculous.
I'd love to share more about working with the angels with you!
I have created a new e-course called Love From Above that I want to share with you. I teach a larger professional practitioner certification course called Talk To Your Angels, but something this grand isn't for everything. I created Love From Above to be the perfect introduction for someone who wants to learn more about the angels, how to connect with them for healing and guidance, as well as how to actually start manifesting the life they want with the help of the angels. Come have a look and find out how you can get more connected to your angels.
Do you have question about the angels? Do you have an angel experience you'd like to share?
Share in the comments below! I'd love to hear your angel story and I'd love to share my insights on your questions.[wc_spacing size="40px"]