April 2020 Tarotscopes
Happy April and welcome to a whole new world! Normally when I do these I like to use tarot, hence “tarotscopes” but this month I felt called to do these with a self-care focused oracle deck. I think we all need a little guidance with some self-care during all of this.This month’s readings are brought to you The Sacred Self-Care Oracle by Jill Pyle. Check it out here!Bonus Witchy Fun Tip...read your sun sign tarotscope as well as the tarotscope for your rising sign and your moon sign. See your sun sign guidance as what you need to act on while the moon sign guidance is what you need to reflect on and work with on a spiritual level Your rising sign's message can help you find a connection between the two with what is "rising" within you this month.[wc_row][wc_column size="one-half" position="first"] [su_spoiler title="Aries Tarotscope" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" class=""]
Nourish Your Temple
While you might be feeling like you need to focus on mental, emotional, and spiritual stress right now, don’t forget that your physical being. Your actual body is a vital part of keeping all those other things happy and healthy. If you like to do chakra work focus on your lower chakras this month. Pay attention to your cycles (even if you no longer have a menstrual cycle, you have a physical cycle each month, mind it). Watch what you’re eating, get plenty of rest, and do what your body wants. Don’t judge it, just trust it.
[/su_spoiler] [su_spoiler title="Taurus Tarotscope" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" class=""]
Sweet Treat
Do you tend to beat yourself up about cravings and then get really mad at yourself when you give in? Stop that! Seriously! It’s OK to have a damn cupcake every now and then! Being healthy is not about always denying yourself stuff, it’s about finding balance. And you CAN have balance with the occasional “forbidden” treat. And don’t forget, there are lots of “healthy” versions of these things too. Trust me, Chocolate Avocado Pudding is actually fucking delicious, so don’t be afraid to try stuff like that! But this month, loosen up and indulge a little.
[/su_spoiler] [su_spoiler title="Gemini Tarotscope" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" class=""]
Clean Your SpaceHave you done your spring cleaning yet? No? Well, now is the time! But this isn’t just about picking up piles of books and magazines lying around and finally organizing your bottles of essential oils, this is about top to bottom, inside and out cleaning. The kind of cleaning we do once or twice a year that shifts everything. During April break your cleaning up into two phases, the Physical Phase, and the Spiritual Phase. Don’t try to do them at the same time! You want to be extra focused, so make it a layered process. Clean up the stuff, dust and wash everything, and then come back to spiritually cleanse. Do whatever smudging rituals, floor wash rituals, or other cleansing rites you enjoy throughout your home and hit the big reset button this month![/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title="Cancer Tarotscope" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" class=""]
Abundance Planning
You know what they say…a goal without a plan is just a dream. We forget about that sometimes with our finances. We know we want something that requires a certain amount of money, and then we often let the planning go a bit lax from there. This month you’re encouraged to really get clear and focused on your abundance desires and actually PLAN to make them happen. Start by making a list of the things you wish you could do if you had more resources. RESOURCES is the keyword. You might automatically think of cold hard cash, but if said, “If I could, I would take a trip with my best friend,” and then someone gifted you two tickets for a trip, that’s still a resource of abundance! So start with what you would like to be able to do if you had the resources. Then begin to open yourself and your world up to attracting the opportunities you need…be it in actual money or other ways…to do the things you genuinely want to be able to do.
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RestIn our USUAL super on-the-go world, the idea of taking extra time to rest and just chill out can be a big source of guilt for many people. But this month, with the changing of the tides around us, rest is EXACTLY what most of us need but you especially. Make the decision that for April, you’re going to NOT take on anything new. You’re NOT going to overextend yourself or put others before you. You’re instead going to prioritize REST, and you’re going to listen to your mind and body. When you need to sleep, sleep. When you need to just zone out and watch Netflix, you do it. Know that this isn’t about being lazy but about recharging your mind, body, and soul. And don’t forget, sleep can be a VERY magickal place! Make a dream pillow with some lavender, mugwort, and sodalite stones.[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title="Virgo Tarotscope" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" class=""]
Clear Your Energy FieldThink about cleaning, like cleaning your house. We always clean things when they are clearly dirty, but we don’t always maintain things and keep them tidy. This month, even if you do not feel like your energy is out of whack, you’re urged to take the time to clean up, cleanse that energy, and tidy things. If you need a significant overhaul, do it, but if you just need a little, do that. Deep breathing, meditation, ritual baths, smudging, and white light visualization are all ways to do this. If you need to go even bigger, get a Reiki or crystal healing session as a little treat for yourself. You will literally feel the energy lift from your body when things are cleared. And then, see how it feels to go through all the crazy with that lighter vibe![/su_spoiler][/wc_column][wc_column size="one-half" position="last"]
[su_spoiler title="Libra Tarotscope" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" class=""]
Sync with the Moon
Over April, pay attention to the moon phases and how you’re feeling. Your energy and emotions wax and wane just like the moon, but are you in sync with it? Pay attention to the phases and your own life’s energy flow. If you’re not in sync with the moon, how can you get more in flow with it? The more you flow with the moon’s energy, you may find dealing with emotions and your spiritual energy easier. When you look back on these connections, and you’ve tracked your own cycles, you’ll see things in a different light and have an idea of what moon phases you might want to tap into more.
[/su_spoiler] [su_spoiler title="Scorpio Tarotscope" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" class=""]
Spend Time With AnimalsWhile you’re spending more time at home, it’s time to reconnect with your little furry friends. Sure, you love your pets and spend time with them every day, but there’s a big difference when to how that connection feels when you have more time to spend with them. If you don’t have a pet, this would be a great time to adopt one, but I know that might not be possible for most of you right now because of the pandemic. So, you know what a great option is? Working with your animal spirits! Take time this month for some shamanic journeying to either connect with your animal spirits or find them if you haven’t. Remember that our animal spirit guides change over time, they don’t stay the same forever. So, if it's been a while, and especially if you’ve had some big life changes recently, it’s a perfect chance to connect with the energy of your animal allies.[/su_spoiler]
[su_spoiler title="Sagittarius Tarotscope" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" class=""]
Use Your Hands
We sometimes forget the power of our hands. When we do magick, all the energy that we work through flows through our hands. When we dress a candle, when we pull cards, when we hold crystals, or when we pick up our tools. Nothing holds the magickal energy that we need to work our magick until we direct it there, with our intentions, through our hands. Remember, the pointer finger is our TRUE magick wand! So this month, take time to put your energy into things that you do...cooking, creating, and making magick. Being mindful of this energy flow, and doing it with intention, is a wonderfully simple way to make MORE magick easily every day.
[/su_spoiler] [su_spoiler title="Capricorn Tarotscope" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" class=""]
Ground Yourself
In times like these, when things are so wonky in the energy all around us, grounding is an important tool that we can all use super easily, but we forget about it. It could easily just be that it’s SO simple that we don’t think of it as effective during really challenging times. But this month, you’re encouraged to think simple. To go back to the basics of simple grounding. Things like the Tree Meditation, where you visualize yourself as a tree with roots that go down into the earth, connecting you to the earth’s core energy, and then allow yourself to find energetic balance. Let go of worry, stress, fear, and pain and call up warmth, healing, love, and peace. Then be mindful of how you ground yourself in other ways. Pay attention to the food you eat, how much rest you get, and work with herbs and crystals to help you maintain your energy.
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Chanting is a powerful and simple tool that can totally shift your energy and change your vibration, clearing out blocks and attracting the energy we want. When we chant, any time we speak words out loud, they create a vibration, and that vibration ripples throughout our bodies. This is one of the reasons that we need to always be careful with the words we speak. So consider working with chants and mantras that can create a vibration that you want to embody. OM is one of the most basic ones. It is the “sound of the Universe” and brings peace, healing, and release. One of my favorite chants to work with is Om Gam Ganapataye Namaha. It’s a chant to Lord Ganesh to clear blocks and call on Ganesh’s help. I chant along with this version using a mala any time I need it.
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Flow Like WaterOh Pisces, you’re going to be in your LITERAL element this month! It’s a time to connect with water on all levels. Connect with the energy of water, work with ritual baths, and blessed water. Use oils and perfumes. Allow yourself to use these tools to truly flow with the energies around you and to connect with your psychic and intuitive flow. “Flow Like Water” is a reminder of the power of just following the flow of energy. Water may seem like a passive thing, but think about what happens when the water simply flows and stays flowing. It smooths rocks; it carves out coastlines, it moves away things that might seem big and heavy, but that isn’t as really that strong. So this month, just flow. Don’t resist challenges, but don’t push things where you don’t need to. And I don’t know, but I’m really called to suggest you go watch the movie "The Fifth Element" this month…so do that too. 😊[/su_spoiler][/wc_column][/wc_row]
$25 Tarot Readings are available for the foreseeable future tohelp out everyone during the current pandemic.
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