Setting Your 2020 Intentions With the Aquarius New Moon
The first new moon of the decade is upon us, bringing a powerful time for setting intentions. If you’ve felt like your new year didn’t get off to the start you wanted, this is a chance to get that elusive do-over.During the previous astrological period of Capricorn, we were naturally more withdrawn. We spent time going within, digging deep into what we wanted for the new year, and looking for what needed to be cleared. We were finding our way and our truth within.When Aquarius season comes around, which began on the 20th, it’s time to start moving from internal to external and taking action.
Let Go of Attachments
If you’ve had a hard time with getting your new year going or starting out on those resolutions you wanted to work on, chances are you’re too attached to the outcome. This puts a ton of pressure on us, and we end up letting out Ego get in the way telling us we won’t be successful, so why bother. Now is the time to let go of your attachment to results and the future. Stay logical about what you’re doing and keep your emotions in check.
Live Your Truth
Hard as this can sometimes be, Aquarius calls us to find our truth and follow that path forward. Allow yourself to have space and support you need to live that truth. That sometimes ties into the idea of letting go because this new moon could give you some clarity around who or what you need to let go of to live your truth.
Get Creative
The best thing we can, when we’ve been stuck on our journey, is to think outside the box. Aquarius encourages us to get inventive and creative with our approaches to things. If you wanted to make 2020 the year that you finally get your passion project off the ground, but you’ve been working at that same intention for the last few years and never get anywhere, you may be stuck now because you’re still trying to do things the same old way. It’s time to kick out all the “norms” and the usual way of doing things and try radically different methods.
Find Your Tribe
Aquarius tends to be very friendly and open energy, but oddly it’s an energy that encourages us to be with groups of people, not one-on-one. This is a great time to look at your inner truth and what is needed to support that. Find a group of people that can be part of that for you.
Set Your Aquarius New Moon Intentions
Aquarius is an energy that wants us to wake up, which makes this first new moon of 2020 the perfect time to shake ourselves out of any funks we’re already in and start making some real progress on our goals for the year. Let’s do some intention setting for this powerful new moon to get your new year off to the start you wanted in the first place or reinforce what is working so far.
Clear Your Space
Clean up any clutter and do a cleansing of your home using your preferred methods. This could be using herbs, incense, blessed water, whatever you like. Hold the intention of clearing out anything that is not supportive of your goals and intentions.Hot Tip: If you’re burning herbs or incense, open your windows so the smoke can carry energy out of your space rather than trapping it inside. The negative ions from the fresh air, especially if you’ve been cooped up all winter, will help balance the heavy positive ions in your space and make the air and energy lighter.
Add Protection
Place retuned/cleansed black tourmaline around your front door as well as any other entrances of your home that you use to help keep negative energies from coming into your home and throwing your newly cleansed space out of balance.
Set Up A New Moon Altar
This can be done on your regular working altar if you have one, or it can be set up as a temporary space in an area of your home where you can sit and work for about an hour undisturbed. Setting up your altar should be an intuitive process. You might want to include a few crystals like onyx for the new moon, amethyst for Aquarius, and clear quartz for clarity and a black candle for the new moon and some new moon, myrrh, or patchouli incense.
The Spell
You’ll need:
- A white candle for your intention setting
- 2 pieces of paper, along with extra for scrap
- A pen
- A carving tool
Sit down and get comfy, take a few minutes to ground, center, and meditate and focus your energy. Dress your candle with the oil. Light your candle and incense.
Write It Down and Let It Go
Think about all the stuff from 2019 that you 100% DO NOT want to carry with you into the rest of 2020. Whatever you want to let go of, leave behind, or just be down with, write it down on a piece of paper. When you’re done, read it out loud in a firm voice say,
“With love in my heart, I thank you for your lessons,but now I release you with positive intentions.I set my course for a magickal year,where opportunities to succeed easily appear.My goals and dreams I will manifest,so that 2020 is truly the best.”
Then take the paper and tear it to shreds, then throw them out, burn them, or dispose of them in another way that feels right for you. Just be sure to get rid of them, don’t hold on to them.
Set Your 2020 Intentions
Now that you have a clear mind, it’s time to set your intentions for 2020.On a scrap piece of paper, write down all the things that you can think of that you want to do or accomplish for the year. This is going to be a total brain dump, so don’t worry about being super specific or eloquent or censoring yourself. Just get all the ideas out of your head.Then look it over and cross out any that don’t feel important. Say each one out loud and notice how it feels in your body when you say them. If you feel a sense of excitement in your Solar Plexus, that’s a keeper! But if you feel any sense of hesitation, fear, or even just nothing, cross it out.Look over what you have left. What is one word that encompasses all of your goals for the year? You might need to write down a few to find the one that really resonates, but find one word that embodies what you want to do, feel, and accomplish this year and write it down.Next, take your white candle and carve your word on one side and your name on the other. Hold it between your hands and visualize yourself, achieving your goals. Feel yourself embodying this word you choose. Light your candle and send your energy out into the Universe by visualizing the candle flame beaming your intentions and energy out into the world.While your candle is burning, take a fresh piece of paper, and write your word at the top. Then make 4 boxes or sections representing the four seasons or four quarters of the year. For each one, write down the specific goals, tasks, or actions you’ll take to manifest your intentions.Let your intuition guide you and know this isn’t set in stone. During the year, refer to it to stay on track and also make adjustments as you need to.Allow all your candles and incense to burn down from your ritual.
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Now, go out and use your word as your touchstone and driving force for the year. Any time you feel stuck, lost, or like you’re getting off track, use your word as a mantra and get yourself back on course. Use your paper of plans to make sure you’re taking the needed steps to manifest your desires and let it guide you in planning spells and rituals that can help you.