Ask A Witch: Dealing With An Ex
Time for another Ask A Witch question, this time asking about dealing with ex's through magick.
Is there an easy spell that I can do to get rid of an ex-lover and keep him from taking something of mine with him?~ Annette
Getting rid of the dreaded ex, and making sure he doesn't try and take your stuff in the process, can be tough. I once had an ex that tried to take one of my cats when he moved out, so I know how ugly it can get!Here is a very simple spell that you can use that can help with removing him from your life. The way that this spell works is by lighting these candles each day for a predetermined amount of time each day. The string is tied around the base of the candles and as the candles are lit each day you pull them apart from each other until the string is taught and the candles are as far away from each other as they can go with the string still attached. On the last day you cut the string and let the candles burn down completely.You'll need two candles and some black thread or string. With the candles you have a few options. When it comes to the shape of the candles you can either use two taper candles or you can use male and female figure candles. Color wise you can either use colors based on your astrological signs (you can find a list of colors in this post) or you can use white for yourself and black for him. Take the candles and with a pen, knife, or other sharp object, carve your name in your candle and his into his candle. Take the two candles and place his on the left and yours on the right. Take the black string and tie one end to each candle holder. You want to make sure that you have some slack between them (I would recommend measuring the amount of string you use by measuring it from elbow to wrist). Start with the candles being right next to each other. You're going to want to light them and take some time thinking about how much you want him to go away and leave your life. Let the candles burn for the time that you have decided on ahead of time and then snuff them out. Each day, before lighting them again, pull the candles a part a bit to make the string a little tighter and to symbolize the growing distance between you two. On the last day, when you can't pull the candles apart any further, and with pair of scissors, before lighting the candles, you're going to cut the string. As you prepare to do this you can say something like:As I cut this sting, I cut our ties,And no more will I hear your lies.As your flame burns and sends you away,My flame lights the path to a new day.Then cut the string, light the candles for the last time and let them burn out completely.One of the other extra added things that you can do along with this, especially if he's still bothering you, is to take his name written on a piece of paper and place it inside a freezer bag of water and place it in the back of the freezer. Do this with the intention of "freezing" him out so that he can't have any impact on your life. You had also mentioned that there was something that he might try and take of yours and you can also write that down on the paper and add that to this to "freeze" him from being able to take your stuff.The key in all instances here is intent with what you are doing and strongly visualizing your desire of seeing him out of your life and moving on without him having any effect on your any longer. Not knowing what it is specifically that he might try and take, I'm not sure how to approach that for you, but I think you can easily add in the intention of him not taking your stuff with the candle spell as well (as he moves away from your the ability for him to take your things becomes harder for him to do). But I'd be happy to help with something more specific if you'd like to give a little more detail. ;)Hope that helps!