Ask A Witch: Releasing Negativity

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Hi. I have a question that has been bothering me for awhile. There was this girlfriend that I got into a huge argument with recently and broke up with. I accused her of cheating with someone ( whether I am right or wrong is still unclear ), and prayed that she would come to see the truth. She's convinced I put a hex on her especially since I recently purchased a witchcraft book ( although this was for the sole purpose of using the clairvoyance chapter as I am trying to fine tune my psychic abilities, I am not the least bit interested in witchcraft ), and so her and her friends have been getting together and putting hexes on me. For instance, the bus I always take, they put the letters HX ( obviously stands for hex ) on the back windows and seats. I've noticed that suddenly strange things have been occurring like I've been having a lot of bad luck and I've seen a lot of black cats cross my path or suddenly appear and just stare, and I even had a few dreams about the devil or demons calling to me and trying to hurt me, so I'm worried about what kind of spells these people are doing, as I have done nothing to deserve this. Can you tell me how to undo negative spells or hexes, and also protect oneself against them? Thank you so much.


The first thing that I would recommend in the way of protection is to not give the whole thing as much energy as you might be giving it. The more energy, focus and concern you give to something the more power it has over you. So if every time you see a black cat you think it's a harbinger of bad luck then that's what it's going to be and you're going to create that bad luck energy in your life. Like attracts like, especially where magick is concerned, so if you think you are experiencing bad luck, then you're going to attract bad luck to you.

I can say that I haven't ever seen this HX inscription before but that's interesting. The closest thing that I could thing this would be, if not what you feel it "obviously" meant (because nothing is ever really as it seems when it comes to magick), would be the runes Hagalaz and Gebo.

hagalaz.gif gebo.gif

As far as these runes go, I could understand using Hagalaz as it represents things like destruction, sudden loss, drama, karmic lessons, etc. Gebo is a little different but with Hagalaz I could maybe see it working on a negative side. Gebo often deals with gifts, personal relationships, and generosity through sacrifice. However in a negative context Gebo carries the energies of loneliness, greed, alienation, and sorrow. Neither of these runes can be reversed so you would see them always inscribed like this (since Hagalaz is the letter H in the runic script it's entirely possible to see this written like our traditional capital H). With Hagalaz first it would amplify the negative aspects of Gebo and together this could be quite the bad luck charm.

So how can you counter this?

I'm going to go out on a bit of a limb and say that your ex used rune magick and I would be inclined to recommend using rune magick for protection as well. Since you said you have no interest in Witchcraft I would be a little hesitant to do magick to counter what you feel has been cast on you. If your intent is strong and your belief in what you're doing is strong, then give this a go.

You'll need:
1 black taper candle
a bowl
water to fill the bowl
A few of the following herbs: basil, pepper, rosemary, sage
A knife
A lighter
Olive Oil (if you have access to magickal supplies and can get banishing oil that's good too)

1. Take the candle and the knife and inscribe the following runes in the side of the candle. (Algiz and Naudhiz)

algiz.gif nauthiz.gif
You can engrave them once or you can engrave them three times around the candle. Do what you feel drawn to doing.

2. Hold the candle in both hands and take a few minutes to center yourself and visualize the negative energy and the hex that you feel has been put on your leaving you. See yourself being protected and all that bad luck being banished. When you have the images in your mind hold them for as long as you can and then take some of the oil and rub it into the candle from the bottom to the top. While you're doing this rub the oil into the candle with intent and see it as rubbing in your intentions and desires into the candle.

3. Take the candle and hold it over the bowl and with the lighter melt a little bit of the bottom wax of the candle to and seal it to the bottom of the bowl. You can also by candle adhesive to do this as well but since you're going to be filling the bowl with the water it's best to do this with the wax. You want the candle to be able to stand up in the bowl with the water.

4. Pour the water into the bowl. You don't need to fill it but it should come close. This is also why the candle should be tall or you should use a fairly shallow bowl.

5. Take some of the herbs that you have chosen (you really only need to pick two or three) and rub them together in your hands. When they being to feel warm sprinkle them around the candle into the water going counterclockwise.

6. Now light the candle. Spend some time watching the candle. Visualize the negative energy around you being drawn to the candle and being placed into the water in the bowl. Let the candle burn down. It will eventually come to the water and the water will put it out. When this happens take the bowl outside. Dig up a hole and pour the water into the hole then take the candle from the bowl and place it into the hole as well. Then cover and walk away without looking back knowing that you have buried your problems and the curse.

You might also want to go and check out an article I wrote recently about witch bottles. You might want to make one of these to use for protection around your home as well.

Good luck! :)

Mood: good


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