3 Ways To Attract More Abundance In Your Life
You know what I get asked about a lot? Abundance.
How to get more of it and how to keep it flowing. The problem that I often find when I talk to people about abundance is there is almost a language barrier between the person and the Universe.When you're sitting down having tea with the Universe {or coffee, whiskey....or in my case a Sneaky Tiki}, how do you define abundance?A lot of people seem to equate abundance with money, so they ask the Universe to help them attract "abundance" when they want money. And here in lies the rub...The Universe sometimes need you to be a bit more specific. Abundance simply means having a lot of something. Are you just asking to be abundant or to be specifically abundant? Here's are 3 things you might want to consider when it comes to attracting abundance this year. I know a lot of people like to declare "Abundance" as their guiding word for the year, but you have to be certain that you know what's happening with that word if it's going to manifest for you. 1. Be SpecificWhat is the abundance you want to attract? Money, love, creativity, joy? Know what it is that you want to attract and why you want to attract it. As the saying goes "it's not to want things", but do you need the thing you want? Do you know why you want it? If you desire to have more money in your life, what do you want the money for? Do you have a goal? Once you can be specific about what you want and why you want it your energy and vibration with the Universe will be more clear and will allow you to attract exactly what you want rather than something that's just kind of OK or an alright compromise. 2. Live "As If"This is really hard for some people but it's so important because it shows the Universe that you're ready to live in your abundance rather than in lack. If your desire is money, don't live as if you only have $1 to name...even if actually only have $1 to your name. Think abundantly when it comes to money. It's the glass half full rather than half empty...see that at least you have that dollar rather than having nothing at all. And when you do have money, don't hold on to it like grim death! Spend a little on yourself and reaffirm "There's more where that came from." When I started doing this in my own life I never saw my bank account hit the negative numbers again. More always comes when I need it because I live truly knowing that it will come when I need it. 3. Be Open + AllowBeing open and allowing what you're asking for to actually manifest probably sounds like "yeah, no shit" but you'd be surprised how many time people, including you and me, have said to the Universe "yes, I want this" but in the back of our minds we're still thinking things that are pushing away that abundance. Again, talking money, you might say "Yes, Universe, I want to make $100,000 this year" but part of you might feel like $100,000 is too much or greedy somehow, guess why? You're not going to manifest that because it's not what you truly want deep down. Again, that's where being specific is important and really knowing what's in your own heart, but it's also important that once you put that request out there that you remain open to letting it manifest. Don't question how you'll make the money, just be open to opportunity and letting the money comes to you how the Universe sees fit. All of this can be turned around and said for any kind of abundance. If you want more love, what kind of love? Are you willing to give love? And are you really open to receiving it and willing to let it show up in it's own way?We're still at a point with 2014 where opportunity is all over the place and we have plenty of time to set the tone for our year. If working with abundance is what you feel drawn to do, then be clear on how you're going to do it and what you want to have more of in your life.[wc_spacing size="40px"]