Au revoir, Modern Witch!

Where to begin except at the end.  Yes, it's the end for me with Modern Witch.  The podcast, the magazine, the website, the whole enchilada.  But today I'm going to mainly talk about the podcast because the other stuff is a bit less...noticeable? But let me just tell you why I'm leaving.There are a bunch of reasons that I've decided to leave, some personal some professional.  Obviously the personal ones are, well, personal.  But on a professional level I needed to make the decision because Modern Witch was taking up a great deal if my time and, more than anything, my energy.  And at this point, as you all know, I'm doing a lot of work on my business and career, and desperately trying to make the time to get back to writing again!  I need to pull together all the time, energy, and resources that I have to put into my own work.  I was trying to keep Modern Witch as part of that adventure but the two conflict with one another in a number of ways and it finally came to a point where I felt that I was doing myself and Modern Witch a disservice by being so torn.Saying goodbye...sometimes it's easy, sometimes it's hard, and sometimes it's just damn complicated. Saying goodbye to Modern Witch falls into the category of complicated.  It's one of those things where you know it's time to go but you don't completely want to but you know it's better for you in the end.  It's like ending a long-term but somewhat dysfunctional relationship, it just isn't an easy decision.When I started doing the Modern Witch Podcast with Devin it was sort of a quick and sudden thing.  I had been doing a Friday night show with another fairly popular internet radio program called After Hours Radio {which shortly after I left changed its name and now seems to be defunct for the most part}.  I left AHR but after a bunch of emails and comments on Facebook from people asking if I would be doing my own podcast or BTR show I decided to start my own podcast called Shadow Walking.  I did one episode, loved doing it, and within a week or two of having it out Devin asked me to do Modern Witch with him.  So Shadow Walking never even got off the ground and I moved on to Modern Witch in August of last year and did a few little appearances and then in October we relaunched the show on BTR and January of this year went back to a pre-recorded show to air on Pagan Radio Network.But, like anything, if you're not having fun you have to stop doing it because it's right for you anymore.  Honestly.  I mean, if we're going to talk about living authentically, you need to do what's enjoyable.  Devin and I come from two different worlds when it comes to doing a podcast/radio show.  A lot of people don't know but I went to college specifically for radio.  Even more, people don't know that my inspiration for wanting to go into radio was Howard Stern.  That's right.  Howard Stern.When I was in college I was contemplating either going into stand-up or doing comedy writing {I dreamed of writing for a show like SNL}.  But radio seemed to be a great way to figure things out.  I did really late night shows that allowed me to be kind of crude, funny, and inappropriate because there weren't a lot of people listening but the people that listened always loved what I did.  So it wasn't a surprise to me that eventually I'd get the internet radio/podcast "bug".  But while I come from the world of Howard Stern Devin comes from the world of NPR and these two worlds were definitely clashing.  So creative differences were a big thing, but certainly not the only thing.  The big thing was the need for putting my time and energy into my own work.So I have to follow the path that is calling me most and that is one that will be taking me away from Modern Witch and, quite possibly, from the greater Pagan community. If you've been reading and following my blog or Facebook fan page over the last few months this is likely not going to be news because I've been talking about the feeling of being a bit torn between doing what I feel called to do and doing what others might be expecting me to do a great deal. The two aren't the same at this point and I have to honor myself and do what I am feeling called to do.Current Mood:  Good   


It's The New Moon in Cancer!


Yup, I'm an incense addict!