AV Sunday: Laurie Cabot & National Geographic

So I thought that I'd start something new for the blog and do a AV Sunday post every week.  Remember AV Club in high school?  The audio visual club?  Every Sunday from now on we'll have a little AV time.   Some sort interesting video or photo will be here for your enjoyment.  Hopefully today's will make for a nice start.This week we have a really interesting piece of Witchcraft history.  In her book "Power of the Witch" Laurie Cabot talks about an incident that happened in the 1970s when a groups of photographers from the National Geographic came to Salem, MA while doing an article about the North Shore area of Boston.  They wanted to take pictures of Laurie and the other Salem Witches together while doing some circle work.  The result was a photo, shown below, that had a very clear stream of blue light running through it.Here is Laurie sharing her story about this event. What do you think? Do you think the photographers captured the energy of the circle in their photo? Do you think this shares some proof of the energy and power raised by Witches in magickal work?


Creating a Witch Bag


Ways to Charge your Candles