A/V Sunday - Laurie Cabot on "Correct" Magick

I thought this was an interesting one to take a look at and something that I am constantly trying to explain to my own clients and students when I'm teaching.  The idea of doing something that is correct and for the good of all is an important aspect of magick.  This is one of the reasons that we talk so much about trying to avoid doing magick when we're really angry or unfocused; it can cause us to do things and ask for things that we know deep down isn't right or what we truly want.Watch this clip of Laurie Cabot sharing her thoughts on the concept of "correct" magick and share your thoughts in the comments.  How do you feel about working with the idea of asking for things to be "for the good of all involved", especially when that means that you may not get what you asked for in the first place?


The Laws of the Universe - Association


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