A/V Sunday - Pantheacon Workshop with Taylor Ellwood

As I post this week's A/V Sunday post, I have to say I'm doing it with a little sadness.  Some of you who know me or have gotten to know me over the years know that I hate to fly.  I especially hate long flights which is one of the big reasons that I'm moving back east at the end of the year.  I don't ever go home to see my family because I have such a problem with flying.  I had said to myself that since this would be my last year in California I would go to Pantheacon, which is a short flight that I can handle, so that I would have the chance to go to this wonderful gathering of Pagan minds before shuffling off back home.  Well, that didn't happen.  And I'm even more sad about that after watching Taylor Ellwood's interesting workshop on ritual movement!So here are clips from some of his workshop at Pantheacon.  I've put them in the order that I think they are supposed to be in (I think...hehe).  Obviously this isn't the full workshop but this will give you some interesting things to consider and some stuff to mull over.  Be sure to check out Taylor's website and check out his classes and books that are available.


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