Being Your Radiant Soul
Today's card says "This is a glorious time for me to be on this earth!" On the back..."You are extensions of Source Energy here in these magnificent physical bodies. The amazing diversity of your time-space-reality provides the perfect balance from which to create and attract. There has never been a better time to be upon your planet." This is an important message, especially when we're here living in a time when certain religious communities work so hard to tell us that we're living in a time when we should be more excited to for the afterlife than the here and now. It's also a great reminded that who you are, whatever that is, is part of the expression of the Source, the Divine, and however you are here and now is how you're meant to be in this specific time. You are Divine!As I was thinking about this card after reading it a few things popped up for me right away. For those of us that are older this card is going to have a different meaning than it might for some who are younger. And it made me think right away of an organization that I am a big supporter of, the It Gets Better Project. It Gets Better is an organization that is aimed at helping gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender teens and young adults get through the difficult stages of not only growing up, but growing up different in a society that can be very divided about who they are. It started late last year when one of my favorite writers and radio personalities, Dan Savage, had shared a video on YouTube of him and his partner Terry talking about how great their lives are now after going through all the bullying and challenges that they dealt with then they were younger.I wanted to support this organization from the start because I was horrified by all the news reports last year about LGBT teens committing suicide because their teachers, schoolmates, and even friends and family where making them feel like their lives would be ruined by being openly gay. Now, why I myself am straight, I have friends and family who are gay and I have never known being gay to be something to be ashamed of. I know that homophobia runs rampant in the world, but ever since I was a young teen I've had individuals who were gay in my life and back in the late 80s early 90s I never saw these kinds of things happen to my friends when we grew up. To see it happening today at the level that it is just seemed so foreign to me, but at the same time I wasn't that naive. So when Dan Savage got It Gets Better started I instantly took the pledge and then donated to the site. When this card came up and these thoughts came flooding back I went onto the site and donated again and also bought a shirt...which in turn was more money donated to a great cause.I dealt with my own share of being bullied and made fun of, especially in middle school/junior high school. I was picked on for being fat, for not having a lot of money, for being too smart, and for just being different. I didn't like the same things other 14 year old girls liked and I wasn't terribly interested in boys beyond thinking some of the boys in school were cute. I mean, they all had me convinced that I was too fat, too ugly, and too nerdy to get a boyfriend anyway so I figured I was better off reading books than putting myself in a position to just be made fun of some more.When I got to high school things changed a bit because by then in the like 1991 it was now "cool" to be different. I had kids that made the last few years of my life a living hell wanting to be my friend now because suddenly it was OK to be me. While that didn't fly with me, and things changed a bit, it was still there and into my early 20s I still dealt with being made fun of for my weight. I've only rarely had problems because of my Pagan spirituality, to which I am grateful. But I understand what it feels like to be emotionally beaten up for just being who you are. And now...well let's just say things can still be challenging but they have gotten a whole lot better!!!So what does all of this have to do with anything? It's about being who we are. Be who you are. Let someone else be who they are. And at the same time loving support everyone else's right to be who they are. Because we are all expressions of the Divine; we are all expressions of light and love in the world. The body we came and the chemistry that came with it is just part of the diversity that the Gods create. When we struggle through something the fact of the matter is it will get better when we get through the challenge and we learn the lessons before us.Remember, you are here for a reason. You are amazing and you are loved. We all have bad days and challenges to face, but it does get better!!! You just have to work to attract the energy you need to get through those difficult times.Current Mood: