Beltane - The Fertile In-Between Time
It's Beltane! Happy Beltane! "What the hell is that," you ask? Beltane {bel-tane} is a Pagan holiday rooted in Celtic agricultural society that marks the beginning of the summer half of the year. The Celts divided their year into two parts, the dying season and the living season, winter and summer. Winter lasts from November 1st to April 30th and Summer comes in on May 1st and lasts until October 31st."October 31st? Isn't that Halloween?" Why, yes! Guess what? Halloween, known also as Samhain {sow-in}, is rooted in Celtic culture as well and is that midway point at the opening gate of Winter. But we'll talk about Samhain when that happens in October. For now let's talk about the beginning of the fertile season with today's seasonal shift and how you can take advantage of that energy.You can check out this post from a few years ago for more about the background of Beltane.The big focus at this time is always on the idea of fertility. Bonfires are lit for purification and fertility rites, including marriages {and back in the day trial marriages that lasted for the 6 months of the summer season}. Now is the time to scoop up some of that energy and feed the seeds of intention that you planted at the beginning of the year so that when the harvest period comes you'll be ready to see things manifest.Keep in mind too we just had a new moon so the energy for beginnings is powerful right now. If you want to start something new right now and do it with a bit boost, now is the time!I love Beltane and there are so many ways to honor this awesome holiday. But let's look at three simple things you can do to harness and use this energy, regardless of your experience with this kind of work, and regardless of if you've ever even heard of Beltane before today!
3 Simple Beltane Celebrations
Magic Eggs!
This is something I do pretty much every year and it's tons of fun! Within modern Pagan traditions this fits in with a few different celebrations, mainly Ostara {the spring equinox} and Beltane. What you do is hard boil a few eggs {I wouldn't recommend more than 3}. Each egg will represent one thing you want to see grow in the months to come. Once they are cooked and good to go you can dye or color each one in a color appropriate to their intention. Use a marker to add words or symbols to the shell. Hold each egg, one at a time, putting your intention and energy into the egg, seeing the thing you want as though it's already manifested. When you're really feeling this energy and you're seeing this thing as yours, feeling it as yours, eat the egg. You can do an egg a day rather than all at once {I prefer this so your focus is more clear on one thing at a time}.Don't eat eggs? No problem! Check out this magical work I shared for Ostara a while ago. No eggs necessary but all the power of the egg symbolism.
Braided Magic!
Gather together three ribbons, each in a color associated with something you want to weave into your life. If you don't really know what to use, try working with some basic spring/summer colors like green for health, blue for wisdom, pink for love, yellow for joy, and orange for success. Braid them together and create a little affirmation or chant to use as you do it. If you use green, pink, and orange ribbons you could chant "Health, Love, Success...Health, Love, Success" or write something a little more personal and elaborate. When you're done tie a knot at each end and hang it by your front door. This will help to attract these things into your home during the months ahead. You can also tie things to tend like crystals, dried herbs, or even tarot cards that help bring even more energy to your new talisman.
This is just super simple. Burn a candle charged with the intention of bringing fertile energy into your life for a specific reason. You'll also want to gather up flowers like roses and daisies, flowers for Beltane, and create a ring on a table with them. Place your candle holder in the center. For this use a yellow or orange candle and use a pencil, knife, or pin and etch your name in one side of the candle and your desire or intention in the other side. You can anoint the candle with some essential oil like carnation, heliotrope, or honeysuckle {all great for Beltane}. Hold the candle, visualize what you want, see and feel the fertility of Beltane growing things in your life. When you're ready, place the candle in the holder, light it, and take time to gaze on the flame knowing your intentions are manifesting. For this one you'll want to burn the candle all the way down in one sitting, so make sure to use a candle in the most appropriate size for you.
A Beltane altar of mine from a few years ago for some more in-depth and involved work.
How are you going to honor this special time? Are you ready to add some fertility to a certain area of your life?
Whatever you do, have an awesome start of the spiritual summer season!