Boosting Your Self-Confidence
Self-confidence is one of those emotions and states of being that many of us feel alludes us from time to time. Everyone has moment of low self-esteem and feeling uncertain about where they are and where they are headed in their personal life journey. This is just part of being human. But also part of being human is learning how to pull ourselves up by the boot straps and move past these lower emotions so we can advance ourselves on our path.Lacking self-confidence is a lower energy emotion that is often developed out of fear. Sometimes those fears are obvious and sometimes they are long held ones who's root causes are so deeply planted within us that it can take quite some time to find them and heal them. But even with these deeper elements there are small steps we can take to being to turn around that feeling of low self-confidence.What makes you feel good about yourself?The first thing to do in creating a self-confidence boost is knowing what things make you smile, make your heart sing, and make your soul dance. When we are lost in these states of being we naturally find ourselves stronger and more confident. When we can identify the things that put is in this state of mind we can call them back up when we need to feel this sensation. These feelings and emotions can help put us in the right frame of mind to feel a great boost of confidence.Find what triggers your insecurities.Just as important as finding what makes us feel happy and safe is knowing what makes us scared or vulnerable. We shouldn't try to avoid these situations but as we identify them we can become more prepared to face them. We can also take the time to examine them a bit to discover why these specific scenarios may put us on edge. Where is there a change for healing here?What are your methods of approach?When we identify the situations that make us feel less confident we can examine how we address them and what our approach is to these events. Through this we can begin to find what methods might be working and which ones need to be changed. For example, you may be a woman who has difficulty with being emotionally open with men. You may be able to trace this back to an event with your own father or other male authority figure from your childhood. The reaction and approach you have with men now could very well be a hold over from something you did as a way to protect yourself in childhood. Once you can identify your behaviors and ways of reacting and responding to men you will be better able to find ways to improve and change that way of acting and being to behave differently in these situations.Begin your change by visualizing it.One of the best ways to really start being self-confident is to see yourself confident and to feel this sense of strength and power. Visualize yourself in one of your low power situations and really see and feel yourself in that moment. What would you do differently to have yourself feeling empowered? This is a safe personal space so feel free to imagine yourself doing things vastly different than you ever have before! Visualize the changes; what would you do and say differently? Then begin to allow the feeling of empowerment from this visualization penetrate you in real time. Let this become your action state of being. Feel the power from within to do these things and to make these changes in your life!Remember, you have the power to let go and change!This is often easier said than done for most people but it isn't impossible! Like many things, practice makes perfect. You need to try it a few times, getting your feet wet and getting a handle on how this change works before it really takes effect. So many people will approach this inner healing with the "it's just so hard to really do" mentality that all they do is make it more difficult for themselves than it needs to be. Keep in mind that many of your fears that have caused low self-esteem have been build up over a period of many years, so they naturally will take time to release. Going into this work expecting things to change overnight is only a secret form of self-sabotage. You know deep within that a hurt that developed for 20 years is going to take more than a weekend to heal.Just remember that you have the ultimate control over where things are going to go for you in your life; you have control over your self-confidence and power of self in your life. Once you are willing to accept this responsibility, knowing that blaming others is never going to get your to a place of healing and that only your own actions toward change will, it becomes so much easier to being to take those steps toward healing your life.