Calling the Other Side

For a long, long time I wanted to be a medium.  It was something that I'd set as a bit of a spiritual goal in my early 20s.  I had started to follow the work of a few different mediums after I started getting more into tarot reading and I thought that it would be awesome to be able to add mediumship to my tarot work.  Naturally I thought it would be something that would require a long process of studying, learning, reading, and practice.  I mean, that's what everything else I'd been doing spiritually seemed to require at the point so this must too!  As it turned out, that wasn't the case at all.  In fact I WAS a medium but didn't realize it.  And guess what, you probably are too!Honestly, I thought there was some big thing, some big secret, that you had to learn and train in so you could connect to the dead.  I mean, there had to be!  I was reading books written by mediums who would tell their stories about they grew up seeing and hearing spirits, often seeing them standing around their rooms at bedtime.  My thought was, "Oh, so you have to be born with this skill...and you have to have been aware of it since you were little."No.  That's not actually true.  And I'll tell you, this story of seeing dead people standing around someone's childhood bed has gotten to be so common I'm starting to think that not everyone with this story actually had this experience.So there I was...I was studying, reading books, taking classes {including a mediumship class with Lisa Williams} and discovered the real answer. 

I was a medium all along!

 The problem was I'd put a really weird expectation on what it meant to be a medium and how doing mediumship should go down.  I never saw apparitions but what I did see were impressions or images in my mind and I often heard bits and pieces of things, also in mind - not like someone was standing next to me talking.  I've been having those experiences since I was quite little.  This is what being clairvoyant and clairaudient actually IS.But to me that wasn't mediumship, or at least what I'd come to believe mediumship was.So when I had the realization that I was actually doing this all along I stopped studying mediumship altogether and just let it ride.   I decided I would just welcome insights and information when they needed to come to me.  That worked really well, but I still felt I needed to learn some real specific things to make connecting to the spirit world work better.  I finally got those insights after beginning my angel communication work in 2007.  While doing this work it was made very clear to me that everyone is a medium, or at least has the ability to receive these messages and make these connections, but we tend to create the blocks that prevent it from happening. 

Doing a distance mediumship session for a client...


 Here are 5 things I've learned that really make a big difference in opening up to your mediumship abilities. 

1. Stop Believing You Can't Do It

The more you think you can't do something, despite your desire to do it, the less likely it will be that you have any success in your attempts.  This is true for absolutely anything; like attracts like when it comes to energy and your thoughts are your personal energy radiating out to the Universe around you.  If you think you can't then you can't.  If you think you can, really truly think you can, then you can and you will.  Everyone is psychic and therefore everyone is a medium, the problem just sits within our perception of what we can do. 

2. Don't Create Expectations

If you put a lot of expectations on how your sessions will go then you're going to find yourself disappointed just about every time.  Your job as a medium is to just channel the information.  You're nothing more than a conduit for spirit energy in this situation so it's not up to you to decide how it should come through, what should come through, or even who will contact you.  You can put requests out to the spirit world {which we'll talk about in a sec} but if you put expectations on what it will be like when it happens - what it will look like, sound like, feel like, etc - then you're probably going to be disappointed.  The way spirit communicates their messages to us is truly a language all its own sometimes so you have to be patient and take the time to learn it. 

3. Trust Your Feelings and Impressions

When you're working with intuition the golden rule is always that your initial impression is the right one.  Test this out!  Next time you think you're getting a message, second guess yourself, go with your second answer, and see how off it is.  OK, that might be a little much, and chances are you've already had that experience because you did that without meaning to.  Always go with your initial impressions and trust that they are right.  When you're giving information to someone else they may not agree with you or understand who or what you're talking about, but there is something in the message for them and it might just take them a little while to discover it.  Remember, you're just here to pass on the information not make sense of it for someone else. 

4. Be Open But Don't Be A Floodgate

There is a misconception that when you do mediumship you have to be an open floodgate for anything and anyone to come through to you.  This is not only a misunderstanding of mediumship it's also not safe spiritually.  When you're going to do spiritual mediumship you can do the well know white light protection practice {envision yourself surrounded in white light that descends down from above and envelops you in an egg-like shape that extends above your head and below your feet into the earth} or you can simply ask the angels to keep you safe.  Say a little prayer to Archangel Michael and your guardian angels to protect you from any spirits that may come to do you harm or to only allow those who you are specifically looking to contact reach you. 

5. Have A Purpose - Have A Name

Names carry a great amount of energy and they become part of our own energy in life and in death.  Speaking the name of someone on the other side while visualizing them, or using their full name if you don't know what they look like, can help to fine tune your connection like tuning a radio dial.  We also want to go into a mediumship session with a purpose, not just going in saying "hey, who wants to chat?"  It takes energy out of you and it takes energy from those in spirit to make these connections so use the energy wisely.  Also, it's so important to keep in mind that when someone passes into spirit they don't become angels {literally or figuratively}.  They will have the same quirks in their personality and the same traits that we loved and loathed when they were on this plane of existence.  When you ask for help or advice ask them about things that they would have been able to ask you about in life.  They don't become all knowing because they have crossed over. 


Sylvia Browne and the Living Dead Girl


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