The Capricorn Full Moon Eclipse and You!
This weekend we have a very powerful and useful full moon and lunar eclipse coming out way! Happening in Capricorn, the energy will be high and pushing us toward finding stability once again. [wc_box color="secondary" text_align="center" margin_top="" margin_bottom="" class=""]AS ALWAYS WITH THESE POSTS I LIKE TO POINT OUT THAT I AM NOT AN ASTROLOGER. I USE INFORMATION ABOUT THE EVENTS AND A MAGICKAL OR SPIRITUAL PERSPECTIVE TO GIVE INSIGHTS INTO HOW THIS ENERGY CAN BE USED.[/wc_box] This full moon also brings the second lunar eclipse of the current eclipse season. It will be visible through most of North America, South America, Africa, and Europe. It will begin around 8:07pm PST and end at 10:52pm PST, with the peak being approximate at 9:30.2020 has been anything but stable. Many of us have been knocked off our footing in one way or another. It’s been interesting because the tarot card for the year is The Emperor, a sign of potential rigidness and grasping at the past when things need to shift and flow so change for the future can come. This lunar event comes as a little bit of a reminder that to survive and eventually thrive, we need to get our heads wrapped around sensible and reasonable ways to create change that will last.It’s also important to keep in mind that with this high energy from Capricorn, Mercury is still retrograde. Keep your wits about you in the communication department if you feel the need to express your feelings. This Capricorn full moon and eclipse happen in the sign of Saturn. Because of where this eclipse will fall, arriving with the moon in Capricorn close to the South Node, which will be in Sagittarius after being in Capricorn, giving a little Sag vibe to this eclipse too. If we’re willing to embrace the unknown that the future can bring while being willing to do the work to make real change in our life, big things can happen with this energy.This is a time for completion, especially when it comes to significant changes and the need to let go or shed things. It also acts as the bridge between two new moons in Cancer (last month’s on June 20th and this month’s on July 20th). The Cancer new moon is all about accepting emotions and energies and letting go of the overly protective shell we sometimes find ourselves in as a defense mechanism.
This Capricorn full moon and eclipse is asking us to look at the patterns we have found ourselves in, especially with relationships and the home, and look for ways to maturely handle change and move forward.
Basically, in June, Cancer said, “Hey, I don’t know if you’re ready to accept these things about yourself, but here they are. Then Capricorn is like, “Yeah, we really need to listen to what Cancer said and make some change.” Then with July’s next Cancer new moon expect Cancer to be all “See, I told you it was time to make some change. Feels good, doesn’t it?” Cancer is gentle for the most part, so she isn’t going to be all up in your face about it, but she’s going to be sure you see where your effort was worthwhile.
So how will this specifically impact you based on your sign? Here are some thoughts and insights into how this lunar occasion may affect you.
♈ Aries – Full Moon in your 10th House – In your House of career and ambitions, this moon will have you looking at how you connect with others. What emotional connections are you making with others through your work and message? How committed are you to this path and your message? ♉ Taurus – Full Moon in your 9th House – In your House of travel, study, and learning, you’ll be called to see how your past is acting as a teacher for you. Are you learning lessons from your past and the experiences you’ve had in the last few years? How are you connecting to yourself more deeply through these experiences? This is also a great time to start considering what you can do in the months ahead to better understand people and situations that you know you lack an emotional understanding of. Seek books, courses, or workshops to expand your wisdom and insight. ♊ Gemini – Full Moon in your 8th House – In your House of finances and transformation, it’s time to look at your patterns with how you become emotionally tied to money and spending. Do you use money as a way to bypass change? Do you try to “buy” happiness or growth? We all do this from time to time, but this moon will ask you to see if you’re letting it become a habit and how you can break it. ♋ Cancer – Full Moon in your 7th House – In your House of love and marriage, now is a time to examine how you are laying the groundwork for the future of your relationship. If you aren’t with someone, look at how you are (or aren’t), creating space for something to develop in the future. Are you creating boundaries that keep love away? ♌ Leo – Full Moon in your 6th House – In your House of health and routines, look at any bad patterns that quarantine may have created for you and start letting go of what is truly becoming a burden. Have you been lazy with your eating habits or staying up too late? Have you become more of a couch potato than usual because you can’t go to the gym? Looking for those patterns that are affecting your health and see what new routines you can create instead. ♍ Virgo – Full Moon in your 5th House – In your House of creativity and romance, use it to look at how you may feel insecure about the flow of love and creativity in your life. Is there something specific that you know is holding you back because you lack confidence? Do you feel like you can’t fully express yourself in a loving or creative way with the world around you (or with specific people)? Now is a time for finding ways to let that go. ♎ Libra – Full Moon in your 4th House – In your House of home and family, you’re really going to feel the flow of energy with this lunar event. It’s time to look around you and take a deep look at how home and family nurture you. What needs to be shifted here? What needs to be changed or released to feel more supported going forward? Remember that learning from our past is essential; forgetting leaves us doomed to repeat it. ♏ Scorpio – Full Moon in your 3rd House – In your House of communication, use this as a time to look at how commitments or promises to family, friends, or co-workers have fallen flat. Where did you drop the ball? What lessons can you learn from that experience? If you feel that you really let some people down, this can be an excellent opportunity to mend relationships with a simple apology and a gesture of heartfelt gratitude. ♐ Sagittarius – Full Moon in your 2nd House – In your House of financial prosperity and possessions, this is a great time to ask yourself a sometimes hard question; “What have I outgrown in my home and what objects or things are actually holding me back from growing?” It might seem superficial, but the things in our environment that might be attached to a past version of ourselves can hold energy that keeps us from evolving and growing (or even growing up). Look around and see what needs to be released. ♑ Capricorn – Full Moon in your 1st House – In your House of self-image and identity, this can be a great time to look at who you have been, who are today, and who you want to be in the future. How can you shift the way the world sees you so you can be seen the way you wish to be seen? You will be met with insecurities and doubt that you can evolve, but know that it’s all part of your Ego’s resistance to change. Take an honest look at yourself, and you will find ways you can make these shifts. ♒ Aquarius – Full Moon in your 12th House – In your House of fears and Shadow, now is a great time to have some real hard discussions with yourself about the future What do you really fear? What are you avoiding, and why? What are your deepest and darkest worries about family, relationships, and home? Are you worried about the possible loss of loved ones who are ill or aging? Do you worry about your children growing up and moving away? Do you fear being alone? Look at these Shadow lessons and see you can learn and find ways to bring more comfort to those areas for yourself. ♓ Pisces – Full Moon in your 11th House – In your House of social circles and networking, it’s time to start looking at the hard truth that how we connect with others has changed, and we need to change with it. You may have resisted some of these changes that came with quarantine. Now it’s time to look at how you can become more connected with friends and family through new ways. Maybe organizing regular group video calls or having to have a virtual gathering. How can you accept that the past ways may not be coming back any time soon?
A Little Magick – Rooted But Flexible
Since Capricorn is really about grounding and stability, a very simple spell you can work to anchor yourself during a change can be helpful. Just remember to hold the image of a tree here; it may be tall and strong, but it isn’t rigid. It bends and sways with the wind. Be like a tree, and be flexible but be grounded. Be firm in your intentions. Be true to who you are while being willing to adapt to the winds of change. [wc_row][wc_column size="one-half" position="first"][wc_spacing size="20px" class=""][/wc_spacing]You’ll need:
- 1 brown or dark green candle
- Patchouli essential oil
- 1 Smokey quartz
- A few pinches of Lavender
- A few pinches of Sage
- A carving tool
- A small dish
[/wc_column][wc_column size="one-half" position="last"][/wc_column][/wc_row] Hold your candle between your hands, rolling it back and forth while visualize yourself feeling safe, grounded, and protected. Focus on releasing worries and concerns about anything that might have you feeling overwhelmed, pressured, or afraid of change and growth. Send all your fears into the candle and feel it begin to pulse with life in your hands.Take your carving tool, carve your name on one side, and “I AM GROUNDED” on the other.Rub a few drops of oil on the candle.Place the candle on your plate and sprinkle with a few pinches each of lavender and sage. Roll the candle in it and try to get some to stick to the candle. Using either a candle holder to by melting a little wax on the bottom of the candle, place it in the center of the dish with the remaining herbs forming a circle around its base.Light the candle.Hold your stone in your receptive hand (the one you don’t write with). Visualize yourself being grounded and rooted like a tree into the earth, but willing to sway with the winds. Ask your stone ally for any insights or guidance into how you can remain rooted but not rigid. Gaze on the candle flame or close your eyes and listen for the spirits to share their insights.When you’re done, place the stone in front of the candle and let it burn down completely. Then carry the stone with you as a reminder of your intention to remain grounded. Hold it or rub it any time you need to bring this energy of rooted flexibility into your life.