Choose Your Own Power Animal - July 1 - 7
Happy July everyone! Time for our first power animal reading for the month....and this week I'm doing something a little different. (also, if you haven't seen the tarotscopes for July, you can find them here.)I always feel like I'm so long I have a lot to say! But with power animals, there are reasons why I tend to say a lot. Power animals don't have their spiritual associations for some mystical, unknown reason. They have their meanings based on their habits and the way they live. People would observe them, back in those days when we lived more commonly with animals and nature as part of our daily lives. Then when someone would start to see these animals popping up around their homes a lot kind of suddenly they might take this as a sign that they needed to take on some of the traits of that animal.So for instance, last week Wolf was one of the animals that we had come up. What I said about the message from Wolf last week was this:
If you connected to Wolf this week you’re reminded of two things...working with others can be a time saver and bring bigger rewards than working alone...and being exact in your communication is the key to effectively working with others. Take the knowledge that you gain from talking with others and apply it as workable wisdom this week. It’s time to get things done and make things happen, but only when you willingly partner with others will you see things really get moving.
Wolves can be observed as being very careful in their hunting process, almost stalking their prey, taking time to really watch their target's movements and gathering an idea of what they may do next before pouncing. Wolves also have a very noticeable and distinct set of howls and "laughing" tones that they use for communication. They are very "chatty" animals and if you have wolves around you, you are always aware of their near constant communication.So all of this lends to our idea of Wolf being an animal of careful planning, wisdom, and communication.This is why I always talk about the animal themselves and not just the spiritual message in hopes that you will see that correlation. I always find it funny when I have someone tell me to ditch the "facts for kids" about the power animals and get "get to the magickal aspects." I always have to reply by saying "Where do you think the 'magickal aspects' come from? Thin air?!"This week I thought I would do something different. I thought I would skip the facts and just go with the magickal and spiritual part. It will be interesting for me to not even think about the practical side, my brain just has a hard time separating the two. But let's give it a go...tell me what you think down in the comments.[wc_divider style="image3" line="single" margin_top="" margin_bottom="" class=""][/wc_divider]
So now...time for power animals!
Your power animal card for the week is designed to help you get some guidance and spiritual insights into the energetic flow of your week.
How This Works:
Below you’ll see a picture of three cards. Above each card, I have placed a crystal to help guide you in picking your card. Take a few deep breaths, let go of any stress or worry, focus on the image, and pick the card/crystal combination that you felt most drawn to. Once you have been called to a certain card, down below click the link for the card and crystal you picked. This will reveal your card along with guidance for your week.
Here’s what I ask you do after you get your reading revealed.
- Share in the comments what card you got and how the guidance hit you.
- Ask questions if you have them!
- Share this your friends using the links below.
Left Card - Onyx - grounding, protection, shielding your energyCenter Card - Ruby in Matrix - rooting your passion, connecting the heart with the rootRight Card - Tourmalated Quartz - deflecting negative energy, drawing good luck
[wc_accordion collapse="1" leaveopen="0" class="" layout="box"][wc_accordion_section title="Left / Onyx"]Where there is something ugly, you can find something beautiful. You may find that you do this naturally, but this week, in particular, you will find that there is a deep desire for you to find beauty in all the places you can. This is the nature of vultures, to take everything that is left behind and unwanted by someone else and find ways to use it and make it something "beautiful" for themselves. Nothing goes to waste when a vulture is around, and this is what you need to keep in mind over the next week.As you find yourself connected to Vulture, look around you and see what you are letting go to waste. What do you see as "not beautiful" and not special that could be used in a different way so you could make is something new and valuable. The things that seem ugly are the very things that need your attention this week. It could be that you are drawn to deal with the "ugliness" or a situation or relationship that you have been avoiding or that something in the world around that is unpleasant finally pulls your attention and calls to your heart. Don't run away these things now...they are great teachers and there is a lot for you to learn right now.[/wc_accordion_section][/wc_accordion] [wc_accordion collapse="1" leaveopen="0" class="" layout="box"][wc_accordion_section title="Center / Ruby in Matrix"]
Pigs are one of the most intelligent and somewhat misunderstood animals on the farm. They are social animals that are also far more powerful and resourceful than we might give them credit for. If any animal on the far were to suddenly sprout wings where there were none before and just take off, it would be the pigs! But as we all know "when pigs fly" is a way of saying "that's never happening" but the spirit of Pig says "not so fast."When we find Pig comes around we're reminded of the power of using our minds wisely, of thinking clearly and analyzing all possibilities. What doesn't seem possible on the surface may very be possible if we just took the time to think of a good plan of action. We're reminded to stay in communication with those around us, with our own intuition, and to keep an open mind. Only when we say "that can't happen" do we make it so. And when we think about "pigs flying" we can see that...if you believe the only way to see a flying pig is for it to have natural wings, that might be highly unlikely. But a pig can fly if it's on a plane! A pig could fly if we strapped it into some robotic flying apparatus. This week Pig says "don't put limits on what your mind can imagine, because that's how you put limits on what's possible in your life."[/wc_accordion_section][/wc_accordion] [wc_accordion collapse="1" leaveopen="0" class="" layout="box"][wc_accordion_section title="Right / Tourmalated Quartz"]
When we think of spiritual animals, the ones that have some connection to the cosmos and the other worlds, we always think of water mammals. Whales and dolphins get the distinction of being some of the most prominent "cosmic animals" that we connect with. No doubt this is because of their watery habitat and the way they go deep into the darkness of waters that can look like gazing into the night sky from our perspective.Whales have a great deal of mystery around them and are often seen as the keepers of the earth's wisdom. They are one of the first mammals, having been in existence for almost 50 million years. They have seen things we have never and will never see...they have seen species be born into existence and then go extinct. They have heard the song of beings that human ears have never heard. They know things...deep things...and thus they become those wisdom keepers.This week with Whale you are asked to go into your depths, to spend time in meditation and reflect as much as you can, going back through your soul's record of your own evolution and revisiting the things that have come and gone in your life and learning what you can from the wisdom that it's left on your soul. There are things to learn here, so trust in the great mystery of "you" and embrace what you find.[/wc_accordion_section][/wc_accordion]