Color Your World With Magic

Color is one of the most powerful vibrations around us. Without realizing it we infuse our aura with color every day from the clothing we wear to the environment that we spend our time in. Most of the time we’re so busy that we don’t pay attention to this beyond the simple aesthetic of things. But what if you could really change your own vibes by picking and using specific colors in your world? Would that change how you see colors?Color is how our eyes perceive the wavelengths of electro-magnetic light energy. Chromotherapy is an alternative therapy that tries to harness the power of this light energy to treat mental, emotional and physical dis-ease. So far the physical effectiveness of color therapy hasn’t been proven but we know without question that color effects our mood and how we’re feeling which can ultimately have an impact on how we heal physically.Here are what you might call the “core colors”. There are so many shades and variations of these that we don’t even know them all.  We can’t even see them all! We can work with these as a base to help guide us in using the various shades out there. Red brings warmth, energy, love and stimulation. It helps to wake up our circulatory system and giving energy to all our organs. It also helps to wake up our senses of taste, smell, sight and hearing. Red gives us strength, helps us to feel excited and ready to rock whatever we need to do, even when we don’t want to do it. It gives courage and will-power, a sense of independence and helps us to harness our ambition and work for our own independence.  If you have a negative association with the color red you may be hot-tempered, overly aggressive or have problems with people who are strong and independent. It can also signal a disconnect with your own sense of assertiveness. Orange gives us a sense of possibility. It helps to activate our creativity and our enthusiasm for life. Orange helps to up us open to seeking out and accepting new ideas.  It also helps us to deal with sexual expression, whether it’s a need to connect more to our sexual nature or to tone is down. Orange brings good luck, attraction, charm and success. When we’re in need achieving goals, especially career and creative ones, orange can give us a great boost. People who have a problem with the color orange often have a disconnect with their own sexuality or have a hard time simply enjoying life as a whole. They may also be overly materialistic and over indulgent. Yellow strengthens the mind and awakens our sense of inspiration. When we find ourselves feeling burned out or down yellow lifts the spirit and helps us to regain our lust for life. Yellow helps with all aspects of vitality, change and progress. When we have a hard time feeling joy, yellow can help. It’s also a great color for both travelers and students because it keeps you going and keeps you interesting in exploring and learning more. People who don’t like the color yellow may have a problem with finding and keeping a sense of happiness for a prolonged period of time. They may have issues with relationships, finding that they often remain superficial and their close circle of friends always changing because they push people away with their less than sunny personality. Green is one of the most healing of all the colors. It soothes the mind, body and soul because of it’s connection to the earth and nature. Green is relaxing and helps to stimulate healing in the body. It brings harmony and balance between the physical and mental aspects of the self. Green helps us with recovering from disappointment and loss. It beings us abundance, prosperity, hope, growth and fertility. Green can also help counter and protect us from jealously and greed.  Anytime you’re looking for peace, green is your go to. People who have a problem with the color green may often find they prefer to be alone than part of a community. They keep their distance from others and can be seen as cold toward others. Blue is another of the big healing colors. Blue specifically brings cooling and is great for anyone that is dealing with frustration, anger, aggressive people or who is having a hard time calming down when life has them stressed out. It’s a color that counters anger, aggression and hysteria bringing tranquilly and balance. It’s different from green in the aspects of peace and healing; where green heals starting at the heart, blue heals starting with the head. It calms the mind and opens us up to communicating our needs and true desires and intentions freely. Blue is a color that brings justice, peace, tranquility, truth, wisdom, calmness, devotion and overall healing. People that have an aversion to blue may have a hard time going with the flow. They may be too strict with themselves and others and have a hard time opening up and communicating their deepest desires. Purple is the color of transformation and the power of intuition. It’s a powerful color that covers a lot of ground when it comes to healing and manifesting. It helps us deal with addictions, obsessions, hysteria, delusions and melancholy. When we’re dealing with pain it can help give us a sense of relief. It helps to elevate the spirit, brings spiritual wisdom, connects us to the angelic realm and counters negative energy. When we want to develop our psychic skills or counter possible psychic attack, purple is a huge helper. It’s also a great color to incorporate into all forms of meditation, spiritual work, prayer, devotion and inspirational work because it attracts help from the Divine. People who don’t like purple may take a very serious and rational attitude toward life. They may not be comfortable with spirituality and reject things connected to the Divine. They may also have a hard time believing in their dreams as being anything more than fantasies. Pink is the traditional color or love. When it comes to love we might think of red, but red is more associated with sexual love where pink would be for emotional love. Pink brings relief from sadness, loss and grief. It gives us a sense of youthfulness, connection to our feelings and emotions, nurturing, caring, friendship and femininity. It’s a color that’s great for bringing in a sense of support when we’re feeling emotionally fragile. Pink also brings a sense of good will and peace. A great example of pink being used for all its wonderful abilities is use and sending of pink flowers for all occasions from funerals to birthdays. When someone has a problem with the color pink they may have a really hard time expressing their emotions, especially ones that may leave them vulnerable.  They may also have a hard time connecting to their feminine side {think about how many men would never be caught dead wearing the color pink}. White is the highest and purest of all the colors bringing almost endless possibilities. It the color of cosmic wisdom and consciousness and the white light of the Divine. White brings harmony, healing and perfect balance as it’s the combination of all other light color frequencies. The healing white light that we hear so much about is a light frequency that helps to raise the vibrations of both the body and mind and beings harmony to all the different aspects of someone’s life. In many healing modalities white light is often sent directly to specific organs or parts of the body to speed healing. White brings purification, cleansing, inspiration, harmony and truth. It helps with meditation and developing your ability to connect with spirit guides. People who have an issue with the color white often have a very grounded approach to life. They often have imperfections or even illnesses that they aren’t terribly interested in healing or changing and they choose to accept these things simply as part of their existence. Brown is a color of deep grounding, home and hearth, family and connection to the animal kingdom. It helps with problem solving, making decisions and concentration. When we’re in a financial crisis it helps to keep us grounded and focused and able to find solutions while keeping us from getting too easily wrapped up in our emotions. Brown helps to bring a feeling of warmth when it comes to friends and family and keeps our relationships simple, solid and free of conflicts. When someone have a problem with using the color brown they may have a problem with commitment, family and setting down roots. They may be more comfortable being in transition and actually feel uncomfortable with stability. Grey is the color of neutrality. It helps to fend off negativity and can help with attempting to cancel out situations and energies that may be seen as negative and harmful. Grey brings a complexity because it is a blend of black with some white, which can be seen as tempering darkness with light. It balances positive and negative energies to bring balance. Grey is also a color of the ethers and is a color often used to help connect to the spirit world and lifting the veil the exists between the living and the dead.  Someone with a dislike of grey may not like things that are sometimes veiled and mystery and prefers straightforward and blunt approaches to everything, demanding clarity and knowing exactly where they stand in any situation. Black is said to be the absence of light and therefore beings a deep connection to the occult, mystery and the unknown. It helps to open up some very deep levels of the unconscious that are often hidden and difficult to trigger. Black also helps to break bad habits and free us from things that we feel constrained by. It’s a color for protection, banishing and repelling other energies. Black often symbolizes seriousness, severity, all things hidden, the underworld and even things such as death and mourning. But remembering that death doesn’t always have to be physical death, it can be a powerful color for transformation when used with intention. It’s a color of all or nothing, an energy of extremes. People who are confident using black tend to be very aware of who they are and have deep trust in their own guidance. People who are adversed to black tend to be on the side of things. They fear the unknown, have little trust in their own intuition and gut guidance and are often happy being dependent on others. Pick a color that connects to something you need to attract into your life, heal in your life or even balance out. The way you use color is endless.  Here are a few simple ways to bring these vibrations into action in your life.

  • Dress with intention in a specific color you need for your day.
  • Use a specific color for your bedding to help absorb that light frequency for an extended period of time when you sleep.
  • Eat foods that are naturally colored with your chosen color {no artificial colorings}.
  • Store water in glass bottles in the color you choose for at least 24 hours to help infuse the water with the color light energy.
  • Hold or carry crystals in the desired color.
  • Use colored light bulbs to infuse your home with a specific color vibration.
  • Visualize yourself surrounded by an egg or bubble of a specific color.
  • Work on healing your chakras, which have specific colors associated with them.
  • Burn candles in your chosen color.

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