Crystal Wednesday: Prehnite

Our crystal for this week is one that I was completely unfamiliar with until recently when my husband found it in a local Pagan shop.  He found the stone and pointed it out to me because of it's description of being a calming stone and he wanted me to pick one out to carry in the car.  I am a nervous passenger.  Apparently I'm a nervous driver too, but I don't know about that.  When I'm not in charge of the car I tend to be very jumpy, I misjudge distances and I think that every car that drives by is going to either hit us, cut us off to come slamming into us.  That drives my husband nuts because it makes him nervous too.  So he thought if I had a piece of this stone that I could hold onto in the car I might be a bit more calm when we're driving.  So I was game.  I've done some reading, research and work with the stone since and I have to say it's quickly becoming a favorite.Prehnite ranges in color from a very pale, milky white green to a deep mint that can also have what are sometimes called "chocolate" colored inclusions. while still others have a green-yellow look.  Some pieces, especially those that have been tumbled or faceted, have a look similar to moonstone but with a green hue.  It originates from South Africa and has the nickname "Cape emerald" because it was believed at one point to be a form of emerald.  Prehnite has since been found in other parts of the world including Australia, the US, and in the Alps. The stone was originally discovered in Cape of Good Hope in Africa in 1774 with Dutch colonel having found it.The chemical make up of the stone is calcium aluminum silicate hydroxide (making it unsafe for any internal use such as with elixirs made directly from the stone).  Prehnite has been mistakenly thought to be a zeolite, a type of mineral that is a silicate used in a lot of industrial applications because of it's ability to purify, detoxify, and deodorize.  One of the common traits that prehnite has with other zeolites is it's ability to excrete water when it's heated up, however unlike actual zeolites, prehnite cannot reabsorb the water.In healing we can use prehnite to help with issues that might be happening with the bladder and kidneys.  When doing energy healing prehnite stonescan be placed over the bladder and kidneys to help aid in healing for any issues in those areas.  It can also be used for issues of nervous stomachs and digestion issues that happen due to nerves and nervous conditions.  The stone is a calming stone who's main functions are to soften and sooth as well as alleviate tensions, making it a great stone for addressing anything that might be causing problems to both the physical and energy bodies because of nerves.  The stone can be carried or held on the receptive side of the body whenever there is a need to calm to nerves or it can be placed on the body wherever it may be needed.  It is also used with the solar plexus chakra for nerves and strength and with the third eye for meditation and visualization as it is also said to be a stone of prophecy and it can help open up the third eye for vision and journey work.Magically the main function of prehnite is to help with psychic work, exploring past lives, and working within the astral realms.  It is also a stone that can be used for dream work and makes a great addition for dream pillows.  When being used psychic and vision work prehnite can help to break down boundaries between time and space.  This helps to be able to see and interpret messages from the past, present and future in a clear manner.  It can also be used to specifically increase and enhance clairvoyance for remote viewing and it can help with channeling.  Prehnite is also said to be sacred to to the Archangel Raphael.Prehnite is easily found and is readily available in tumbled stones, perfect for carrying, and can be found in clusters and points for healing and altar work.  You can find it easily online and in many specialty crystal stores.


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