Crystal Wednesday: Simple Chakra Balancing

ChakrasWe’ve talked in the past about using crystals in layouts on and around the body to help bring healing.  When we talk about these crystal techniques we often talk about the chakras and using the crystals on and around specific chakras to help bring in healing energies and release blockages.  For some people who are just getting started with this work they may not know how to open their chakras, how to balance them or how to work with them.  Heck, many people can’t even pronounce the word “chakra” when they are just getting started!  And that’s FINE!  We all start somewhere and getting started with both energy work and crystals can be simple and basic and easily accessible for the beginner with just a small bit of knowledge.  This week, let’s look at chakras in a nutshell, the stones and colors to use with them, and how just through simple intention you can begin to learn to open and experience your chakras, bringing them into balance, with crystals. 

Chakra Basics in a Nutshell

Working with and studying the chakras can be a lifelong pursuit, and I can say from time both as a crystal healer and Reiki Master, working with the chakras can be super simple but it can also be very deep and technical.  Because there is so much to learn and know with regard to chakras, we’re going to make this as simple as it needs to be to get started.


 Base Chakra – Also called the Root Chakra.  The color associated with this chakra is a deep but vibrant red.  It is located at the base of the spine.  Some people believe that the root chakra is not fixed and that when we stand it moves to where our body is physically rooted to the earth (so at the feet) but when we sit it rests at the base of the spine with the sitting bones.  The Root Chakra connects to the energies of security, safety and groundedness.Sacral Chakra – The color associated with the Sacral Chakra is orange and it is located a little bit below the belly button.  This chakra is associated with creative energy, fertility and sexuality.Solar Plexus Chakra – The color associated with the Solar Plexus is yellow and this chakra is located right above the belly button.  This is the chakra that handles our sense of self, personal power, control and understanding.Heart Chakra – The color associated with the Heart Chakra is typically green though some people prefer to use pink (you can also alternate these colors when doing healing based on the type of heart chakra healing that needs to be done).  This chakra is located in the center of the chest at the breastplate.  The energy contained here is that of love (for ourselves and others), emotional growth, and balance.Throat Chakra – The color associated with the Throat Chakra is blue and it is located at the base of the throat.  This chakra deals with the energy surrounding communication and expression.Brow Chakra – This charka is also most commonly referred to as the Thrid Eye Chakra and is located just about the center of the brows.  The color associated with this chakra is a deep purple or indigo.  The energy here is spiritual.  This is the center related to spirit communication, psychic connection and growth, perception, intuition and vision.Crown Chakra – The color with this chakra can vary based on tradition or personal beliefs.  Some use violet and others use gold.  I personally recommend white/clear for this chakra as it is the chakra connected to the pure, spiritual light of the divine.  This is the chakra that deals with our connection to the Gods as well as coherence and integration of other energies. 

The Crystals

When it comes to picking crystals to use with the chakras you can begin by working as simply as picking out stones that match the color of the chakras.  But it can be helpful to have some traditional suggestions.  Here are some stones that you can seek out and start with.  Pick stones that resonate with you.  When you go to pick out your stones, hold them for a moment asking if this stone is the right one to work with a specific chakra.  For example, if you pick up a piece of quartz for your crown chakra, hold it for a minute, focusing on how the crystal feels and ask the spirit and energy of the stone if this is the right stone to work with opening, cleansing and balancing your crown chakra.  When you get your answer you’ll know if that’s the right stone (you may feel nothing, meaning this isn’t the right piece, or you could feel a pulse or hum in your hand meaning it’s the one to use; some people may even feel a tingle in the area of the chakra they are asking about which would be a definite yes).[su_list icon="icon: asterisk" icon_color="#f790d0"]

  • Root Chakra – red jasper, tiger’s eye, garnet, ruby
  • Sacral Chakra – carnelian, sunstone, orange calcite
  • Solar Plexus Chakra – citrine, yellow jasper, amber
  • Heart Chakra – malachite, jade, green aventurine, rhodonite, rose quartz, rubellite
  • Throat Chakra – sodalite, blue calcite, angelite
  • Third Eye Chakra – amethyst, flourite, sugilite, lapis lazuli
  • Crown Chakra – danburite, clear quartz


Working with the Stones and Chakras

When it comes to using the stones begin by doing a simple cleansing of each stone either by running it under cool running water or by smudging it with sage.  Then hold the stones one at a time and send energy into the stone with the intention of that stone being attuned to you and your specific chakra that the stone is meant for.When you’re ready lay down and begin placing the stones on your body (of if you’re working with a friend you can have them place the stones for you).  Begin at the root chakra.  Your legs should be open slightly so that the stone can rest between your thighs or at the side of your hips.  Place the rest of the stones in the corresponding areas on the body.  When you get to the crown, place the stone right above the center of you head on the floor (or wherever you’re laying).Once the stones are in place focus on the stones one at a time.  Start at the root and work your way up to the crown.  You don’t need to spend a long time, simply take a few minutes to direct your energy and attention to each stone and each chakra one at the time.  The stones are naturally doing their work but a minute of focused attention to each area helps active the balancing process (that's intention at work).How does the stone feel on or near your body?  Do you have any sort of sensations at the chakras (warmth, coolness, tingling, etc)?  Imagine the color in that chakra.  Is it bright or dark?  Feel and know, with full intention, that the chakra is becoming a bright and pure center of energy.When you feel that one chakra is bright and clear move up to the next one.  When you are done with all seven take a little time to feel the flow of energy in your body knowing that you are in balance, centered and focused.  When you feel ready to finish, take a moment to say thanks to Spirit, and slowly come back to normal consciousness, grounding as needed.It's possible that as you're doing your meditation and relaxing that a stone may naturally just fall off.  If this happens don't replace it, leave it off.  This is your body saying it's had enough and the center is balanced (you'll now the difference between this and it just rolled off because you moved).Remove the stones and cleanse them to reset their vibration for the next use.  Keep them together in a special box or bag.  Any time you feel a specific energy center needs cleansing you can do a single one by just placing the stone you need to work with on the chakra that you wish to cleans and balance.The key to remember is that even if you don’t think you know what is going on technically, placing the stones on the chakras with intention and holding that intention to have clear and balanced energy centers is all you need.  The stones, your energy body and Spirit will do the rest![wc_spacing size="40px"]


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