Crystal Wednesday: Working with Sodalite
Sodalite is a beautiful stone that comes in many different colors and shades and has many healing and metaphysical uses. The color variations in sodalite can vary from deep royal blue to violet to green to yellow. One of the most common color formations that we recognize in sodalite stones is a deep blue with white veins and patches. Sodalite was originally discovered in the early 1800s in Greenland but it wasn't until the 1890s when it was also discovered in Ontario, Canada that it became a largely popular and readily available stone. Sodalite is part of a grouping of similar stones which includes lapis lazuli, which it can sometimes be confused for, though these two stones vary in that sodalite is lacking the gold flecks of pyrite found in lapis lazuli.
This piece of lapis lazuli to the right shows the inclusions of golden pyrite flecks and is a way to tell it apart from sodalite which can often be found with the same deep royal blue colors.The name sodalite comes from the the Latin "sodalitas" meaning "comrade". The stone acts much like a comrade for those who use it as it's a stone that can bring peace of mind and help heal the heart from fear and worry. It is a stone that brings balance and reunites thoughts with feelings. In this way sodalite can be a great stone for placing in rooms where people may be working together on issues that bring up emotions on a deep level but still requires a sense of level-headed rational.Sodalite is a stone that can also help with bringing things into a state of clear vision, helping to remove illusion from a situation. When you're feeling as though someone isn't being honest with you or if you feel there is more than meets the eye in a certain situation but you can't seem to put your finger on it you can try the following simple meditation process with a piece of sodalite to help get a better handle on things.Meditation for Clear Vision1. Begin by either holding your piece of sodalite or placing it in your work or meditation space.2. Take a moment to let go of any expectations about the meditation as well as letting go of your expectations or thoughts about the situation itself. Ask yourself why you might be hanging on to any of these expectations rather than seeing the reality of the situation clearly.3. Write down the facts that you know to be true about the situation and then your expectations or the things that you feel you perceive about those facts. List these side by side so that you can see what the reality is of something and then what your expectation or belief about that thing is, basically creating two columns for your list.4. Take a moment to look for any patterns. Do you find that when you're challenged with a specific type of situation you always react in a certain way? Take some time to notice those patterns and highlight or mark off those items on your list.5. Sit with your sodalite and meditate on these expectations and this reaction pattern. See if you can gain some insight from the vibration of the stone to help you find ways to clear away those reactions and seek new ways to respond and react to these types of situations or problems.Another somewhat similar way that sodalite can help us is to remove and ease issues of sensitivity. If you find in the above exercise that part of your pattern is related to over-sensitivity, this crystal remedy is aimed at healing these issues might be able to help. (This remedy is meant to be used externally only.)1. Take a piece of sodalite and place it ins a glass of spring water along with six drops of frankincense essential oil.2. Place the glass in a window where it will get direct sunlight for one full day, allowing the water and the stone to absorb the sun's energy.3. One the following day you can pour your water into a small bottle or jar, with the stone if it will fit (if it doesn't fit that's fine too, the energy of the stone is in the water).4. Before using your remedy decide which of the chakras is associated with the problem that you're having. It could be related to the heart by feeling emotionality sensitive, the solar plexus because of issues with courage, or even the sacral chakra if you're feeling sexually jaded or vulnerable.5. With a little of the water anoint your chosen chakra and say "I bless myself in love and truth and clear the way for clarity to be with me always." Do this as part of your daily meditations or as an affirmation as needed until you feel the issue become less difficult to deal with.Holding sodalite on the third eye during meditation can help to open the third eye chakra as well as give you some relief from thoughts that are over-analytical or overemotional and giving you an opportunity to see things from a bit of a different perspective. While meditating release those thoughts that are plaguing you and feel the energy of the stone come in through the third eye and then radiate out into the aura, sending that soothing, calming energy through your whole energy body, clearing away stress and bringing balance to your emotions.Sodalite is a stone that is easy to find and based on the color choices you have available to you you can even pick one that resonates even more deeply with your specific issues making this stone of comradery one that you'll use time and time again.