DEC 7-13 Guidance From the Angels
Hey everyone! Welcome to another week rolling in and another set of messages from our angels.This week's message is a big one, one that is perfect for this time of year with all the craziness of the holidays coming in.As I shared last week, I would be posting the video of the reading from Periscope for these starting this week, so you can watch that below. But I'll also give a quick summary of the message for the week as well. [wc_divider style="image3" margin_top="" margin_bottom=""] [wc_box color="primary" text_align="left"]The Message of the WeekThis week we're being reminded that we need to be in the present. Be in the here and now. Focus on finding harmony and peace now, not looking for it down the road. We can't be in peace or in harmony with anyone or anything if we're getting caught up in the process of living in the future. Remember that what you put out is what you get back so let your truth flow from you naturally and easily by remaining heart-centered this week.[/wc_box] [wc_divider style="image3" margin_top="" margin_bottom=""]
This Week's Reading
Just a Reminder...
Cosmic Wisdom Academy opens for enrollment TOMORROW!!!! Learn how to do things like this and so much more by working with me over the next year. Since I've decided to close up my coaching this will be one of the only ways to work with me personally and seats are limited.[wc_spacing size="40px"]