Decision Making In Dreamtime
We have so many busy hours in the day. And I mean BUSY! We’re running around getting things done, thinking three steps ahead on our to-do list and often making decisions on the fly. But what about when you have some big decisions to make and you need some time to really think about them?By the time we get home at the end of the day or wrap up our work we’re often too tired to even think. This is definitely one of the reasons that we all need to get a little better with self-care, but it’s also a great reason to get skilled at making the most of dreamtime.We know we’re going to spend anywhere from 5-8 hours in dreamspace each night. Some of us might look at this as “lost time” when we’re really deep in the middle of a creative project or when we’re dealing with a bunch of stuff. That’s totally understandable and I can completely relate to that. It’s one of the reasons that I end up basically giving myself insomnia by not sleeping so can get stuff done.This is why learning to do things like decision making during dreamtime is a valuable skill.
Determine Your Options
Take a little time to flesh out a list of your options in your situation. This can be a full blown brainstorming sessions where you really go through everything you can think of that would be your best or most likely options and courses of action. Write them all down and get them all out of your head and on to paper.
Pick Two
Now it’s time to pick two from your big list that you feel most drawn to picking between. Often when we refine these kinds of lists we can easily knock out a bunch of things we wrote down as either not as possible or just not ones that feel right to us, while there will usually be a couple that really stand out and feel right. Pick two, or at the most three, of those from the list.
Pick Two Colors
Pick two colors that you’d like to work with, one representing each of your choices on your list. Here is a VERY IMPORTANT tip from my angels. DO NOT USE RED, GREEN OR YELLOW. We tend to pick these for stuff like this because we naturally associate with “stop”, “go”, and “wait”. Do not use these because you could either subconsciously flavor your choices with these colors or you may misinterpret the information you get in your dreams based on those colors. Instead, pick colors like blue, purple, orange, pink, turquoise, and so on. Clearly see your colors and associate it with your choices.
Prepare To Dream
Before going to sleep at night take a view minutes to set your intention for your dreams. Visualize your color and clearly associate them with the options you’re picking from. Take a few moments to breathe deeply and get focused and then say to your angels and other spirits, guides, and the Divine something like:“Please let me dream of {your color} if {one option} is the best choice for me. Or, if {second option} is better for me then let me dream of {your other color}.”
Get Confirmation
When you wake up in the morning see which color you recall dreaming of or seeing dominate your dreams. If you can’t recall it or don’t feel either came through, try it again the next time you sleep. However, if you do have a definite answer come through in your dreams, it’s time to get confirmation in your waking time. Ask your angels and guides to give you some more confirmation by setting your intention for the day. Take a few deep breaths and feel and see that color from your dreams, then ask your angels and guides:“If {the option associated with that color} is really the best choice for me right now, let me see the color {the color you dreamed} naturally during the day today.” The trick here is to not force it. If you dreamed of a dark purple don’t go pushing yourself to see that color around you. Let it come naturally. By setting your intention and affirming it through your day with your angels, the answers will come.
Receive Your Answer
After you’ve dreamed your answer and then received it in the waking world, accept and feel confident in the guidance you’ve received. Go into meditation to connect with your angels and guides to get any clarity, further confirmation, or other answer about your choice that you need. If you need to, you can do this process more than once, but don’t second guess your angels as they bring you the information you ask for. Ask for confirmation but then accept and receive the answer. At the end of the day you still have the free will to take action on their guidance. If you don’t and you decide to do something else, that’s fine! Your angels wont hold it against you.