Deep Diving Wisdom – Full Moon in Scorpio

This weekend (your specific time may vary) we have a Full Moon in Scorpio. Scorpio moons are a great time to dive into some deep psychic stuff, and this one is no different. Except that it is. Because of some other alignments that will be happening at the same time, some exciting things will come up for us during this moon.

Scorpio full moonThe Moon will be Full, in Scorpio, in the 3rd House.

When the moon is in Scorpio, we deal with issues around self-confidence, psychic energy, spirituality, and personal depths. The 3rd House is the area of communication, thoughts, and ideas. When Scorpio falls here, we are asked to be more open scrutinizing what we are told and to confront ideas or beliefs that may be challenging us. The Moon adds illumination to these things, asking for us to be careful and mindful about how we communicate our thoughts. We need to double and triple check emails and text messages and think before we speak, especially when dealing with people that we find pushes our buttons.

Mercury will be opposite the Moon in the 9th House in Aries.

When Mercury is in Aries, we have a tendency to make snap decisions and to be a bit “biting” in our words and communications. We are more likely to speak off the cuff and not from a place of fiery or passionate emotions, which can sometimes be hurtful even if we don't mean for it to be. With this happening in the 9th House, what we might call the “Big Picture” house, we can become restless. We have a deep feeling that pushes us to find ways to break out of our day to day environment, we crave travel and maybe even moving house. But again, this could be something that we do out of haste.With the Scorpio Full Moon being opposite Mercury there can be a tendency to become selfish or to make decisions or plans that are one-sided and focus on you and your wants even if they are going to affect others. This specific full moon is also going to fall within the Lupus Constellation, which brings possible aggressive vibes to all of this.Pluto is also going to have some specific influence over both the Moon and Mercury. Pluto will bring a bit of tempering energy to all of this, which has us realizing that we have to first dig deeper into the feelings behind those words we want to say and better understand the emotions we're holding on to. In turn, that has us realizing that if we can let go of some of our own aggressive feelings and any sense of victimhood, we may find peace within first. 

So what does this all mean for our Saturday full moon?

The vibes are going to be challenging, communication could be strained, and you may find yourself feeling like you need to get some stuff off your chest, but you know you need to be careful with how you do that. When you really give yourself a chance to think/feel first and consider what is underlying all of this first, you may be able to prevent a possible blow up where one doesn't need to happen.For this full moon, I have a spell for you to work with to help you dig into feelings that may be a bit challenging to confront, but that need to be addressed. Whether they are centered around a specific person or situation, or just around life in general, this can help you bring these things to the surface, have a chat with them, and then let them go. It's important to remember that any time you are doing work like this, the ultimate goal is to learn lessons from them. When we learn the lessons, they are here to teach us they aren't going to come flowing right back once we release them.This is a spell that is mostly reflective and meditative. There's not a lot of stuff that you'll be doing in a physical sense, but you're going to be doing a lot within. Here's what you'll need:[list style="style2"][li] 1 Silver or White candle[/li][li] Jasmine, Sandalwood, or Full Moon incense [/li][li] 1 large (or as large as you have handy) Clear Quartz[/li][li] 1 White Howlite[/li][li] 1 Black Kyanite [/li][li] 1 Hematite [/li][li] 1 Amethyst [/li][li] Large Bowl (preferably something dark/opaque) [/li][li] Water (enough to fill the bowl)[/li][li] Tarot Cards (The Moon, Judgement, Death, High Priestess) [/li][li] Journal, Notebook, or Book of Shadows[/li][li] Pen[/li][/list]

Make sure all your tools are cleansed and ready for use. Set up your altar and ritual space in your preferred way. Have the center of your altar cleared so you can set up your spell.Depending on how you'll be comfortable working and the amount of space you have on your altar, decide on where you'll lay out your cards and bowl. The bowl is best set up in the center of the altar if possible. The cards will be arranged in a straight line, one after the other. You can place them behind the bowl or in front of it depending on what will be right for you. You'll need to be able to see into the bowl, down to the bottom, comfortably.Fill your bowl with water and place in the center of your altar. Put your large clear quartz inside the center of the bowl. Have your journal and pen set aside but within reach. Place your candle in behind the bowl. You may need to move it once you light it so that it can cast light into the bowl but without the flame reflecting in the water.Once everything is set up, light your incense and take a moment to center yourself and ground.Take your Moon card and place it on the left on your altar. Hold the white howlite in your non-dominant hand. Look at the card and reflect on the meaning of this full moon. What do you need to bring some light to? What needs to come up from the surface? The Moon card can also suggest illusion, like how things look different in the moonlight than it does in the light of day. What illusions do you need to confront in your life right now?When you're ready, place the stone on the card and make notes in your journal around these questions.

  tarot and crystals 

Place the Judgement card to the right of the Moon. Hold the black kyanite. Reflect on how you have been passing judgment on yourself and others. How have you allowed feelings of jealousy to get in the way of your goals? Have your allowed your Ego to get in the way of your relationships? Have you been living in fear and therefore not fully living?When you're ready, place the stone on the card and make notes in your journal around these questions.Place the Death card to the right of Judgement. Hold your hematite and reflect on what needs to be shed and released for you to move past these issues. What is blocking you and holding you back from letting things go? Death is all about transition, so what changes and shifts in your life need to be made? What parts of your life, thoughts, feelings, emotions, and so on need to be allowed to fall away and die their own death for your own rebirth?When you're ready, place the stone on the card and make notes in your journal around these questions.Next, place the High Priestess card next to Death. Hold your amethyst and take a little time to gaze on the High Priestess. Imagine that she is sitting in front of you on the other side of the altar. She has access to all the more profound wisdom you need, she can guide you there and help you understand your own depths better as long as you're willing to go there...and you ask for her help.Light your candle and place it behind or next to the bowl of water, so it casts light on the water, but you can't see a reflection of the flame.Close your eyes and go deep within. Think about what kind of wisdom you need to understand about yourself. How can the High Priestess help you? Ask for her help...ask for her to pull back the veil, open the way, and stir the waters to let what needs to come up for you to come up.With your eyes still closed (if it's safe for you to do so) use your pointer finger of your dominant hand to stir the water in the bowl clockwise 9 times while saying:Stirring the waters of the spiritual deep,I call up the wisdom I need to reap.When you're done, open your eyes and look down into the bottom of the bowl. Let your eyes go soft and out of focus. Simply allow any images, colors, words, or sounds come up. It is entirely possible that you won't “see” anything in the water. You will more likely “see” in your mind's eye. Whatever it is that comes up, however it comes up, let it come up and trust it is part of this needed wisdom.Take your time, stay here as long as you feel you need. Ask questions to the High Priestess if you need to; close your eyes, and ask the questions, and then when you feel ready, open your eyes again and look in the bowl for the answers.When you feel you're done, say thank you to the High Priestess and blow out the candle. Place the amethyst on the High Priestess card.Take out your journal and name any and all notes about the messages received, images seen, thoughts that brought wisdom, and anything you gained specifically from the High Priestess.When you're finished, take the water outside and pour it out into the earth under the moonlight. Keep the clear quartz, or you can also give that up to the earth as an offering (that's not necessary, but you can if you feel called). Leave the cards and stones on your altar until the next night, or you can leave them as long as you wish and revisit them and reflect more if you need to. Smudge the cards and return them to your deck. Keep the stones on your altar or in a pouch and carry them with you as needed.


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