Fashion + The Tarot

tarot fashionI thought it would be fun to start off a new series of posts to bring together some aspects of magic and fashion, something that you may not think right off the bat go together, but they a big way.You know how powerful it feels to wear certain clothes and how dis-empowering it is to wear others. You know that color has an effect on your mood and how you function. Unfortunately we tend to forget the real power of this kind of stuff and we never use it to our advantage.I mean, they don’t call it a power suit for nothing!It would be easy to just pick at random a place to start with this, but I thought it would be interesting to work through the tarot, using it as a road map {or department store directory, if you will} to help us move through a very specific set of situations and energies. The major arcana of the tarot is a great place to do this.In the 22 cards of the major arcana we meet a variety of characters and energies that are universal to everyone, everywhere. Things that we all experience at some point in our lives from taking action to create magic in our lives, discovering our spiritual identity, experience death and rebirth, learning to battle our vices, and much more.Imagine if every one of these archetype was a person you encountered in life. Some of them absolutely are - like the Empress, the Hierophant, even the Devil - but there are cards in the major arcana not representative of an individual person, at least in the cards themselves.For instance, the Tower may not be depicted as a person in the cards but we all at some point encounter and have to deal with a person who manages to turn our lives completely upside down, sometimes leaving great devastation in their wake. So where’s the tie in with fashion? Let’s imagine that you want to embody the High Priestess for a specific purpose or situation. She’s cool, calm, but commanding. She’s confident and in control of her emotions and deeply in touch with her intuition. Or what if you really needed to get in touch with your inner Charioteer for a job interview. Or you’re headed off to court and you know you could use some Justice on your side.By embodying the energy of these archetypes in our dress, the way we costume ourselves for the world, we’ll be able to project, and in turn attract, a very strong, powerful, and specific energy.Starting next week I’m going to be sharing a this fashion and tarot series bi-weekly. Each week we’ll move through another major arcana card and talk about what that card’s persona might wear, what perfume or essential oils they may use, what colors they would embrace, even what makeup and accessories they might choose to help put on their finishing touches.I’ll be taking into consideration things like the energy and theme of the card, the traditional Rider-Waite Smith image of the cards, the symbolism and the astrology associated with each one. While you’re waiting for this to start, I’d love to hear which of the major arcana cards are your favorites.Is there a particular card that you always need to resonate with in order for a deck to work for you?Is there an energy of a card that you find really hard to understand?If your sense of daily style were defined by a major arcana card, what would it be? [wc_box color="info" text_align="left"]Be sure to follow me on Instagram for the daily Wild Unknown reading! You’ll also want to follow me there because once we get started I’m going to put out some InstaChallenges for you to show me your tarot inspired fashion to win some cool stuff![/wc_box][wc_spacing size="40px"]


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