Freedom and Your Radiant Soul
Today's card to start off our week says "My purpose in life is joy." On the back "The basis of your life is freedom; the purpose of your life is joy. You are free to choose new avenues for joy...and in your joyous growth, you will add to the experience of All-That-Is." The power of our lives and the paths we choose came down to our willingness to accept that we have the freedom to do what we wish and to take the paths in life that we truly desire. It's fine to know that you have power but you have to also accept the freedom to use it!Freedom to let your soul shine and take the path it most desires is one of the biggest expressions of free will that we can experience. It's that part of you that says you hate your job and you know that it's having a negative impact on your soul so you're going to quite and do something different. It's that part of you that suddenly wakes up to abuse that you may have been suffering for years at the hands of a partner but just never realized it. It's the power to say "I need change and I'm going to make it happen."Sometimes we aren't feeling joyful or happy with the way something is going in our lives and we wait for change to come to us rather than taking the more important proactive role that involves creating change for ourselves. Change in some big areas of our lives can take a while to create but we have to take that first step. Sometimes that could be as simple as accepting and acknowledging that you ultimately have the power to change your life. Once you fully believe this and are in your place of power you're able to take the steps for change.What needs change in your life right now? Is it something big that seems like a huge mountain in front of you or is it something smaller that just seems like a scary thing to tackle? Whatever it is, stop and first remind yourself that you have the power to make whatever difficulty that you're dealing with turn around into a positive with the right attitude an the right path to walk down. Sometimes we need to get someone else to help us walk that path to change, and there's no shame in that. You still need to be strong and in your power in order to ask for that help! Whatever it is that needs change, please do yourself the favor of taking those first steps to creating change and finding joy.You deserve to be happy! You deserve to feel joy! And you deserve to walk a path that leads you to your true life purpose, which is to always be in a place of joy and abundance!Current Mood: