Full Moon Magic in 2015

2015 MoonsHey, spirit babes!  Are you ready for 2015 and the 13 amazing opportunities to work full moon magic?It's an exciting time to know that there are going to be 13 new chances to harness the energy of the moon to boost your goals and intentions for 2015.When we talk about full moon magic here on the blog I often talk about it in terms of the sign that the moon in is that month, but did you know that each moon, regardless of the sign, has its own energy?  And a name.The names vary based on tradition but the gist and the energy remains the same.  So I wanted to share with you a little freebie for 2015 and give you a little food for thought for the moons in the new year. 2015 Full Moons

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January - The Wolf Moon : a time for hunting, fulfilling hungers and connecting with your inner wildness.

February - The Storm Moon : a time of year when storms can come sudden and heavy and a time that carries the energy of creating swift and big changes and preparing to give birth to new things in the spring.

March - The Seed Moon : time to plant the seeds for what want to manifest through the year as the earth, and ourselves, begin to soften.

April - The Hare Moon : at this time of year you might see hares out in the field gazing on the moon, signaling a great time for connecting to the feminine energy in the moon and power of fertility and growth.

May - The Flower Moon : flowers from the seeds planting earlier are starting to show signs of growth making this is a perfect time to evaluate your goals and progress and harvest anything ready now.

June - The Strawberry Moon : big, juicy red strawberries are ready to be picked as the season reaches its peak, a sign that summer is almost here and the sultry, sexy nights of the season are upon us.

July - The Honey Moon : connected to the idea of many people being on their summertime honeymoon, this is a time for connecting to love and romance.

August - The Corn Moon : corn is ready for harvesting and we start to look for the sweet little nuggets ready to be harvested in our lives.

September - The Harvest Moon : this is the time of year that we start to see the first grains ready for harvest as well as a time to be thankful and have gratitude for all that we have gained so far this year.

October - The Blood Moon : the time of year when meat is harvested for the winter and a time when we take time to connect with the spirits beyond the veil as it thins.

November - The Snow Moon : we see the first snowfall and feel the frost creeping in, taking the time to honor the dying earth and the beginning of the season that takes us inward.

December - The Oak Moon : we see the Oak King give way to the Holly King and we honor the time of the long nights of labor that the Goddess is in as she is full with life and preparing for the birth of the Sun God.

Blue Moon : a special time when there is a second full moon in a single month {or it can also be the fourth full moon in a season}, a great time for getting an extra boost for anything you need.

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Want some much bigger moon magic?

Check out Manifesting 2015, my annual workbook + planner.  Inside you'll find info on the moon signs, the Moon Void of Course and the VOC tables for the year and moon magic ideas for the year.  Not to mention tons of other cool stuff to help have the most amazing year yet!


Manifesting 2015 Planner + Workbook

[su_button url="http://jesscarlson.com/manifesting-2015/" target="blank" style="stroked" background="#e36638" size="7" icon="icon: cloud-download" icon_color="#000000"]Check It Out![/su_button]

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