Get to know the Weekly Crystal Healing Grid

Yesterday, Monday May 14th, began a new weekly offering that I have made available as part of my services, the Weekly Crystal Healing Grid!  This is a free services that I felt called to put together as I was doing some crystal work over the last few months and I wanted to share a little about it with everyone and tell you how you can participate in it if you'd like.[image shadow="true" border="true" caption="Retuning some crystals before doing a grid." title="Retuning some crystals before doing a grid." href="" size="large" align="center"][/image]First, a little background.  I'm a huge crystal fanatic!  My collection of stones, gems, and minerals is always growing, and while it's certainly not as massive as the collections of some other crystal fans, it's one that's ben cultivated over the years with love, intention, and purpose.  I pick up crystals for a reason.  If I buy a stone myself it's because it's called to me in some way.  It could be that the energy of the piece is strong and so I just need to have it, or I find that there's something about the shape or color that pulls me in.  Crystals are like little people, personalities and creatures in their own right that we sometimes just feel connected to and desire to have in our space.[image shadow="true" border="true" title="Self-love grid." caption="Self-love grid." href="" size="medium" align="right"][/image]In 2009 I became a certified crystal therapy practitioner.  I started to use crystals a lot for myself around that time for healing work rather than just magickal work so I decided to do a little more formal study with the stones so I could make crystals part of my Reiki work. Currently I'm deepening my crystal study and working through the crystal healer level 1 certification with the Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy (you can find some of my favorite Hibiscus Moon offerings on the Affiliates page).  With my current studies I've begun to look at crystals in a whole new way because here I'm not only learning the healing side but the science side!  And sadly I think this is sooooo overlooked in the metaphysical community to the point where I honestly think for a lot of people crystals end up being more of a placebo.  Once you really know they work and why they work I have found that they really do work better!!So it was during some experiences of my own in the last few months that I decided it was time to do something simple with the crystals that I could offer for free to all the wonderful and amazing people in my tribe of Facebook, Twitter, and blog followers.  That was when the idea of the Weekly Healing Crystal Grid came into view!Over time the grid will most certainly change and evolve, mainly because it's a fluid form of work and certain crystals may just bed to be part of it that currently aren't (I'm anticipating that another version of it will include Spirit Quartz, one of my absolute favorite stones).  Here's what you'll find in the current grid:[list type="small-star"][li]Rose Quartz - helps to heal the physical heart as well as matters of the heart, sending loving to all those in the grid.  Also helps with circulatory problems as well as issues with the lungs and the chest.[/li][li]Amethyst - helps in the healing of hormonal issues, metabolism problems, and general stress.  Relieves pain from the physical body as well as reducing emotional pain.  It's a great overall balancing stone.  [/li][li]Lepidolite - helps to hone in on areas of dis-ease.  Relieves allergies, exhaustion, epilepsy, eases joint pain, and helps to detoxify the body.  [/li][li]Serpentine - calms and stabilizes the mind which helps in the reception of healing energies.  Helps to release fears and allows those with physical and emotional healing needs to be more honest and open to the healing and their situation.[/li][li]Ocean Jasper - helps to heal digestive issues, instills a sense of peace, and aids the ill in accepting personal responsibility for their healing and their situation.[/li][li]Clear Quartz - used to amplify and direct the energies of the grid.  As a healer in it's own rite, clear quartz stimulates the immune system, helps to being the body back into balance so that healing may flow and work better, and it helps to cleanse and balance the chakras and aura.  In general clear quartz can be used for any healing intention, physical, mental, emotional, or spiritual.[/li][li]Golden Healer - The grid is activated using a Golden Healer point.  The Golden Healer is a form of quartz crystal (though some can be Lemurians) and is considered a master healer stone.  The Golden Healer is quartz that has an iron oxide either in or on the crystal that gives it golden hue.  These stones help to active healing, aline the body, and assist and facilitate all forms of healing.  This point that I have seemed most appropriate to active this healing grid.[/li][/list][image shadow="true" border="true" title="Crystal healing grid for May 14th, 2012." caption="Crystal healing grid for May 14th, 2012." href="" size="medium" align="center"][/image][image shadow="true" border="true" title="The cauldron fire water for healing marinading in my work room." caption="The cauldron fire water for healing marinading in my work room." href="" size="medium" align="right"][/image]Every Monday I start by retuning the stones of the grid with a singing bowl.  This helps to bring back them to their natural vibratory state and clear them of any other vibrations they may have picked up from the work during the week prior.  I take slips of paper with the names, ages, locations, and conditions or concerns or those that have asked to be in the grid and read them to the stones.  They are then folded and placed in a crystal bowl that is in the center of grid.  I then place a large pieces of rose quartz in the bowl to act as the center stone for the grid.  The grid is than activated and I add healing incense to the outside grid.  The next step, which is also done every morning for the rest of the week, I create a healing energy chi ball and throw it into the grid to empower the work.  Then on Sunday evenings I remove the center rose quartz and remove the bowl with the names.  The bowl it brought outside to my backyard where I have set up a ritual fire in a cauldron using a homemade cauldron fire water from alcohol and healing herbs.  The each name is read again, a prayer for healing sent to them, and they are tossed into the fire to release a final burst of energy and to send their prayers to the Gods on the sacred smoke from the flames.  A shamanic smudging ritual is done at the end to clear and release any remaining energies.I love doing this kind of work and I'm happy to do it!!Come and put your name in the grid for next week!  And if your name has been in the grid and you have had some experiences of progress or change that you feel came from this healing work, please share your experiences in the comments!


Switch Off Sunday - DRAW!


Herbs, Pregnancy, and Cautions