Harvest Moon in Pisces Mindful Magick

Today we welcome the Harvest Moon in the sign of Pisces. This is one of my favorite moons of the year. There’s something about the feeling of abundance and gratitude and the knowing that autumn is right around the corner that excites me. Autumn is favorite season and every year when the Harvest Moon comes it marks the beginning of four months of celebration for me…

  • The Harvest Moon marking the impending autumn season and the notable shift in energy
  • Mabon comes late September and ushers in autumn officially
  • The start of October starts the thinning of the Veil
  • Samhain comes around at the end of October
  • November is just all about embracing the dying energy and OMG the best food ever
  • December comes and I just become all about Yule, winter weather, and chocolate everything

 It’s really just four whole months of my favorite energy and it’s exciting!Today’s Harvest Moon in Pisces is interesting. The Pisces moon is a great time to look out dreams, emotions, and desires of the heart. It tends to be a time when we feel nostalgic. With this being the Harvest Moon it’s especially a good time to work with this energy around goals, plans, work and career. It’s a time for rest after all the work that’s been done over the last eight months, but also a time to find balance between action and intention and to get organized for the months ahead.One thing that’s really going to be important with this moon is clearing out the negative emotional clutter, or any of the mental clutter from the previous months so that you can make the most of the rest of the months of the year. The energy of the world is winding down for the year. From this point onward it gets to be kind of obvious that the energy of productivity is slowing. Emotions also tend to ramp up in these darker months so getting as much of the negative crap out while the light is still with us is a great idea! Now I’ve slacked a bit on our spell mats these last few months…there’s been so much for me to do lately that I haven’t been able to get to them in a timely manner. But I will most definitely have one of the Blood Moon in October!In the meantime I have something super simple for you to do tonight with the Harvest Full Moon in Pisces. We want to focus on two things…the things want to release and the things we want to harvest. We also want to really focus on emotions…what emotions do we want t leave behind. Grab...

  • An orange or yellow candle
  • All Spice or Cinnamon oil
  • the Moon tarot card
  • the Eight of Cups tarot card
  • the Seven of Pentacles tarot card

  And make sure to have all your other usual magickal gear with you like a lighter, candle holder, incense if you use it, and sage to smudge before hand.Dress your candle with your oil. Usually I tell you to do this from top to bottom or bottom to top, but since we’re going to be doing both attracting and releasing, we’re going to start our dressing in the center of the candle. Dress with your oil from the center up to the top and then from the center down to the bottom.Place it in your holder. Put your candle on top of the moon cards. Light your candle and incense if you’re using it.Place your Eight of Cups card to the right of the candle and express out loud all the emotional things that you wish to let go of to make room for the things you are ready to harvest. When the Second Harvest, Mabon, coming in a few weeks the idea is that these emotional things will be moved out and totally out of the way so you can harvest what you’d like.Take your time with this…the energy in your words and the vibration they create are important.When you’re ready please your Seven of Pentacles to the left of the Moon and simply offer gratitude for all the things you have harvested, all the things you have been nurturing, and all the things that you will receive in the future. But here’s the one thing that you need to remember though…don’t get specific here. We want to leave room for the Universe to its thing. We never know what we might be ready to receive and what might be ready to come into our path that we haven’t thought of. So we don’t want to put a cap on our abundance!Let the candle burn down. In that time you can sit in meditation, do a reading for yourself looking for how you can make your next few weeks before the Second Harvest productive or simply do journaling or reflecting on all the things you’re ready to walk away from emotionally. The idea is that we’re here under this Pisces moon to look back, see what emotional baggage we no longer need, and give it up freely knowing that means we have more room in our proverbial applecart to harvest things we DO want to carry with us soon. 

Have a great full moon and don’t forget...

Mercury Retrograde ENDS TODAY!!!We have one more Mercury Retrograde cycle this year, December 2nd to 22nd.


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