Have you visited The Tarot Guild?

I wanted to take a minute to share with everyone some information about a tarot group that I joined a few months ago that is really turning into a wonderful group of people and a wonderful resource of all things tarot.  The Tarot Guild is designed to bring together tarot students, enthusiasts, professionals, scholars and the curious to create a well rounded and vibrant community for learning and sharing in tarot.  With everything from discussion groups, a forum, a 24-7 chat room and blogs galore, there is always something new going on for you to look through.  The Tarot Guild also offers some wonderful classes taught by tarot authors and teachers from around the world; perfect for the beginner and the old timer!  And if you’re a professional reader and you’re interested in professional level services to help build your business, they have that too!The great thing about The Tarot Guild is that you can join the group for FREE!!!  This is a big deal for many people right now since the cost of other groups, just to have the community aspect, can range from $25 to $200 a year and that may or may not include classes or professional services.  With The Tarot Guild if you just want to have a place to go to chat with other readers, maybe exchange readings with someone, or find a way to expand your knowledge, you can do it for NOTHING!  But, if you want some of the professional services you can sign up for a Pro Membership fro $14.95 a month.  And if you don’t like it or you don’t think it’s suiting your needs, you can cancel your membership without having to plunk down a large chunk of change for a year or two year membership.The classes are one of the great things that The Tarot Guild offers.  Right now there is at least a class a week on the calendar for the next month or so and there are more in the works all the time.  The very first class was held last night by tarot author Janet Boyer, author of “The Back In Time Tarot Book”.  The class, dedicated to the court cards of the tarot, was a fun, interesting and lively 2 hour live class held online through a private BlogTalkRadio show with a chat room for everyone to participate in and the ability for students to call in with questions.  Everyone’s questions were answered and everyone had a great time!  We walked away with some really interesting new ideas on working with the pesky court cards as well as some wonderful handouts for reference (and tons of notes).“So how much did THAT cost", you ask?  If you’re a free site member you can attend classes for about $15 each.  This way you can pick and choose the ones that sound interesting to you!  If you are a Pro Member you can attend any class at no additional charge!  That alone makes the $15 a month worth it, especially if you think you might attend one or two classes a month!The great thing about The Tarot Guild is there are some wonderful and respected members of the tarot community on the site.  Gail Wood, Rachel Pollock, Emily Carding, Gina M. Pace, Mary K. Greer, and Storm Cestavani to name a few!Stop by The Tarot Guild, have a pick and sign up for a free account and join in the fun; what do you have to lose?  (And be sure to add me as a friend when you get there!)  Be sure to also look for The Tarot Guild on Twitter and on Facebook!


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