Here's What's New!

I have been so super busy preparing to wrap up the end of the year.  I have been so amazed at how much I've managed to do this year.  I took a huge leap with my business this year and decided to really dive into learning and investing in my business.  I don't think there was a week where I wasn't trying to play catch up on a course I was in!  It was good though because I learned a lot and managed to completely boost my business beyond anything I expected.  Just yesterday I did a quick look over everything and discovered I made 4 times what I made last year! When I look back and how that happened I realized just how hard I worked.

  • 1.5 rebrandings
  • Created and taught {and even sold out} 2 online courses {one that I taught twice in 2013}
  • 2 new meditation ekits
  • 4 new ebooks
  • 3 new coaching programs

 I worked hard!  w00t!!  And you know what, I loved it! I have to admit that I did try the whole "4 hour work week" kind of thing.  I can't do it.  I enjoy what I do too much, especially when I'm creating things like courses and ebooks.  Writing is what I love and I'm planning to do a lot more of it in 2014! 

Speaking of's time for a news post!

I have some new things on the way and I can't wait to share them, so here's what's happening. 

Manifest 2014 planner and playbook!

I'm in the process of working on now and it should be out early December.  Check out the cover! 2014cover1 

New Podcast!

I'm planning to start this around February.  It will start as a monthly thing and eventually increase as I get my podcasting footing again.  It will focus on magic and metaphysics from a practical level as tools to help you with creating the best life possible. 

New Blog Post Series!

I'm going to be starting a new blog post series {probably next week} called Soul Biz Notes.  They will be focused on sharing tips, tricks, and my story and experiences of have a spiritually based business.  I'm looking forward to sharing my first post, "The 5 Worst Pieces of Biz Advice I Actually PAID For". 

New Biz Mentorships!

I have two Soul Biz Mentorships in the works.   One is a three month "shake your biz" mentorship.  We'll completely revamp and boost your website, all your copy, work in creating your optin, and putting together your signature offering.The other mentorship is going to be a year long mentorship specifically designed for those looking to create a tarot based online biz.  You'll start with going through a training program with me to become certified as an intuitive tarot reader.  Then we create your business from the ground up.  By the time the year is over you'll have your website, your reading offerings in full swing, you'll know what your next income streams will be and you'll be creating them, and you'll be kicking ass with the clients you'll be getting!New on both these mentorships coming in January.  Both mentorships will be very limited and will require that we've worked together before.  If you're interested in these mentorships for next year and you haven't booked a Soul Biz Clarity session with me, which is the first step to mentorship, you can book one right now

The Wild Spirit Tribe!!  My new membership community!

This I can't wait for.  It's been two years in the making and FINALLY it's in the beta stage with some select clients of mine testing it out.  In December I'll be doing a soft launch for my newsletter peeps and in January it will go public.  {But come here and bookmark it so you can get in on it when it's open!}What is The Wild Spirit Tribe?  It's an online sacred space community for both men and women {I make the distinction because I tend to work with women, but men are welcome in the community too!} who want to come together to explore their spirituality, heal the blocks in their lives, learn more about magic and metaphysics, and have a safe space to come together with others of like mind 24/7 to learn, grow, and share.This is going to be the premier place for my work.  All my new courses, ebooks, and other products will filter through the Tribe first and then come wide to the public and members will have access to everything I've created in the past in a digital library.  The Tribe will also feature lots of member's only things like monthly group coaching calls, Tribe only mini-courses, specialized groups for connecting with people around specific topics and practices, and much more.  The thing that's especially special is that the Tribe members will be active in deciding what happens there, like what we will cover in our monthly group calls and what things will be added to the Tribe in the future.  And I'll be there!  Unlike a lot of these membership sites started by bloggers, coaches, and teachers who never show up and chat with the members, I'll be there daily! As for what I'm planning for 2014...OMG I can't wait to get to work!  But I have to move first.  Yup, I'm moving back down to the beach and now I get to spend another Yule packing.  Ah well.  It's worth it to live a few blocks from the beach and tons of cool things to do.  I'll take it! 

OH!  And by the way...

Next week the price of my ebook By Bone and Wax will be DOUBLING!  Don't have it and want it?  Come get it! boneandwaxbanner  Are you ready to join me for an amazing 2014!?!  I can't wait for it!! 


You're Why My 2013 Rocked, So Thanks!


When Psychics Get It Wrong - plus 5 tips for getting the best reading