Introducing Goddess On Call!
I shared this last week with my lovely e-zine subscribing peeps but now I'm going big with it! Goddess On Call is my new and awesome blog feature. It's like Dear Abby if Abby were a magical practitioner and intuitive spiritual coach!Some of you may remember back when I still working as Rowan Pendragon that I did a blog feature called "Ask A Witch. I would invite people to email me questions about magic, witchcraft, Paganism and the like and then I would share my answers from my perspective and experience on the blog. I did it this way so that anyone else that might have similar questions or needs and who might be a little shy about asking for help could benefit as well.Goddess On Call is similar but better because we're going beyond such a narrow list of question topics. With Goddess On Call I want to help you feel like the rockin' Goddess you are {or God, depending on who you are} by helping you with anything that you need a little advice on. We're going beyond spirituality and magic to life as a whole; but if you have questions about spirituality and magic, you can ask those too!It's a way to get a little coaching and a little spiritual guidance with no risk but a lot of potential reward!Some great questions have come in so far and next week we'll start going through these once a week and I'm so excited!And, keep an eye out...or ear...because I'm working on putting this together as a call in live podcast for later this year! YAY!!
[fontpress type="webfonts" name="Cabin Sketch" size="24px" lh="24px" color="#00B8B7"]Want to submit your story and question?Click Here! [/fontpress]