January Tarotscopes
Happy 2022! I hope you're all ready for a much better year than the last two! We got this!Though, it didn't start out real great for a second.With the sudden loss on New Year’s Eve of the last of the Golden Girls, Betty White, I thought today would be the perfect day to break out this deck and do our January readings. This is a deck that I absolutely adore and one that people who either grew up watching the show as I did or who have discovered it years later will enjoy.With these readings, you’ll find that these cards, as the first ones of the year, can reflect that month of January, but they also tend to give us a hint as to what is to come for the whole year ahead. So, here’s your view of January 2022 and beyond from the lanai.Here is a little rundown of what January is going to bring:
- January 2 – New Moon in Capricorn
- January 14 – Mercury goes Retrograde
- January 17 – Full Moon in Cancer
- January 19 – Aquarius season begins
Overall theme for January is goal setting and reflection. Try as we might to get through all of this kind of stuff in December we always walk away with a little more to be done in January. Let this month be one that starts off slow. You don't need to go full steam ahead the first month of the year. You'll likely just burn yourself out. Reflect on 2021, plan for a better 2022, and give yourself a little room to breathe...and even fuck up a bit. And don't set resolutions, set intentions!Bonus Witchy Fun Tip...read your sun sign tarotscope as well as the tarotscope for your rising sign and your moon sign. See your sun sign guidance as what you need to act on while the moon sign guidance is what you need to reflect on and work with on a spiritual level Your rising sign's message can help you find a connection between the two with what is "rising" within you this month.
All readings and 1-on-1 sessions are once again available for booking! Head over to the Work With Me section to see what's available and book at coaching or reading session for January![su_spoiler title="♈Aries Tarotscope♈" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" class=""] Justice reversedJust kind of fitting that the first card is Justice reversed with Rose (played by Betty White) on it since we got no justice in losing the actress just weeks before her 100th birthday! Anyway…For you, Aries, January might be feeling like a month where things are out of balance, and it’s hard to find the needed equilibrium to get your footing in the new year. It’s essential to be honest with yourself and not set yourself up for failure by trying to do too much at once or aiming for unrealistic goals out the gate with ridiculous time frames. Don’t blame others for your shortcomings now; this is all on you.[/su_spoiler][su_spoiler title="♉Taurus Tarotscope♉" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" class=""]
Eight of PentaclesThis month it’s time to ask yourself, “What do I want to focus on improving in 2022?” This could be something in your personal or professional life. Still, either way, it will be something that you will have to put some real time and effort into. You may also find that having to learn all new skills is an essential part of the process too. Practice makes (mostly) perfect, that’s true, but this isn’t about perfection. This is all about just getting better and being better. Pick your focus for 2022 and start creating a path for making it happen.[/su_spoiler][su_spoiler title="♊Gemini Tarotscope♊" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" class=""]
The High PriestessFor the start of 2022, you’ll find that taking a little time to reconnect with your inner Goddess will get you feeling ready to take on anything during the year ahead. The High Priestess always asks us to get in touch with our intuition and listen to our inner voice, so this month it’s time to make sure that pathway is clear. You may want to do a 30-day meditation or journaling challenge to connect with this side of yourself again. Pick a divination tool that you’ll dedicate learning or improving your skill with for the year. This month, and all of 2022, will be asking you to find your intuition and work with it.[/su_spoiler][su_spoiler title="♋Cancer Tarotscope♋" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" class=""]
The HermitThings you have been searching for are a lot closer to you than you think. They could be right in your own backyard! Suppose you have been looking for answers to some big questions or trying to find new avenues for love, prosperity, and success. In that case, you might have been looking too far and wide, and you need to pull that search in a bit. The Hermit is a card we often associate with solitude and inner work. While that’s true for you for January, the aspect of searching is really what this card is about for you, Cancer. What are you searching for, where are you looking for it, and if you found it, would you even recognize it? Go within to get clarity on your vision and then continue the search.[/su_spoiler][su_spoiler title="♌Leo Tarotscope♌" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" class=""]
Four of PentaclesThe Four of Pentacles reminds us that we are always in control of our lives and situations. Still, there are times when letting go of that control can be the best thing we do for ourselves. As Blanche sits with her suitcase, four pentacles firmly under her control, she still has a look of longing on her face. Has she controlled this vacation to where nobody wants to go with her, and she’s all alone? Trying to control everything…and everyone…can just set you up for a lonely existence. Let go and trust that the Universe has your back this month.[/su_spoiler][su_spoiler title="♍Virgo Tarotscope♍" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" class=""]
Four of SwordsOne of the biggest elements of success that is almost always overlooked is knowing when it’s time to take a break. The Four of Swords is the ultimate “just chill out” card. Dorothy would agree; it’s time to just lay down your weapons, put a flower in your hair, lean back, drink, and relax. If you’re looking at 2022 as a year to just go gangbusters on everything and hustle and push your way toward success, this is a clear sign that this is NOT the right approach. A little time a time, go slow and allow yourself some rewards and downtime to regroup along the way.[/su_spoiler][su_spoiler title="♎Libra Tarotscope♎" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" class=""]
Queen of SwordsIt’s time to take your rightful place as queen this year, and to do that, you need to be willing to cut through everyone else’s bullshit and know when someone is trying to string you along and lead you astray. One thing we know Dorothy never would stand for is someone thing to fuck with her flow and take her down the wrong path. That needs to be your vibe for this month. If someone is trying to gaslight you, feed you lines, or mess with your plans, cut them loose. This might be painful in some instances, but you’re better off without the dead weight than dragging…or being dragged…by someone that doesn’t have your best interest in mind.[/su_spoiler][su_spoiler title="♏Scorpio Tarotscope♏" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" class=""]
Six of Cups reversedNostalgia is great, and it warms the heart, but there are times when we have to admit we’re looking at things with rose-colored glasses. Here Rose and Miles are having a little dance together, and everything looks great, but that’s the rose-colored glasses. Their relationship would go back and forth, and Miles would not be who he said he was. Sometimes we have to look at a situation for what it really is, even if that is something painful that we don’t want to face. This month give yourself a chance to truly see things and people for who and what they are and if you need to admit things aren’t what they seem, that’s OK. It can save us pain down the road.[/su_spoiler][su_spoiler title="♐Sagittarius Tarotscope♐" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" class=""]
King of CupsThis month, you may have to be a little more careful with how controlling you are, both with others and yourself. The King of Cups tries very hard to be in control of his emotions…and sometimes he tries to control other’s emotions as well. But ultimately, he has the best of intentions more times than not. The King of Cups reminds us that sometimes we need to make sure our emotions aren’t trying to overrule our intellect and that we’re still keeping our wits about us even when emotions are high.[/su_spoiler][su_spoiler title="♑Capricorn Tarotscope♑" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" class=""]
Four of Cups reversed
You might find that you are quick to fall into a state of boredom during January, and you’re ready to just give up on things quickly when they don’t seem like they are going your way. Just because you aren’t getting a pat on the back from every person you come across doesn’t mean you’re wasting your time or failing at what you’re doing. Don’t let your misguided perception get in the way of what you’re trying to accomplish. Your pouting (for lack of a better word, but let’s be honest…sometimes you pout for attention) could lead you to miss some opportunities this month; that would be great if you would just look up and notice them.[/su_spoiler][su_spoiler title="♒Aquarius Tarotscope♒" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" class=""]
The Lovers
This month you are blessed with a fantastic gift of love. This month you will truly see your partner or someone you are in an important partnership with for who they really are and how important they are in your life. It’s easy to take those closest to you for granted sometimes, but this month you’re going to really see just how important they are to you and how much they love and care for you. When it comes to making choices involving you and this particular person in your life, you’ll find that you can find excellent solutions to significant issues together. Still, you have to be willing to let go of control, the need to overthink things and trust that the one you love knows what they’re doing.[/su_spoiler][su_spoiler title="♓Pisces Tarotscope♓" open="no" style="default" icon="plus" anchor="" class=""] Strength reversedIn recent months, maybe even all through 2021, you worked hard to be the strong one. This month, it’s time to stop trying to be all things to everyone. You can’t save everyone, but the one person you can and SHOULD focus on saving is yourself. You may feel a sense of self-doubt this month that makes you feel like 2022 is going to be a rough one, but that’s just because you’re already coming into the year with less than a full tank of gas. Take a little time to gather your own personal energy and strength back up, and don’t be afraid to actually ask others for help this time. Let January be the month where you refuel and prepare for the year ahead.[/su_spoiler]