Jenna Greene needs your help!

Yesterday I received a message from Jenna Greene through her Facebook group looking for help with the costs to get her latest album out.  Jenna Greene is one of the great voices in modern Pagan music.  Pagan artists, whether singers and musicians, writers, or visual artists are often very much on their own.  True independent artists.  The costs to produce their art, which we all love, is often something that comes out of their pockets.  It's a labor of love and something that they do not only as a way to serve the Gods but to serve the others of like mind who are looking to share in their expressions of spirituality.  The recent economic atmosphere of the last few years has hit everyone in some way but these independent artists have especially seen the results of this financial down turn.  So let's all come together and help Jenna Greene get her new album "Wild Earth Child" get recorded and get out there!  We don't want to see her beautiful voice be silenced!  Here is the message she sent out yesterday:

Hello "Jenna Greene in Concert" Members!Thank you for being a part of this group and for being a member of my Band Page as well. It means a lot to me :)I was so touched by all the e-mails I received over the winter from people asking about the making of my second album “Wild Earth Child” and how they could help. I had planned to release this album last year. The poor economy has caused hard times for me and my family and I have had to push the release date back several times. But like seeds through the winter we are persevering! The planning is completely done, we just need to come up with recording studio costs.Doug and I have decided to put together a sponsorship program. We have come up with some fun, creative ways that fans and friends can support the project and become involved in the production process:$10 - Seed Level - You will receive a digital download of the complete “Wild Earth Child” album as soon as it is released.$20 - Root Level - You will receive an advance, signed copy of “Wild Earth Child” hot off the press, before it is released to the public.$50 - Branch Level - You will receive two advance, signed copies of the “Wild Earth Child” as soon as it is completed and an organic cotton Wild Earth Child T-shirt..$100 - Tree Spirit - You will receive 4 copies of the “Wild Earth Child” CD and get your name in the credits on the CD.$250 - Dragon - You will receive 6 copies of the “Wild Earth Child” CD, your name in the credits on the CD plus a membership to “The Greene Lady Music Secret Society Club” which means you’ll get a secret password to a website where I will post rough tracks and other surprises.$500 - Phoenix - You will receive 8 copies of the “Wild Earth Child” CD, your name in the credits, a GLM Secret Society membership and....a thank you song created especially for you about your awesomeness. I will send you an MP3 and you can put it on your answering machine or post it on your Facebook. Everyone will know just how awesome you are for supporting an indie musician! (Please note: You can also do this as a group, a store, a podcast or as a gift to another fan.)$1,000 - Muse - You will receive 12 copies of the “Wild Earth Child” CD. You will be exalted to the title of Muse in the credits. You will receive a GLM Secret Society Club membership and a live house concert. (Travel expenses additional.) If you are part of a group that likes my music, this is a great way to work as a team to bring me to your location! Your group’s name will be listed in the credits and all members will receive a GLM Secret Society Club membership.$2,500 - God / Goddess of Music - The giver will be listed as an Executive Producer in the CD credits (and a Deity of Music forever in my heart.)$1 million - You get the CD plus my hand in marriage.Okay, I’m just kidding about that last one. (Sorry Doug!) But all the others are serious offers. All shipping is included.Please pass this info on to any friends or family who might like my music.I deeply appreciate any support, even if it’s just words of encouragement. Thank you. It is because of you that I am able to make music and I am so grateful.Be sure to specify how you want your name to read on the signed CD and in the credits.You can sponsor me through PayPal.. My PayPal address is greeneladymusic@aol.comOr please make checks payable to:J.L. GreenePO Box 372Mapleville, RI 02839With Deepest Gratitude,Jenna Greene

Don't forget to stop by Jenna's links online too!Greene Lady MusicJenna Greene's Facebook pageJenna Greene on MyspaceAnd if you're not familiar with Jenna's music, here is a video to help make you familiar with her.


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