Know Your Allies!
Spiritual you know who your's are? There are three big spiritual allies that we all have but we don't all get to know or learn to work with. Each has a very specific role in our spiritual health and progression and each helps us in our life here on earth in different ways. Know your allies and you'll know who to connect with and who to get help from. Then you can invite them into your life to make things smoother and easier!Whether you believe in any of these spiritual beings is irrelevant. They are with you even if you don't believe in them. It's not like Tinkerbell where if you don't believe in her she could die. These allies are there, in the ethers, in the astral world and tied to you here in the physical and spiritual worlds whether you believe in them or not. They're energy that we personify, and as we know, energy can not be created or destroyed, only changed. So believe in them or not, they're there.Knowing that they're there no matter what sort of makes you stop and ask yourself "why NOT get to know them and learn to work with them?"
Your Three Spiritual Allies Are...
Guardian Angels Spirit Guides Power Animals Guardian AngelsDespite what you might think, angels are NOT a Christian thing. The angels have existed long before religion and were created as beings of pure light and love by the Divine Source as a way to deliver messages of love and healing. They are messengers and our guardian angel is a guide who is with us from cradle to grave. They are here to guide us on our life path toward our life purpose, heal us when we need it, and in general keep us safe and protected.How They Help:Your guardian angel helps you by being a constant source of guidance and protection. While they can't stop you from dying, they will stop you from going before it's "your time". When it comes to giving guidance they are there to help guide you on a grander scale with your life purpose as opposed to helping with your day to day needs. They'll always guide you toward things that serve your higher, greater good. Your guardian angel also becomes a source of healing and protection energy for any time that it's needed. The only real caveat to working with any of the angels, including your guardian angel, is you have to ask for their help. They will also only ever present options to you but never force you to do anything. They always honor your free will. Spirit GuidesSpirit Guides are a little different from your guardian angel. Angels have never been incarnated as human whereas your spirit guides have been human in at least one life. Often they take on the task of spirit guide once transitioning to the spirit world to complete lessons or tasks of their own that they need to fulfill. Your spirit guides can be ancestors or loved ones who've crossed over but often they are spirits you've never known in your lifetime. They resonate with you, guiding you and helping you, because you have similar vibration or similar life purpose to theirs. You will have multiple spirit guides in your lifetime but you'll have one that will be with you from cradle to grave like your guardian angel and are connected to your highest life purpose. You will find that some will come and go as you learn different lessons in your life to make way for new guides to come in.How They Help:Your spirit guides help with your day to day questions and needs. They are especially helpful in getting clarity on the "hows" on the path to fulfilling your life purpose. Their main purpose is to help you in the physical world part of your spiritual journey while also helping you become more aware of the spiritual world around you. You can talk to your spirit guides just like you would talk to anyone else in life. Unlike angels, spirit guides have very distinct, human personalities because they were human at one time. Once they cross over into spirit they keep their personality, likes, and dislikes and you will encounter these things in your relationship with them. Power AnimalsPower animals are similar to spirit guides but with more of a primal edge. Their purpose is to help guide and protect you on your life path but in very specific ways at very specific times. They lend you their energy, also known as "medicine", that is most appropriate to your path at that time. In Shamanic cosmology your power animals are located in the Lower World, the primal energy realm. You can visit the Lower World to specifically seek out and connect to your power animals or you can call on them to meet with you in dreams. Their energy is a little denser of a vibration and makes them easier for us to connect to than angels, especially for people that aren't skilled yet with meditation, journeying, or energy work.How They Help:One of the great unique things that power animals do is lend their medicine to us when we need it most. For example, if you have a big public speaking presentation and you really want to stand out and shine you can connect to the medicine of Peacock to help you. You may go searching for your power animal in the Lower World and find Hummingbird waiting for you. When you connect to Hummingbird and look into the meaning of Hummingbird, who helps us to be light and enjoy life more, you recognize that you are holding on to a lot of stress and not spending enough time relaxing and having fun. You can draw on Hummingbird's energy and medicine to help you learn to be less rigid and stressed. Like spirit guides your power animals will change as your life journey and circumstances change but you have one that acts as a totem and stays with you throughout your whole life.
You can look at them like this...
Your guardian angel is here to keep you safe and protected throughout your life and keep you guided toward your life purpose. They are here to guard you.Your spirit guide helps you with the details of the day to day as well as getting answers to questions about what to do and how to do it along your life journey. They are here to guide you.Your power animal comes along to help give you to energy, drive, and inspiration that you need as you experience different stages of your life and parts of your soul's path. They are here to give you power. Want to start getting to know these allies? Check out my Meet Your Guardian Angel eKit! An ebook and guided meditation to help connect you to your guardian angel so you can start developing this awesome spiritual ally relationship that will bring you healing and clarity on your life purpose.