Magic to Influence {It's OK, really.}
I had a blog reader send in a really awesome question about an ebook of mine, By Bone and Wax, and it was something that I thought would be great to share on the blog because it's a completely legit ritual question that I'm sure other people have wondered too. This awesome babe was nice enough to let me share her email with you all. So here we go![su_spacer size="30"][su_quote style="fabric"]Hey Jess,I have been considering picking up your ebook about using skull candles for magick to influence others, but I've got a quick question. I'm not totally new to ritual but I do come from a Wiccan "harm none" background. I haven't been Wiccan in years but still work magick from time to time. I've never done anything like what your book talks about and it's intriguing to me. My question though is if there is a harm none way to use this kind of magick? I know all rituals can be adapted but since I'm new to this kind of work I didn't know if it even has positive uses (sorry, I hope that isn't offensive).Any insight you can give would be great! Love to learn more about magick from other ways.Blessed Be!Sharon[/su_quote][su_spacer size="30"]First, Sharon thank you for your email and letting me share your question! It's a great question and one that I am more than happy to answer because I know other people have the same question {I've even been asked this same thing a few times in the past}. Yes, there are both positive and what some might consider negative uses for influence magic. In the case of these skull candle rituals we're working specifically to influence the mind of someone else. As you can imagine this could be used for good or ill pretty easily. Ultimately it all boils down to you and your intention. Also, keep this in mind - we have come to make out skulls to be profane and somewhat evil over the centuries. Think about it. That thing that rests on your spine above your shoulders that houses your amazing awesome brain and supports your pretty face, were it empty and bare, would be considered by many to be a symbol of something sinister and scary. There was a time when that wasn't the case at all and someone's skull was considered an extremely powerful thing to have. One of the reasons in times past it would be required to bring back the head of an enemy to a king after battle was because it was believed that that person's power, and even their soul, resided in their skull. It was once, and still is in ritual, considered a symbol of wisdom and power. So the not so positive work is probably easy to imagine - working magic to make someone do what you want, think what you want or otherwise change their minds about something for your own benefit. Skull candles can be used to make people fall in like with you or make them do things for you that they might normally be against. These are definitely things that some people would find negative and magical no-no's. The more positive, happy, and healing work with skull candles can also be quite vast. For positive work you can use skull candles to:[su_list icon="icon: angle-double-right" icon_color="#06c89e"]
- Help someone feel more confident before having to tackle a difficult task
- Send someone healing thoughts when they are going through an illness or injury
- Positively influence someone's dreams
- Send positive thoughts and energy to someone who is preparing for their end of life transition
- Remind someone of how much they are loved
[/su_list] The idea of using a skull candle is that you are getting inside the mind and thoughts of someone else - this in and of itself can be considered a little negative depending on your view of things. I personally feel that it's not the process but the intention and the end goal that determines whether the magic is "positive or negative". I know a lot of people would say this is intrusive magic, and really it is, but in my opinion any magic, even making a healing charm for someone without their permission could still be considered intrusive. There are certainly ways to get permission from someone without verbally asking them if you either aren't comfortable doing so or or you can't {like in the case of someone who's in a coma}, but that's a different discussion for a different day. :) As for the positive uses of influence magic, they are there and they are many. All you need to do is make sure that your real intention behind the work you're doing is positive and BOOM! Positive magic abounds! By Bone and Wax will give you all the basic how to's for working rituals with skull candles and working with influence magic. You'll get a bunch of done for you spells of varying kinds and the recipes needed to make your own oils and incenses for spells both in the book and of your own making. Once you know the basic format for doing these rituals the kinds you create on your own are endless! I hope that helps, Sharon...and anyone else wondering the same thing!