Magick Monday: A Toast To Your True Self

Given my own post about reconnecting to some of my own authenticity, it makes sense to do today’s Monday Magick post on honoring your true self.

All of us make choices at some point in our life that slowly take us away from who we really are. We chase dreams that aren’t ours, we give time and energy to things we don’t love, we connect deeply with other people that we don’t even really like. We do these things because we feel it will get us somewhere, get the attention of certain people, or even just make up happy.

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When I was writing this it made me think of this line Tulip says in the first episode ofthe Preacher series. I was kind to you guys and cropped out the bloody dead bodies.Just as an aside, Preacher is one of my favorite comics and the TV series adaptationhas been much better than I expected!

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But when we really stop and look at how we feel about these things, even after we are successful, we find something is missing. Most of the time this is because the thing missing is US…our true self. WE aren’t really connected to this. OUR HEART isn’t in it.

Even as someone who has been there A LOT in the past, I know what my first reaction is. Magick! We need some Road Opener work! We need some Cut & Clear work! We need a honey jar to sweeten up the right people!

No. Stop. Step away from that altar.

Before you do magick to try and clear your path or attract something you’re after you need to do a little work to reconnect with your true self. Once you do that you may find that this thing you’ve been chasing isn’t what you really want anyway and your authentic self, now being given space to speak, can start to guide you in a better direction.

This isn’t so much a spell as it is a small ceremony to reconnect with your true self. This could be seen as a kind of gratitude working, something that is so important but often overlooked in a lot of magickal material out there. You can do this ceremony for yourself any time you start to feel that you are getting off your path and losing touch with your authenticity.

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A Toast To Your True Self

You Will Need:? A wine glass or goblet that you feel is particularly magickal, special or beautiful? Red Wine or a red juice? A whole Star Anise? Pinch each of ground Cinnamon and Clove? A white candle? A journal, notebook or Book of Shadows and a pen

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Before we start I want to explain a few of the items we’re using and give you a few optional suggestions as well.

You want to have this ceremony feel really special. You also want to do it when you can really take the time to sit with yourself. You can do this at your altar or somewhere else that feels special, somewhere that makes you feel connected to who you truly are. That could be your altar but it might also be under a favorite tree or at the edge of a lake. It just needs to be somewhere special to you.

Also feel free to add to your space with things that make you feel empowered as your true self. Use a favorite scarf as an altar cloth, bring your favorite flowers, add a picture or two of you when you felt the most “you.”

And one of my favorite things, dress as your true self! Maybe you feel you have to dress a certain way every day to go to work or to make your family happy but you don’t feel like “you” in those clothes. If you feel the most “you” dressed like an 80s gutter punk but you have a corporate job where you have to wear highly conservative business attire every day, break out the ripped fishnets, safety pins, and that denim vest that hasn’t been washed since the Regan administration and put them on!

➡ The reason we’re using red wine or red juice is that it is symbolic of lifeblood and life force.➡ The whole Star Anise is because you’re a star! It also brings luck, connects you to your true path, and protects you on your journey.➡ Cinnamon is for success and helping warm up your inner fire.➡ Clove helps to keep people from talking negatively or hurtfully about you as you express your truth in the world.

When it comes to the words for this ceremony I have specifically left some things up to you to create. I would suggest just speaking from the heart at the moment. If you sit down and pre-write everything you’re going to say it isn’t going to flow with the right intention no matter how painstaking the writing process was. Remember, this is all about truth and authenticity and that happens best when you are spontaneous. It may take time to bring the words out of you, but that’s still your authenticity at work!

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Do The Work

Set up your space in whatever way you feel is right. If you’ve brought other things to use like incense or other candles, light them.

Pour your wine or juice into your glass and put it in the center of your space.

Hold your white candle to your heart. Close your eyes and visualize that your True Self is sitting across from you. Take a few moments to observe her/him and sense how their energy differs from your own these days. When you look in her/his eyes what do you see? How does that seem to differ from how you have been feeling on the inside?

When you're ready, light the candle and place it around the center of your space, behind your glass.

Take your glass and hold it up in a toasting motion. Welcome your True Self to your ceremony. Thank them for being here, even though you have been disconnected. Tell them what it means to know that they are here with you, expressing gratitude for them even though you aren’t always listening to their voice.

Place the glass back down and add your herbs one at a time.

Add the Cinnamon and say:

Blessed Be my true inner fire, my true passions, and my true path to success. Allow this light to shine bright, lighting my way, and always projecting my truth in the world.

Add the Clove and say:Blessed Be those who don’t understand who I truly am. Bless them should they speak ill of me and stop them before their own words poison their own lives. Their words are not about me, but about them.

Add the Star Anise and say:Blessed Be my truth! Blessed Be my authentic self! May I shine like a star and be resilient on my journey as I reconnect to my True Self.

Stir the glass with your index finger of your dominant hand (the one you write with) and say:I am who I am.Nothing can change that.May I be blessed with the power to live life fully as my True Self.May I be blessed with the strength to always do what is in alignment with my authenticity.May I be blessed with the fire and passion to always speak as myself, live as myself, and honor myself by living my truth.So mote it be!

Toast yourself, visualizing your True Self who was across from you now merging with you. You can visualize this in whatever way works for you…maybe they come and sit in your lap and merge with you or they simply reach out from across the table and you see them drawn into yourself. You should feel their energy fill you and a shift happen from within.

Drink the wine or juice being careful NOT to swallow the Star Anise! Drink all of it, either in one big gulping swig or in little sips while you sit and feel the energy flowing within you.

When you’re done, place the goblet down with your candle and let the candle burn down completely. Leave the glass on your altar overnight and allow the Star Anise to dry completely. Once dry use it as a talisman to keep you connected to this truth and authenticity. You can keep it somewhere sacred or carry it with you in a little bag. If you want to make a mojo bag for authenticity you can use this in your bag.

Any time you feel you’re losing your way, do this ceremony. This is also perfect to do for yourself on your birthday or on other anniversaries where fully embracing your truth and authenticity are important for you.

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