Magick Monday: Inside Out Magick
This Magick Monday is going to be a simple one, but one that I think is really helpful for magickal folks on all levels, especially those of you that are new or practicing in the closet.
We’re talking about working magick from the inside out.
All magick honestly comes from inside you. All the other tools and ingredients that we have as part of our practice as there to enhance the energy within yourself. They are intended to shift our mindset, to focus our thoughts, and to direct our energy into the Universe toward a desire.
None of those tools are magickal in and of themselves. They don’t hold true magickal power until you pick it up and put it to use with your intentions.
That brings us back to you and your energy. The energy from within you is going to determine a great deal of how strong your magick is. So a bit of focus and attention on your power within, spiritually and physically, is the best place to start when you’re doing magick.
Today’s we’re looking at 5 important tips for working your magick starting from the inside out.
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Tip #1 - Sleep, damnit!
This is probably the most obvious thing in the world, but I know all of us in this day and age suffer from lack of sleep, or at the very least lack of quality sleep. Laying in bed for 8 hours tossing and turning isn’t the same as actually sleeping for 8 hours. Start with the usual tips and tricks for getting better sleep; shut off your devices and stop using anything with screens an hour before bed. A few magickal things you can work with include adding crystals to your bedside (sodalite, amethyst, lepidolite, and blue celestite are great choices) and adding herb pouches to your pillow (lavender is the total go to, but I love to add chamomile, jasmine, and mugwort to dream pillows and pouches). Also spraying your bed down with soothing water and oil mists are great too (this is what I do the most, lavender spray all the way).
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Tip #2 - Drink in the vibes you need.
Tea, my magickal friends, it’s your not so secret weapon here. I’m not a tea person myself, at least not a “hey, let’s have a nice hot beverage” type of tea drinker. I’m a coffee girl, but instead, I see tea as medicine. Whether it’s for healing or if it’s for magick, I see tea as a way to connect to and use the spiritual energy of different plants. Before doing magick, it’s always a good idea to take a bit of time to chill, collect your thoughts, meditated, and get grounded into the here and now. While you’re doing this, drink a cup of tea brewed from herbs that connect to the magick you’ll be working. The better quality the tea, the better the vibes, so look for organic, wild harvested, and handcrafted teas whenever possible.
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Tip #3 - Eat mindfully in advance.
While there will always be times that you need to do magick unexpectedly or with little notice, when you know you’re planning ahead for something, watch how you eat no less than 24 hours in advance. Different people have different views on this ranging from don’t eat any animal products to just being careful to not eat anything that disrupts your personal digestion. Decide what works best for you. What kinds of foods make you feel tired or fuzzy-headed? What foods make you feel light and energized? If you’re medically capable, fasting is a great option too, even if it’s just intermittent fasting for a few days leading up to your magickal work. Remember that the goal is to feel balanced. You don’t want to feel weighted down, but you also don’t want to feel like you’re going to lift off into another plane of existence either. What makes you feel grounded and steady but awake and aware?
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Tip #4 - Silence can be magickal gold.
Full disclosure, this is not something that I can do. I talk too fucking much, but I had a friend that I worked magick with years ago that did this, and he swore by it. This brings us back to the idea of the power of words and the vibration spoken words create. If you can take a minimum of 24 hours before magickal work to not speak, you are able to do a few things. First, you reserve energy. But more importantly, you’re keeping yourself from unintentionally creating vibrations and putting energy out around you that could get in the way of the magick you’ll be working. If you’re like me and you can’t contain yourself that long, being extra aware of what you do say and even what you say to yourself internally is important. The vibration of those words becomes part of your energy and keeping your energy field as clear from unwanted vibes as you can will kickstart your magick when you get to it.
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#Tip 5 - What is the color of your insides?
Well, red, right? (Fun science fact: no, your blood is not blue before it touches the air, it’s always red but looks blue under the skin due in part to the amount of oxygen in your body but also because of the coloring of your veins and whatnot. #themoreyouknow) If you aren’t familiar with working with your chakras or your aura, this is a good time to get familiar with them. Your energy field, which projects outside of your physical body but is generated from within your body, has a color. Sometimes it may even have a texture as well. Sometimes I’ll say “my edges feel prickly” because it really does feel like the edges of my aura are pointy and everything I come in contact with seems to irritate me. Take time before doing magick to sit with your energy and “look at it.” Go into meditation and visualize your body on the screen of your mind as though it’s just an outline. Ask for your energy to be projected here in the color, shape, and texture it currently is. Does it have an appearance that is desirable for you right now? Does it look and feel like an energy that will be able to help your magick? If yes, great! You’re good to go, get on with the witchery. But if not, adjust it. Tweak the appearance in your mind’s eye but take time to feel the shift in your body as well. If you feel that you can’t make the needed change right then, consider putting your magick off for a day or two until your energy is in the right place for your work.
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Above all else just remember that YOU are the magick! The state of your energy and your inner self is what fuels your work, so always check in with it and nurture it when you know magick is planned.
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P.S. Just a little FYI; Magick Monday is going to be taking a short break for the next few months as I work on something that is going to require a great deal of my time and energy. I’ll still be doing blog posts when I can, but it will be a little less frequent until the fall. If you’re not already on my email list, please be sure to join me there because I’ll still be popping in about once a week over there.
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