Magick Monday: Portal to Divine Knowledge

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When I first started out on my spiritual and magickal path I was really young, still a kid really, and I didn’t know what any of the real point was to doing magick or divination. Like a lot of really young people that first get into magick, I was here for the fun of seeing magick work. And that’s cool, it’s a motivator to learn at first.

But later on, as I got older and became more aware of the deeper aspects of magick and spiritual knowledge I began to seek out more information about how to connect to divine wisdom. Now I wanted to learn how to receive that wisdom and channel guidance and messages from the Gods and spirits.

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Let me just say, be careful what you wish for!

While having access to the spirits and the divine wisdom is awesome, sometimes having a channel direct to that energy field can be very exhausting. But, if you’re like me and you feel like this is something that’s part of your purpose and supposed to be part of your journey (which for me, yes, it totally was/is) then you might like today’s Magick Monday working that I call the Portal to Divine Knowledge.

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This working comes in three parts:

⭐ A chakra cleansing⭐ A chakra opening⭐ Creating your portal

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Chakra Cleansing

First, you’re going to do a chakra cleansing. You can do this in whatever way feels right for you or you can check out this old post of mine about doing a chakra cleansing in the shower.

You can do this the same day that you’re going to the spell or you can do it the day or evening before. You don’t want to do it like three days or a week before since your chakras will change vibration again and you’ll need to do your cleansing all over. So plan ahead.

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Charka Opening

Next, we're doing a chakra opening meditation. you’ll want to do a laying down, resting meditation for your Crown and Third Eye Chakras using some crystals. The way I do this is to lay down in the floor with a pillow for my knees, just enough so my lower back isn’t being strained. If you do yoga, just think “I need to bring a bolster with me.” You want to be sure that your body is lined up straight so that your chakras are in physical alignment as much as possible.

For this meditation, you’ll need four crystals that have been cleared or retuned and are ready for use. You’ll need one for the Crown, one for the Third Eye, and two for your Root Charka. This is what I recommend:

? Crown: Lemurian Seed Quartz, Selenite or Clear Quartz Point (for opening to divine knowledge)? Third Eye: Amethyst, Purple or Rainbow Fluorite or Lapis Lazuli (for perceiving divine knowledge)? Root: Black Tourmaline or Black Obsidian (to keep you grounded in the meditation)

Side Note: I personally prefer Lemurian Seed and Lapis Lazuli for this since I find that they both open things up more on a higher spiritual level. Use what you have access to but if you are able, purchase a few of these stones if you don’t already have them since they’re wonderful for this sort of work.

Lay down and place your stones around you. Your Crown stone should be right above your head; if it has a point it should point downward toward your head. Your Third Eye stone should be on your Third Eye chakra point. Your Root Chakra stones should be placed at your ankles, one on the outer side of each ankle.

Then go into a meditative state in whatever way you prefer. Take some deep breaths and focus on the Crown Chakra, feeling it open up and setting the intention to receive more divine knowledge, but also asking that it be what you can handle. We don’t want to open up to being a massive funnel of wisdom we can’t use, don’t understand or can’t handle the weight of.

Then move down to your Third Eye and being to feel this opening to divine knowledge as well. Set the intention that the Divine sends you information that you are able to see, understand, and perceive using your psychic senses, your Mind’s Eye, as well as your physical eyes. Some things will come to you in everyday waking consciousness with clear messages while other things may come in meditation, dreams or through divination. The idea here to set the intention that no matter how it comes you are able to notice it and receive it.

Spend time here letting the energy flow between these two centers, feeling it fill your body. You may begin to receive information right now as you lay in meditation. Let your intuition guide you as to when you are ready to stop. You may find this only takes a short time but for many people, you may find that once out of your meditation that what felt like five minutes could be nearly an hour. So plan to do this when you won’t feel rushed.

Once you have completed this meditation give yourself a few days to begin to acclimate to how this may have shifted your perception of spiritual energies and messages. If you feel that you haven’t noticed a change, be sure that you’ve taken time to actively do some mediations or divination.

If you find that you aren’t noticing or feeling a difference, you can do the meditation again. Be sure that each time you do a chakra cleanse first and that you are cleansing your stones between uses. Also be sure to give yourself ample time to do the mediation. If you rush you will find that your work never quite seems complete. Try not to do this more than a few times a week at the most.

For some people, this opening can bring lots of messages in everyday reality while for others it doesn’t change their waking consciousness but their altered spiritual states change dramatically.Also, don’t discount small shifts in perception! This isn’t intended to suddenly turn you into some massive psychic medium or some huge channel for the Gods. Small changes will be a great way to start bigger shifts at a more comfortable pace. Just be open, be mindful, and be kind to yourself.

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Create Your Portal

The final working is to create your portal. This is going to create a space for you to specifically connect with the Divine to ask questions and gain guidance. This is in and of itself a ritual and something that you’ll do with intention and purpose. It isn’t something you’ll do quick on the fly, it’s not like pulling out some tarot cards. This is something you might reserve for doing once a month; I like to do this at the Dark Moon or the Full Moon. You can do it when you need to but since it can be a bit energetically heavy I do suggest limiting it to once or twice a month for most people.

For this you’ll need:✨ A magick mirror (aka black mirror)✨ A silver or candle✨Spiritual Vision Oil✨ Spiritual Visions Incense

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For you oil and incense, you can use blends you already have or prefer to use that are intended to open up the gateway to the spirit world. If you’d like to make something yourself, here are my recipes for Spiritual Vision oil and incense:


Mix these oils in a carrier such as jojoba or sweet almond. The amounts you use is up to you. I prefer to use 10 parts Heliotrope, 6 parts Myrrh, 6 parts Mugwort, and 2 parts Cinnamon to 20 parts carrier oil (a part is whatever base measurement you want to use, for example, 1 part = 1/2 teaspoon).


For this I use 5 parts each of the Myth and Frankincense, grinding them finely into a powder. Then I add 3 parts powdered Sandalwood and 1 part each of ground Eyebright, Wormwood, and Mugwort. These last three have fairly mild psychoactive properties but some people can be a bit sensitive to them. Make sure you are using an amount you are comfortable with. To burn this incense you will need incense coals.

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Take your mirror and smudge it with the incense. Then use your oil to draw a pentacle on the backside of the mirror. This should be as large as the mirror itself so the pentacle fills the mirror.

Place your mirror on your altar in the center laying flat. Be sure that your sitting position is at a comfortable distance where you won’t need to crane your neck or being in a hunched position. You may want to have a chair for this if you typically sit on the floor at your altar. You will be here for a while and you want to be physically comfortable.

Take your candle and anoint it with the oil. Place it in a holder and set it off to either side of the mirror. It should be far enough away that it doesn't reflect the flame directly but close enough that the light of the candle is falling on the mirror’s surface.

If you don’t have any of your incense going, burn some now. Anoint your third eye, the back of your neck and both wrists with your oil. Take a few deep breaths, breathing in the incense. Close your eyes and focus on your Crown Charka opening and then your Third Eye opening to receive guidance.

If you have any kind of prayers or invocations for protection that you use for spirit work or divination you may want to use that here.

Now it’s time to set your intention. If you have specific information you need or specific spirits or guides you need to communicate with, call them now. This should have a purpose and just be a free for all “see what comes up” type of thing.

When you’re ready, open your eyes and gaze at the mirror. Visualize information coming down through your Crown and being directed onto the mirror from your Third Eye as though it was as a film projector and your mirror a movie screen.

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This can take time, so be patient. If you have specific questions ask them out loud. If you have certain information you’re looking to learn, state what that is. Then be quiet, sit still, and focus on the mirror. The mirror acts as a place for the information to go to but it may reflect off the surface at you in other forms. Images, words, colors or symbols may begin to appear on the mirror or you may hear, see, or sense information in other ways.

Use your intuition to guide you to when it’s time to stop. In some sessions, you won’t receive any guidance while in others it may seem like a floodgate is opened. Trust that what you need you will receive. You may not gain any clear answers now but you may find that your dreams are filled with wisdom.

When you’re feeling like it is time to end, close your eyes and take a few deep brings and ground yourself fully. Release any visions and thank those you have communicated with for their guidance. Put out your candle and wrap up your mirror in cloth and put it away. You can save your candle to use next time if you wish.

Be sure to journal your experiences, even if you didn’t think you had any. Note how you felt, anything that comes to your mind, and then be sure to return the next day to record your dreams from that night since you may see more information come through that way.

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Addendum 7/17

I've had a few people ask if this is something that can be used for even more "advanced" (for lack of a better word) kind of work, specifically calling spirits through the mirror. The answer...yes! But that's something for another day and another post.

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