Magick Monday: The Curse Breaker
One of the most popular posts on my blog is one I wrote last year about hexes and curses. Sometimes I think the message of that post gets taken the wrong way.
Original Post TL;DRYes, hexes and curses are real but more often than not, nobody has actually done anything to you with magick and the effects of said “curse” is a result of your belief that you’ve been cursed.

Whether you know for a fact that someone has done magick against you or you just think they have, that curse is still real in your mind. And by “fact" I mean you walked in on it, found the aftermath of the spell or someone was a fucking moron and actually posted pictures of it on Instagram (because yes, that has happened).
Some people have the thought that if it’s “just in your head” then all you need to do is stop thinking about it or change the inner narrative. And sure, that’s an essential part of it, but if you’ve been thinking for ten years that someone cursed you and every time something you deem as bad happens you think, “FUCK! IT’S THE CURSE!!!” you have problems that go beyond just bad thoughts.
Every time you say something out loud about it, every time you name it, every time you think about it you’re adding fuel to it. Something that may have been nothing at all to begin with can be turned into something pretty serious over time.
Whether you’re dealing with known ritual magick or you’re just plagued with the thought of it, the energy is real. Working a curse breaker spell can help to cut the energetic hold that this has on your life.
Before we get to the actual magick, know that there are different kinds of curse removal or breaking processes.
Reversal is to actually send back the curse you were given to the sender.
Removal is to remove the curse from you and ground the energy (usually).
Breaking is to “destroy" the energy of the spell.
Trapping is to move the curse from you into a container of some kind.
We often talk about “breaking a curse” to end its havoc…even I did it with the title of this blog post! But more often than not you’ll be removing a curse, not breaking it.
To “break a cruse” requires the curse to have a condition on it. These are spells where the curse remains in effect until something specific happens to the cursed person or the cursed person carries out some kind of action. You likely won’t know if there is a condition on a curse, or what the condition is, without doing divination or some kind of covert witchy social engineering.
An example would be if someone places a curse on you because you bought a house that they were trying to buy. They curse you with unhappiness and feeling unsafe in this home until you sell it and move away allowing that person to buy the house. When you do finally sell and move you notice as soon as you're in your new home that everything starts falling back into place.
In this case, the condition needs to be broken to “destroyed” the energy of the curse. Destroyed is just a term of convenience since energy can’t be destroyed; instead, the energy from a curse is often grounded and neutralized.
If anyone wants me to write about reversal or trapping in the future, just let me know! But for now, let's just talk about removal.
There are many ways to remove curses depending on the tradition and culture. This is how I do it. It has worked quite well for me and others I’ve shared it with.
Curse Removal Spell
You’ll Need:
✅ Dirt from outside your home
✅ A small Mason jar (this doesn’t need to be big but needs to hold all the dirt)
✅ A large mixing bowl (large enough for your hands to fit in)
✅ 5 white candles
✅ 1 black candle
✅ Lemon essential oil
✅ Soap or salt scrub with lemon essential oil
✅ A large plate
Put the dirt in the bowl and the plate in the center of your altar. Have everything else nearby.
Lay your hands flat on the top of the dirt. Visualize the energy of the curse flowing out of your body from your hands and into the dirt. Say:
I will no longer carry this curseAnd I demand this energy now disburse.I send this shit into this dirt and soilFor the curser's ill intentions to spoil.
Begin to rub the dirt in your hands like it were water and “wash” your hands. Say:
Buried forever in the dirtNo longer will you cause me hurt.
Say this three or nine times depending on how long you feel you need to “wash” your hands.
When you’re done shake off all the dirt, put it in the jar and cover to contain the energy for now. Place the jar in the center of the dish.
Use the lemon oil to dress all the candles from the base to the wick on long strokes. Place the black candle on top of the jar of dirt and the white candles in a pentagram shape around it.
Silently light the black candle visualizing this as the spirit of the curse. Light the white candles starting with the top right point moving in a clockwise direction. Say:
(Candle 1) May you be blown away out of my life
(Candle 2) Burned into nothing by Sacred light
(Candle 3) Returned to earth to be transmuted
(Candle 4) Washed away your power diluted
(Candle 5) Forever protected by Spirit’s might.
Let all the candles burn down completely. Only snuff and relight them if you absolutely have to. It’s best to plan ahead and do this when you can let them burn down.
Gather up any leftover wax and your jar of dirt. Go somewhere away from your home where you can bury the dirt. I like this is because it returns the “cursed” dirt into the earth to be neutralized and keeps it away from your space. If you just toss it around on the ground it could potentially get back on you or onto someone else and cause yet more problems.
Find your spot, dig a hole, pour in the dirt and bury. Walk away without looking back. Dispose of the jar and wax remnants on your way back home in trash and recycling bins off your property.
When you get home, have a shower using the lemon soap. After you dry off and get dressed open the windows in your house and smudge it with sage.
Once everything is done just let this whole thing go. Know you are no longer cursed and Live as though you are free…because you are.