Make Your 2016 Bright {PRESENTS!}
By now you're probably heard me talk about how I decided this year not to realize a planner/workbook for the new year. I've enjoyed doing these in the past but I haven't had the time to make a really great one the last year or two and I didn't want to do what I see a lot of other people and keep releasing the same thing with just the dates changed but still charging you for it year in and year out. It just feels wrong to me.So since I couldn't add anything new and great to it this year I decided that I just wouldn't bother with it. I decided to release the 2016 Full Moon Poster with a 4 page "all about the moons" attachment instead. I thought that would be all I'd do and I'd move on to other things.Then last week I was looking at the old Manifesting 2015 planner/workbook and thought "Well, I could still pull out the workbook part and change the dates and just share it as a thank you gift for free. Why not!"So that's what I did. Nothing fancy. Nothing new was added to it but I know people have enjoyed this section of the planner in the past and I thought that it was too good to put away on a shelf completely. Instead I sent it out to my email list as a freebie with a quick end of the year thank you note.But I also wanted to share it here.Below you'll see a button to download the workbook for free along with a button to grab the 2016 Full Moon Poster in case you missed that. These are my thank you gifts to you for hanging with me through the crazy ups and downs of 2015.I'm excited for 2016 and the new possibilities it is bringing. I hope to have you with me on that journey! [wc_divider style="image2" margin_top="" margin_bottom=""][wc_row][wc_column size="one-half" position="first"]
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[wc_button type="primary" url="" title="Manifesting 2016" target="self" position="float"]Download Manifesting 2016[/wc_button]
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[wc_button type="primary" url="" title="2016 Full Moons" target="self" position="float"]2016 Full Moon Poster[/wc_button]
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